Credit card 2FA, what does your bank use?

It seems on some websites, and sometimes just for higher value transactions, the merchant requires your bank verify that it really is you when making a payment from a credit card.

Some banks do this by sending a 6 digit number to your mobile phone (if you've one registered with your bank) by SMS for you to enter into the vendor's website when making a payment.

Other banks throw questions at you on the vendor's website that only you should know the answer to, like what's your mother's maiden name and where did you go to school.

Which bank are you with and how are higher value credit card transactions verified? Code sent via SMS? Personal questions? Does your app have a pop up notification? Something else?

Poll Options

  • 24
    code sent via SMS to mobile phone
  • 0
    pop up personal questions on website
  • 2
    mobile app pop up notification to acknowledge
  • 6
    enter a 2FA code generated by hardware key or app
  • 1


  • +1

    Which bank in Australia that compatible/ support yubikey? I guess none….

  • With UBank you get two choices. By default it's SMS sent to your mobile. But you can configure the mobile app to receive push notification instead.

    • That's when you make a credit card transaction? As opposed to logging into your bank. I'm specifically asking when you enter your credit card details into a shopping site and it needs to verify you own the card…

      • Oops, sorry I misunderstood.

  • My bank used to only take bags of blood.

  • questions only you should know the answer to, like what's your mother's maiden name and where did you go to school.

    lol, these are so useless. Couple minutes on someone's facebook profile could answer either of these.

  • -1
    Merged from What options does your credit card give you for authenticating large purchases with 3D Secure?

    Sometimes, when making a larger purchase from a store with a credit card, you are required to verify that you are the cardholder using the 3D Secure mechanism.

    But different banks implement this in different ways.

    Some banks require you to have a mobile phone number registered and a SMS code is sent for you to enter.

    Others get you to enter a pre arranged password.

    Others ask you questions like your mother's maiden name.

    Maybe some send a notification to a mobile app for you to tap accept?

    What does your credit card provider ask when making high value purchases online?

    Please provide name of Bank and what type of question is asked.

    • +7

      This sounds like phishing.

    • Is this for a school/uni project maybe?

      • This is because I'd like a credit card that I can use to purchase items online without providing a mobile phone number to the bank.

        If banks only support SMS verification then 1. you must provide a mobile number, and 2. you cannot use the card while overseas if you do not have roaming in that country.

    • +6

      This is the second forum post you've made about various credit card security systems…seems a bit strange to be honest

      • People misunderstood the first post, I hoped to make the wording clearer. In the first post many assumed I was talking about logging into their Internet banking.

    • I’m not telling

    • +1

      I'm with Gringotts and they use a Probity Probe.

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