Cheapest Possible Laptop / Tablet for Using Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom, YouTube, Email and Banking

I'm looking for the cheapest possible laptop that can basically do video calls and online browsing with the highest demand being YouTube and emails / banking that's it.

Preferably something portable so 14 inches and lower but honestly the only limiting factor here is lowest possible price and being functional to do all the above.

I can do in store pickup or delivery.

Reason I'm asking this is because I may have been scammed unfortunately by a fellow ozbargainer but I'm giving the delivery delay till after the holidays to arrive in case it gets stuck in holiday postage limbo or whatever.

So yeah researching alternative options now.

Postage would be to NSW 2780 if I can't go physically get it myself.

Thank you.

Stay safe, well and happy.

Happy holidays.


  • +2

    Tbh a phone might be the cheapest option.

    • The person I am buying this for has a phone that is what he is using now for all the above.

      His current laptop is getting pretty old and laggy so I am trying to find him a very cheap replacement.

      • +1

        Linux or ChromeOS (ie CloudReady) on the existing laptop will see a performance boost.
        As might a RAM or SSD upgrade.

      • I don't understand this. You're saying the only requirement is that is legit, but you've indicated that the need for a new laptop is because their old one is slow? So actually, you need a reasonably fast laptop too!

        There is certainly NO guarantee that just any cheap laptop you pick up will be any faster than their old one - any cheap laptop might have a netbook cpu (e.g. celeron N series), low ram (4GB), and no SSD … that would run like a sloth!

  • +1
  • +1

    I'd probably just use my phone
    If that doesn't work for you, maybe look on gumtree/marketplace and get something second hand

    Pretty much any laptop built in the last 10 years will meet your specs, just fins the cheapest second hand one and buy it

    • The person I am buying this for has a phone that is what he is using now for all the above.

      His current laptop is getting pretty old and laggy so I am trying to find him a very cheap replacement.

      Basically just trying to see if anyone knows of any non risky places that sell very cheap laptops that can do all the above.

      Does not need to be flashy just working, cheap and legitimate.

      I have one coming from another state for $250 but I am getting a bit worried it might have been a scam if it does not arrive within a few weeks.

      So looking for more legitimate places.

      • +2

        He could buy a bluetooth keyboard for his phone. Or if his phone is kinda crap and that's the problem, he could buy a better phone. I bet your friend already wants a better phone if that's the case. Kinda funny that he's going to you to advice, but you're just asking some random people awake at midnight.

        • It's a bit silly yes but he is my grandfathers friend so I don't mind helping him just don't want to overspend on him.

          He is not the most technologically literate so better he comes to me than get swindled and pay for something that he doesn't need or overpay for something.

  • Lenovo duet? There's cheaper tablets but this has a KB included.

    Or else is secondhand an option?

  • +2

    Put an ssd and a suitable Linux distro on the old laptop.

  • Just look for the cheapest laptop. It will be small and basic.

  • In my opinion pay a bit more and get something decent…


    • FLAT $300 off Code : XMAS20


  • Lenovo Duet, best of both worlds as a tablet with a detachable keyboard.

    $399 at most retailers at the moment.

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