This was posted 13 years 3 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free LEGO Mini-Figure This Sunday - SYDNEY Metro Only. Need to Buy SunHearld


Sydney editions only
Free Lego figures

16 minifigures available. Get yours in a mystery bag with The Sun-Herald on Sunday.…


Terms & Conditions: One LEGO® Minifi gure free with every purchase of The Sun-Herald on Sunday, December 11 only. Each LEGO® Minifi gure comes with accessories, a display plate and a collector’s leafl et detailing the entire Series 4 collection. There are 16 different LEGO® Minifi gures available to collect. Each comes in a sealed “mystery” bag and distribution is random. While stocks last and
strictly not for resale. RRP $4.99. Minifi gures only available at participating metropolitan Sydney newsagencies. LEGO, the LEGO logo and the Minifi gure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2011 The LEGO Group.

Mod: Removed freebie tag.

Here is a youtube video of them opening the series 4 packet:

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The Sydney Morning Herald
The Sydney Morning Herald

closed Comments

  • +1

    So its not free, you have to buy a paper.

    Also, boo to them for limiting it to Sydney Metro.

    • +1

      Yes, add this to the title.

  • +2

    What !!!, why not Melbourne ???

    Who want's to trade cheap beer for a lego figurine this week ???

    • +2

      i do! always wanted the cheap beer! mmmm…cheap beer…. :)

  • +3

    I will swap a "West Australian" for anyone who gets the Nordic Warrior, Frankenstein, Or Chemical suit character

    I will throw in "Sunday Times" paper free as well.

  • +2

    Video of them opening the package and what it should look like when you get it from the newsagency!

  • +3

    Lol at the minifigure of the hooker with her clothes ripped off? (Last row, third one)

    Oh, wait. I get so confused between hookers and popstars.

    Edit: Ah crap, noticed its an ice skater. Joke failure.

    • +1

      I get so confused between hookers and popstars.

      too right! so many look like that..

      @OP btw, you may want to add something to the title just so people are aware it links to a *.pdf..

  • might be a stupid question but how much is the newspapar? hvnt bought any newspaper in the last 7 years…

    • Sunday Telegraph is $2, so I'm guessing they're $2 as well

    • in the same boat as you mate. Can't be more than $3

  • Too bad I'm in Melb. But I'm sure a few of these will go on eBay.

  • is it ok to purchase multiple papers because there is only 1 in 16 chance of getting the one you actually want.

  • Shame it's only Series 4 Minifigures, I already have all the ones I want. Will still be picking up multiple papers for this, as they're $5 RRP

  • That Bio-Hazard one looks sweet.

  • +1

    thanks mate for this, maybe buy 16 newspapers and trade eachother here OZB? ;)

  • +1

    zomfg thats so cool. Frikkin love lego!

  • Mentioning this for completeness: the series 4 minifigures are still selling in most Toys R Us stores for $3.99 RRP.

    Also, TRU will no doubt be having a 20% off LEGO discount before long, making them $3.19.

    You'll be taking a risk if you're hoping to buy up lots of Heralds to sell the minifigs on eBay for a profit - it's an oversaturated market for later series minifigs there. (If it had been Series 1 or 2 that would be a different story.)

    I'm a LEGO fan and although I think it's good there is a LEGO promotion at all, there have been much better newspaper offers in other countries, especially the UK where they get exclusive minifigure sets, such as a Pirates of the Caribbean Captain Jack Sparrow with boat, Pharaoh's Quest artefacts, Star Wars models, City models and other unique releases with actual pieces along with the minfigs.

    • If we wanted to hear about UK promotions, we'd read Eurobricks. As it stands, they're rather irrelevant to us, so we take what we can get. I'll buy maybe half a dozen papers for the S4 minifigs because they're still significantly cheaper than buying even with the 3-for-2 or 20% off sales.

  • +1

    Hello there.
    I have 4 unopened packets and also I have an Artist, Soccer guy, Punk rocker and Geisha for trade.
    I need am looking for a viking, muskateer, hockey guy and surf chick.
    I am near parramatta area.
    Contact me for more details. Would also consider selling.

    • i have the viking and mad scientist whats your contact details

      • You can email me.
        [email protected]

      • Oh can I trade a mad scientist? for Number 12, whoever the heck it is, some chewbacca look alike lol

        • Yep happy to trade, how can i contact you - enable your contact feature in ozbargain?

      • Hey shoot me an email at: winstonpang [at]

    • I have the guy number 12, looks like chewbacca as a double, don't mind a trade for soccer or geisha or the likes

  • I have two ARTIST, would like to trade for any of
    *Hazmat Guy

    • Hey i got the werewolf as a spare, i want the artist!

    • I have a spare frankenstein.

  • I have the following spare:

    • Ice Skater
    • Werewolf

    I need:

    • Artist
    • Viking
    • Frankenstein
    • Musketeer
    • Mad Scientist
    • Soccer Player
    • Hi, Winston, I can swop my Artist for your Werewolf, but how can we do the swop? Email me to [email protected]. Thx.

      • Hey mate, sorry trading with roofyapple today, trading two of mine.

        Good luck.

        On another note, anyone have any spares that they're happy to give away? ;)


        • Artist
        • Viking
        • Soccer Player
        • Musketeer
        • Geisha
        • Sailor
  • I currently have to Trade a Soccer Player and a Geisha.

    I am looking for Musketeer and Hockey Player.

    I also have access to trade Werewolf, Frankenstein Monster, Mad Scientist and Skater.

    Again I am just looking for Musketeer and Hockey Player.

  • I am 5 away from a set haha

    • Viking
    • Soccer Player
    • Musketeer
    • Geisha
    • Sailor
  • I've got viking, scientist and frankenstein for swap.

    I'm after hockey, musketeer and skateboard dude

    • Hey,

      Thanks again for coming out for the swap.

      Damn if only I had another spare one, to swap for the viking haha

  • Tried to see if any other newsagencies would sell some left over packets, but most are out or some are looking for the token still haha

  • I've got artist, werewolf and surfer for swap.
    I need geisha, viking, skate boarder and frankenstein. Email me at [email protected] if interested. Burwood or Hurstville area. Thx

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