Cyberpunk 2077 on PC

Has anyone else got it on pc here? I was concerned I might not be able to run it on max settings on 1080p but turns out I can (gtx1080ti) and the game looks amazing. Truely ‘next gen’. The amount of detail is amazing. I was a huge fan of dues ex back in the day, but always hoped for a version which had sort of life like graphics.

I’ve had very minimal glitches as well, nothing like what the rest of the internet would have you believe. I just wish the fov slider would go higher…


  • You arent playing at Ultra, 20fps is not playable.

    • Not sure what you mean, ive literally got every slider set to the maximum (high/ultra). at 1080p im getting around 50fps in crowded areas and 60 + fps in small rooms.

  • Encouraging to hear, I spent last night downloading the installer in 4gb chunks from GOG, will be keen to see how my 1070 runs it.

    • I have a 1070ti, it runs all high (except the clouds and shadows)

      • Awesome, I'm still a year or two away from seeing a need for a 4k/8k/special K setup, so happy to hear it's doing ok at what I'd consider reasonable settings.

        At the same time, that's not to let them off the hook for everyone else, and my take on reasonable isn't everyone's.

        We didn't tolerate this in the N64 cartridge days. Superman's dev's couldn't come out with a Day 1 patch or ongoing driver updates - once it came out, that was it. Rant over, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

  • only fired it up for a few minutes but my 3080 only manages 45-60 fps on ultra ray tracing @ 3840x1600

  • +1

    Plenty people are playing with no major issues but it definitely needs more work, fixes and optimisation which I'm sure will come over time.

  • I watched LTT playing it on ultra 8k and wasn't that impressed, i don't think the graphics are on a completely new level, but it may be better in person.

    • watching it on a stream/youtube is completely different than playing in person yourself. i too thought it looked average when i see it on youtube videos.

      i am also playing on a 55" screen so that may explain why i "see" so much detail.

    • Well he didn't have textures set to high quality for half the video and most people still have 1080p monitors

  • Played it for an hour and a bit last night. Seems to run fine at Medium on my 1060 6gb card.

    • 1080p?

      • +1

        Yeah… 1080p 27' is perfectly fine mate.

  • I've got a GTX 1080 and running at 50fps with graphics set to low at 1440p. Still looks pretty good to me. Will give all the settings a bit more of a granular look later on.

  • Really like this game. Getting 30 fps (open world area) and 50-60 fps (in door) on RT medium with a few minor tweaks. RT is such an amazing feature in this game with a futuristic setting, really sets the atmosphere.

    • Yeah I'm going to wait till I get an RT card before playing this. Huge backlog anyhow.

  • Game runs pretty good, getting around 100 fps on Ultra, DLSS quality and RTX off at 3440 x 1440 on my RTX 3090

    • +2

      For a $3000 video card I would hope so lol. I just got my gtx1080ti last year for around $900. Not sure if I want/need to upgrade it. Resale I would only get around $500 for it :( so I might just keep it for now.

  • Running fine on my 1070 at 1440p, playing around with settings but the medium runs fine.

  • you can edit fov to higher value.

    • Ini file?

  • -1

    What’s the game about/it’s purpose (aside from pissingnoff the perpetually offended transformers)?

  • 1080ti here with 40-50fps 1440p high (1 above medium I think).

  • Im waiting for a good sale on a rig that can run this game on high settings! Also waiting for some of the patches to roll out.

  • Played it for an hour or so on 2080ti at 1080p (waiting for my 4k new monitor to show up), everything ultra, got 60fps but my god…GPU was 82C the whole time with fans at 100%; just way too loud for me, no other game I've played on it made it scream, not even RDR2 at max everything.

  • Fps makes me dizzy sometimes. Is there a way to reduce the dizziness for this game?

    • theres a few settings which make the game blurry, which if u turn off can help a bit: chromatic something or other, film grain, field depth thing and some of the shadow settings. also try playing with the fov, i find the max of 90 to not be enough for me, going to install a mod now to increase it.

  • I got good graphic for "Whoa! Cyberpunk has flatlined."

  • I've got an i7 3770, 16gb Ram and 8GB Rx580.

    I booted it up and played no problems for 5 hours. When I checked.. It had defaulted to Ultra settings at 1080p.

    Not sure it was truly ultra because ray tracing was 'off' and most things were on `high'.regardless it looked great and whilst I havent checked the framer are but seems to be good enough.

    Ive experienced 2-3 minor bugs with stuck /l looping enemies that I can pick off. Game is awesome. Haters just trying to cut down a tall poppy.

    • Just checked and averaging 30fps.

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