Obtain a Free $20 coupon code from Little Birdie - sent instantly
Choose Target as seller (NOT Target as pick up)
Shipping is free - no club catch required.
Combine with 6% off gift cards - Delivered instantly and you can choose exact amount.
Obtain a Free $20 coupon code from Little Birdie - sent instantly
Choose Target as seller (NOT Target as pick up)
Shipping is free - no club catch required.
Combine with 6% off gift cards - Delivered instantly and you can choose exact amount.
You are right!
I have updated both posts, thanks
For SmartShopper App users, you can get 8%.
What’s that?
Sorry, I should have said Rewards Gateway. The app name is SmartShopper but it's actually Rewards Gateway.
Now the game is to find a console
keep an eye on this: https://www.thegoodguys.com.au/playstation/gaming/gaming-con…
potential restock soon. No word on other retailers though. However, HN supposedly recieving pre-order deliveries today/tomorrow so there may be cancellations. Hope this helps.
Thanks a lot, I will try to keep the hope low, to be less disappointed when I invariably won't manage to get one
no worries. i recommend subscribing to the ps5 thread on OZB and whirlpool forums. Usually the best way to get one if a restock happens
Really mate? Any source?
I ordered a PS4 controller early last week on Catch, be aware it still hasnt shipped, I keep getting updates 'we are working on it pls be patient' (via Target with the Latitude Pay deal) just an FYI on their parcel delays. Hoping I receive it before xmas!
Nice, and perfect timing when I am looking for a second controller! Thanks Op
Why can’t we select Target as pick up? The code seems to work with pick up
The reason why I mentioned that is because people start complaining that there is a fee. When the point of post is to get free shipping by choosing Target as seller. If you choose pick up then it’s being sold by Catch and they ask for a fee.
There’s no fee as far I can see. No shipping fee and can collect from Target so probably faster than their shipping
Ah right pick from Target as seller. Yeah that should be fine if you prefer pick up
Same question here. Edit: answered above
how many controllers do we get when we buy ps5?
Just the one
One does not simply…. Buy a PS5 🤔
Thanks I got one for $83 pickup from local Target.
Thanks, absolute steal at that price. Wasn't planning to get a 2nd controller for a few months but can't resist at that point.
I was able to combine this with the $15 off first Lattitude Pay purchase on Catch to bring the price down to $74. Chose free click and collect for my local target store and had the controller within 3 hours of purchasing.
I purchased couple of days ago when it was $109.00
Any chance of returning that to catch?
Thank you
I tried to buy catch gift cards today but it seems they're reverted back to 6%