This was posted 13 years 2 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Brink PS3 $9 Aus Version from + Other PS3 Games


Not the special edition, but does not matter. This mediocre game is only $9 so it's perfect for a stocking stuffer.

Also on 360 but meh.

Game currently has a fairly good sale, check it out if you have not already. Online lists all the prices, while many cheap things are sold out, in store might have something.

Also on PS3
$5 TNA Impact
$9 Kane and Lynch 2
$20 Godfather 2
$22 Dead to Rights 2
$22 Dynasty Warrios Strikeforce
….and so on.

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • Cheers :D

  • +1

    haha @ meh

    • +1

      I laughed as well

  • Fallout NV for $24 seems good?

    • +1

      For local stock it is

  • -6
    • It went out of stock though, and now it's back in stock.

    • +1

      Decided to keep this deal rather than removing it for duplication as it also lists other PS3 games that are on special.

      • +1

        Oh, sorry for the duplicate post, just noticed then. My bad, ill be more careful in the future.

        • +6

          Better to post a duplicate, than nothing, haters gonna hate

  • +1

    Godfather 2 for $20 is a good deal. Good game imo.

    • the horse head mini game is the best.

  • Bought Brink for PS3 the other day, it arrive next day or two. Very fast delivery

    • Did you get a FREE DLC code?

      • I got the free DLC with mine.

        Game is an atrocity though. A game aimed at online multi with no one playing it online. I will be pawning it on eBay this weekend.

  • picked up 3 copies a day or two ago. games not THAT bad. i like it.

    hopefully more people playing now, so you can actually play with people :)

    • You make 3 extras anyway.

  • Is Kane & Lynch 2 any good? I enjoyed the demo but I did head that it sucked

    • It's pretty bad. Seemed like it was half finished, which is a shame, as the first one was actually quite playable.

    • Story is terrible and the shaking camera starts to get to you, but if you play co-op it is still pretty fun.

  • I got this deal and started playing Brink last night. It's quite awful. I couldnt even get into a multiplayer match, was taking ages to join one.

    Anyone know it's trade in value?

    Kane & Lynch 2 is good, if not very good. I bought it ages ago for $10 and it was money well spent. It's not in the least bit broken and doesnt deserve the bad ratings it got. Personally I like the subject matter and its gritty style. Probably not the best game in the genre, but then it's a bargain price. So my advice to those on the fence is to buy Kane & Lynch 2, and avoid Brink. Unless my multiplayer joining issues were a once off. A quick scroll above seems to suggest that multiplayer on Brink sucks for everyone. I think that's perhaps been the worst game I've bought this generation.

    Also, with my copy of Brink, I don't think it was a new copy. It was sealed, but not in the normal way - it was more of a home made seal. And the manual wasn't damaged, but there were minor creases in it. I think they've sold me a pre-owned, or a returned copy as new. Naughty naughty GAME.

    • Kane & Lynch 2 sucks.

  • dynasty game any good?

  • +1

    I bought a copy the other day as well n traded it next door to JB Hifi for $15 lol.

  • do you guys know where I can buy ncaa football 11 for ps3 for $20???

  • thanks mate. got it from the instore.

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