Been waiting for it to drop, fair price for this game.
PS5 update already rolled out.
[PS4] Days Gone $19 + Shipping / Pickup @ JB Hi-Fi

Last edited 18/12/2020 - 10:22 by 1 other user
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You're kidding - mine just arrived from last sale. Oh well
Can you return it if you did no open it?
Probably could return it, but i guess it's nice to have the actual game
Keep in mind if you are subscribed to PS+ you get this for free as part of the collection!
I am looking forward to trying it out after I get through Detroit Become Human.
The PlayStation Plus Collection is only for PS5 owners.
if you know someone with a PS5, you can log into their PS5 and add all the games to your library and then play them on your PS4. I did it for my brother, but then saw youtube videos of consoles getting banned due to people selling the collection or having a large amount of claims on one console.
Not an amazing price but definitely a good price for the amount of hours you get out of it. It's around a 35 hour game if you do most of the stuff while doing the campaign.
Completely agree - you'll get plenty of play time out of it, even longer if you take a bit of extra time to look around and make sure you do everything. Engaging through to the end of the story too unlike some games which just repeat the same things over and over again. It's a bit slow to start, but I'll put that down to building the story and setting up things for later on.
Well underated game imo, just finished it with my PS5 and loved it. Took me well over 60hrs to finish it.
Great game, I really enjoyed it.
Love this game but had some issue on PS4 like frame rate slow downs when you upgraded your bike which never got fixed. Did this get fixed for PS5?
Either way it’s a must play
PS5 is absolutely solid. Dynamic 4K60.
Sounds good
started playing this for free on the PS5, honestly looks like a ps5 game.
great game. first half is a bit of a drag. good price!
I completely disagree. It's a horrible game with terrible voice acting and an unenjoyable story.
Yep agree with you on how bad it is but for me i enjoyed it similar to how people like those intentionally bad movies.
The main character grunting and making noises like a maniac when your clearing out camps is still stuck in my head. “Ughhh haaaa ugh how you like that killing innocent people UHhH not anymore hagggh”
The main character comes across as a lunatic, shouting wildly in response to someone talking to him calmly. Convinced they didn't provide the voice actors much context when they recorded their lines, its like they're having two different conversations sometimes.
That said - really enjoying the game, been playing on and off for the past few months, feels like I'm coming pretty close to the ending after uncovering most of the map.
Very well done game. I had nightmares about hordes chasing me playing this.
They genuinely do give you a sense of stress, for a video game, especially early on when you haven’t got the best gear. When you exit the camps you are on your own and the game embodies that pretty well.
I see the Saw Mill Horde when I close my eyes 😳
Honestly one of the best games from last generation. Would easily put it in the top 5 PS4 games.
This a very good game. Kinda spewing I finished it before the 60fps patch on PS5. With 60fps this would definitely be one of the good ones and I look forward to a sequel.
Wow I can't believe I'm on my own here on disliking this game. It was so poorly made and unenjoyable
did you complete the whole game?
i found the first 25-30 hours a drag and boring. but the second half really picked upDude, props to you for sticking through what you considered a boring first 30 hours - not sure I could do that and definitely not an indictment on the game - that just takes a tonne of commitment.
haha thanks. i got it during melbourne lockdown. i had no choice but to tough out the first half. had nothing else to do lol
I made it up to the point where I had to steal antibiotics and heal the best friends arm. I gave up I tried my best but just couldn't get into it
Yeah that part is boring, it's super linear at the beginning and I almost gave up myself but once you get let loose the game really begins.
Note - I cannot however get into TLOU, I have tried 3 times and just don't enjoy the game play.
Not sure whether to give TLOU2 a go…
Grab it while it's hot people, once they're gone… days gone.
Awesome game, people who played it post release may have had a buggy experience but having bought it 3 months ago it is great.
One of the best games on PS4 (after the patches and updates)
Not quite GOTY quality like TLOU2 but it comes close for sure
TLOU2 was great. But definitely not GOTY.
Toss up between TLOU2 and Tsushima for me. I would have been happy with either winning - both were brilliant in their own right.
TLOU2 was a good game, interesting story, really enjoyed the non stop intensity, but it did nothing new. I guess a polished game goes a long way in 2020…. (Cyberpunk)…
Love this game. Feels of rdr2 but with simple, dark storyline. Melee smack downs of freaks gives me thrills. Decapitations and bikes.
I'm having regular freezes on my PS4 pro, but could be HDD, disk etc. Worth it.
$13 with my $6 credit from TLOU2. Not expecting much but should be an ok play from the looks of it.
does anyone know where I can find out what games will be updated for PS5, so that way I can actually play my PS4 games before I sell it and or keep the ones that at least will upgrade for PS5 or play on PS5?
Note: [PS+] denotes the game is on PS Plus Collection. Do watch out that some of the so called 60 FPS are on 1080p mode. 1440p resolution means it will be scaled up to 4K as PS5 doesn't support native 1440p mode (at least not yet).
- Crysis Remastered – Now at 60 FPS
- [PS+] Days Gone: 4K resolution and 60 FPS
- Dark Souls III – Boost to 60 FPS
- Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories – Now at 60 FPS
- Dreams: now at 60 FPS in 1440p resolution
- Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture: Now at 60 FPS
- [PS+] Final Fantasy XV: 60 FPS in Performance Mode ‘lite’
- Genshin Impact: Now at 60 FPS
- Ghost of a Tale: 60 FPS with VSync on
- Ghost of Tsushima: Resolution Mode now with 60 FPS
- Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: Performance Mode at 1080p and 60 FPS
- [PS+] God of War: Performance Mode at 60 FPS (1080p), Disc version (without patch can do dynamic 4K 60FPS)
- Hitman and Hitman 2: Now at 60 FPS
- [PS+] InFamous: Second Son – Boost to 60 FPS
- InFamous: First Light – Boost to 60 FPS
- Kholat – Boost to 60 FPS
- Killzone: Shadow Fall – Boost to 60 FPS with 1080p resolution
- Kingdom Hearts 3: now locked at 60 FPS, no drops
- Knack 2: Now at 60 FPS
- [PS+] Monster Hunter World: resolution mode now at 60 FPS and 4K
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice – Boost to 60 FPS
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Now at 60 FPS in 1080p Resolution
- Star Ocean: The Last Hope – Now at 60 FPS in 4K Resolution
- Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order – Now at 60 FPS in 1080p resolution
- PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds: Performance Mode with 60 FPS
- The Evil Within 2 – Now at 60 FPS
- [PS+] The Last Guardian: 60 FPS in 1800p if we use the disc version; not digital
- [PS+] Until Dawn: 1080p resolution at 60 FPS
It's free on PS5's PS+ Collection by the way.…