Brand New Air Conditioner Damaged?

So I bought this Dimplex AC from Good Guys last week, opened up the box tonight (seemed completely sealed) and everything was packaged as you'd expect, preparing it for install tomorrow and I noticed the damage to whatever the heck these metal parts are. It's like they've been bent, also where the front panel connects one of the connectors seem bent (haven't photo'd this year)

I don't know if it's actually going to cause any issues with the operation or I should take it back to The Good Guys and swap it over. Probably overthinking it?……


  • +5

    whatever the heck these metal parts are

    Radiator fins. The whole essence of how an air con unit works by heat exchange.

    100000000% DO NOT INSTALL and get it replaced straight away. It's probably already leaking or will do soon.

    • I just looked up radiator fins and there is a fair few videos of straightening them, but if there is potential to leak I'll definitely contact GG tomorrow. Was one of the first things I noticed when opening up the box tonight, hoping they don't think I caused the issue. More so concerned it had already been returned then passed on to me.

      Thanks for the heads up!

      • +4

        Those fins don't have liquid/gas running through them, but the pipes directly behind them do. You can see the pipes in your photos.
        The fins are just heat radiators, and how heat is removed from those pipes.

        I would ask for replacement since you just bought it, but it would probably be okay even with the bent fins.

        • Yeh I just had a closer inspection the pipes behind seem to be in tact and definitely nothing leaking. From the videos online straightening them seems pretty easy but given it was picked up during the week to install tomorrow I think it's probably wise I replace it now. Cheers for the comments though, kinda got myself into a panic without being able to contact TGG or Dimplex at this time of night haha

    • +1

      100000000% DO NOT INSTALL and get it replaced straight away. It's probably already leaking or will do soon.

      This is bollocks. It is perfectly fine to operate. Yeah it's brand new and would have cost some coin so get a replacement only if it's convenient.

      These fins are very thin and bend with the lightest of pressure. Just follow a YouTube video to repair if you feel the need to.

      Check out your car radiator /AC condenser / transmission cooler, I can guarantee it they have quite a few bent cooling fins but because you can't see it you don't care.

      • In the second picture you can clearly see the heat pipe is bent in the seemingly blue-discoloured section. That could cause a leak either now or future. It’s not worth taking the risk on a brand new product.

  • …. I have no idea what it is… or what it does… but if part of my newly delivered aircon looks like that, I would ask for a replacement.

  • +1

    As long as pipes behind fins are not damaged you will notice no difference in the operation. But being that it's brand new seems reasonable to ask for replacement.

  • the damage could be used to deny a future warranty claim. get it replaced

    • This is the most relevant comment ^

    • +1

      I work for a manufacturer and have never denied a warranty claim due to fin damage, damage appears to be superficial and will likely have no effect on operation.

  • I guess it depends on personal preference. If it were me, I would ask for a replacement. For peace of mind and for possible future warranty claims. Also if I paid full price then I expect undamaged goods. If too much hassle asking for a replacement, maybe ask for a discount? I find most major retailers are usually good in helping out customers with problems.

  • You got lucky… here is my 82" TV from Catch:

    • Ouch!

    • Tis the season haha

    If there is no condensor pipe damage, you could use a Condenser Fin Comb for straightening the radiator fins

  • +3

    Thanks to everyone for the responses. The Good Guys have been pretty helpful. General consensus is the "damage" probably wouldn't effect operation and could probably be straightened with a comb but given it's a brand new unit asking for a replacement is reasonable. The store I got it from were without stock but are organising one for me on Monday from another store.

    Panicked a little bit opening her up well after customer service hours to see that but glad it probably just looks worse than actually is.

    Thanks again for the comments and tips, much appreciated!

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