I Scraped My Car, Can I Paint over It?

To make a shit week worse, I managed to side scrape my car (was in a bad mood at the time so was careless).


Looks deep to me and also an expensive repair, not something I can just paint over … ?


  • +5

    It'll buff out…

  • Doesn't look so bad. If it's not a very new car and you're handy with body filler and paint it would be an easy fix. Or if you want it fixed properly by a body shop you're probably looking at around $500-$600.

    • +2

      Haha there is no way in hell that is getting done for $5-600. It is also quite bad, damage to sill, trim and door.

      • Depends where you take it. $600 isn't an unreasonable guess for this damage. Yes, there is some slight damage to the sill, but as you pointed out, it's also trim damage which seems to have taken the brunt of the impact. I had a very similar impact on my car, a bit worse actually, and it was $620 all up through a local basher.

        • +2

          The silly is creased in multiple places and down to bare metal. That isn't "slight damage".

      • If OP lives near Springvale he could get it done for that much. I did something similar ages ago to a side panel, had it fixed for that price.

  • Claim on your insurance…

  • +2

    Been there, done that. Mine was only the skirting and cost $1200 to fix. Not sure how michaelpls got their quote as yours is both skirting and door; happy to be proven wrong.

    I got mine done at the smash repairer, if that helps, so it was back to like it had never had happened.

  • +2

    just grab a can of white touch up spray that matches the colour code and go to town, its low and the paint doesn't look pearl or metallic won't nearly be as noticeable

  • Liquid paper to white it out.

    That’s why you have a white colour car.

  • +1

    You showing metal there, make sure you rust protect it before touching it up!

  • how much is the car
    is it a station car
    how old is the car
    got insurance? what's ur excess
    got kids?

    I've done that before but mines a station car with kids
    just hand buff, add some protection for rust and touched up myself
    go to super cheap auto

    however if itsba high yield Merc go get it done with insurance

    • +1

      Whats a station car?

      • +2

        One you drive to the train station carpark that will get banged up by other idiots anyway and broken into, so you don't care too much about it.

        • +2

          yeah one that u don't care, gets u to a and b, parks at station gets scratched
          one u park in the driveway, and pray for huge hail lol

  • Depends on the value of the car. If it's a shit box then just diy it as best as you can.

  • Not so bad. It’s still driveable.

    1. Insurance claim
    2. Private panel beater repair
    3. Buy new bits from wrecker
    4. Hammering, bog and paint
    5. Just paint.
    6. Leave it and save for any of the above as is your preference.

  • My guess…..$4000

  • +1

    To be done properly :

    New door skin - painted
    New trim - painted
    New sill will cost a bomb. They effectively replace the right side of your car. Depending on model that could include the a pillar, b pillar and right rear quarter panel, possibly c pillar and roof rails - painted $$$$$.cc

    To be done on the cheap:

    Bog, sandpaper, paint

  • Expensive lesson to never drive angry.

  • I have no advice, just want to let you know that I feel for you. I've had someone kick my car and someone else reverse in to it and both times I had to pay to get it fixed

  • Car is a write off op.

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