This was posted 4 years 2 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

25% off Services When Purchasing a 4plus Care Plan @ Volkswagen


Show your Volkswagen you still care with an 4Plus Care Plan, now available for every Volkswagen over 4 years old.

A 4Plus Care Plan lets you skip the hassle when your next service rolls around. It works by bundling your services together in either a 2-year or 4-year plan, with savings ranging from $95 and up to $606 off the RRP (based on the total cumulative costs of Essential Service and Essential Service Plus products).

Care plan packages are also available for new VW's if your vehicle hasn’t had its first scheduled service and is no more than 15 months old with less than 22,500km on the odometer.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Best way to save is not to buy a time bomb like a VW

    • -1


    • +4

      Which is interesting…I guess I've been lucky. My Scirocco I've had for 5 years and outside a few usual things you'd expect for a now 8 year old car, I haven't had to spend much.

      VW's dry DSGs were problematic though. So guess picking a car with a wet clutch worked out well.

      • +1

        Scirocco friend! I was having issues with my dsg coming outta gear, turned out my battery was stuffed.

        • oh…weird..I've never heard of that.

          My 2nd battery just died (after 4 years). Just wouldn't start though.

          Lucky they had the wet DSG ey. I do need to do a few things now, but..not really unexpected on an 8 year old car (some suspension stuff, I think also potentially the wheel bearings).

          But otherwise..been pretty OK. Surprised really.

    • I thought all the VW sooks were just engaging in hyperbole - that is until the water pump on my GTI shat itself apart at 60,000kms and DSG caved in at 95,000kms.

      Lesson learnt and back to Japanese / Korean for me.

      • covered by stat warranty? or your own pocket?

        • +2

          Water pump own pocket because I didn't know any better.

          Currently at war with VGA over the DSG for which they are offering to pay 30% parts and labour (I am arguing for 100% under ACL claiming product insufficiently durable). Time will tell.

          • @Tafe: 30% with no admission of fault right? Classy. Engaged legal counsel or self representation?
            Asking because the next car is/was to be a VW/Skoda. Seems like all these red flags are waving about..

          • @Tafe: I am at the same boat - 5 year old Tiguan with 60K the water pump gone, paid $1500 for it but waiting for a goodwill refund from VW australia as I complained coolant loss approx 200ml from the coolant reservoir every year.

            • +2

              @ssp88: 30% and no-one will provide it to me in writing, even though their complaints process explicitly states they will. No discussion of responsibility and they insist on calling it "goodwill".

              VGA tell me they have provided reasoning to dealership and dealership can provide paperwork, dealership claim correspondence between them and VGA is confidential.

              We are not at tribunal stage, (my case is currently "under review" by a "senior manager") but if we get there I will self-represent (legal counsel would cost more than the cost of simply sucking it up).

              I understand all cars can have problems, and most manufacturers are hesitant to pay out cash unnecessarily, but I do get the feeling that VW a particularly bad in this respect and so I'm done with them - which sucks, because the cars are great in so many other ways.

      • I also learnt the lesson… but now I'm waiting for the diesel gate payout hahabha

      • what year is it?

  • +5

    VW should show us they care to be honest.

  • +2

    Just waiting for the Tesla fan boys to show :)

  • -4

    VW = F***wagon, they care not about their customers after sales, mainly how much more and more they can get out of ya.

  • lol

  • I do care WHY the VW marketing Dept brainstormed this “brilliant idea “ ….

  • Waiting for the Dieselgate or Emissionsgate discussion. …..* eats popcorn *……..

    • The one where they lied to their customers about clean diesel but instead it was a defeat device that tricked emissions testers?

      Yeah great company that deserves your money.

      • Totally agree with you. Better spend our money elsewhere.

  • DSG (2019 model) died after 14000km

  • +3

    Find it hilarious how people are hating so hard on VW on this post meanwhile.. they are commenting from devices, laptops or computers that are sourced from known unethical factories in china or 3rd world counties where people expose themselves to harmful chemicals to extract raw materials to manufacture their components. Got to love the irony.

    • Hate seems to stem from poor quality parts / bad customer service support in relying on warranty provisions. This topic is of interest to me as I previously owned a Nissan Murano with CVT, which despite the mostly negative feedback on online forums, did not cause any issues for me even till resale at 180,000kms. Lucky because Nissan customer support (allegedly) is poor as well. So I would like a pick a car from a brand that has good customer support for my next purchase.

      • Yes but hate is a by product of having a bad customer experience.

        You raise a good point and it makes me wonder how much of the issues that come up are just because people are not looking after their property or not marinating it (phones are a great example because we all know that one person who treats theirs like shit). I drive a golf myself since 2014 (new) and have had insignificant issues on my end that occasionally crop up but having said that, I opted for a manual (mostly because I enjoy shifting over auto and find it little to no effort.. that and I like the feedback) so I guess I'm not in the same boat as most people.

  • If you’re keen, I was originally told by my usual dealer it was only available to new vehicles… Had to clarify with VW directly to clarify. Bought it in the end.

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