So I was going to throw my PS4 original w/ games (and 2 controllers) on Gumtree and wasn't sure how much $ was fair
Can anyone suggest a price? Thanks for your help
- Spider-man
- The last of us 2
- Final fantasy 7 remake
- Detroit: Become human
- Red dead redemption 2
- Mafia 3
- GTA 5
- Metal gear solid 5
- Street fighter 5
- Uncharted 4
- The division
- Horizon zero dawn
- Assassin's creed origins
- Wipeout omega collection
- Diablo 3
- Assassin's creed odyssey
- Tomb raider
- For honor
- Destiny
- Crash bandicoot Nsane trilogy
- Final fantasy 15
- Uncharted The lost legacy
- Assassin's creed unity
- The order 1886
- Knack
- inFamous second son
- Assassin's creed 4
- The last of us remastered
- Killzone shadow fall
So all up 29 games
I usually create a spreadsheet, search eBay and Gumtree for cheapest available then list mine for $5 cheaper. Depends if you want to get rid of it quickly or not, you will make much more money if you sell everything individually.