Dot think there are many guitar bundles as cheap out there.…
Dot think there are many guitar bundles as cheap out there.…
I also saw Wii and PS3 ones mixed in the stack at my local JB yesterday but wasnt sure of price as it wasnt labelled yet… May be for all 3 consoles???
what do these normally go for ? $150? and are they backwards compatible with all the older stuff?
I bought a guitar (no game) for around about $80 a few years ago. normally the bundles are 100+ unless they are on sale. and as far as i know all games are compatable with any guitar (eg i bought gh3 guitars and they work worked with gh4 and legends of rock)
This is a pretty handy compatability chart between music games:
You pick a game or instrument and it tells you which other games it is compatible with. It looks like this guitar should work with every other music game released.
Got myself one of these for XBOX360, free shipping too, thanks
At last available for PS3 and better price than EB Games ($65) which they had none in stock.
Can someone post the link to the Online store for these, or are they only available at their B&M shops ??
thnx Bob. I wonder how many deals JbHiFi Online miss out on because of their pp web-site.
Dot think there are many guitar bundles as cheap out there.
There aren't ANY! i called around and no body had a guitar (just the controller).. thank you so much for posting this, now i can finally play GH metallica!
deleted double post
Works fine on windows if you have a 360-pc wireless receiver :)
I bought this game including all the instruments (i.e guitar/drumkit/microphone) about a week or 2 ago from Harvey Norman for $47 at Auburn. Xbox 360 by the way. Not sure if there were any extra bundles though, but there were a few guitar packages left. 1500 point cards were also $19 there =)
Hey mate, I can scan the receipt for you but I'm not really sure how to upload it onto this site? That was my first comment ever lol
Is this the cheapest way to get a 2nd guitar? seems like it despite getting a game as well?
I just gone one in store for the $39, They were out the back well hidden though.
The 2 packs for the $69 were also there.
(Xbox 360, Browns plains QLD)
Anyone seen one for the wii at this price in Sydney?
Oh great, mine is awaiting shipment. Last time this happened it took almost a month for it to arrive!
Got mine today, although it was shipped from my local store.
In store I also saw the two guitar pack for $69 and the drum/guitar/mic pack for $89. These were 360 and PS3.