This was posted 12 years 11 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Android Market's "10 Days of Offers", A New Set of 10 Apps Each Day For A$0.10 Each


Updated the title and description, since it is a new set of apps each day for 10 days, not 10 apps for 10 days, as stated in the Android Dev Blog:…
Thanks to the people who pointed it out!

This promo is to celebrate Android Market reaching 10 Billion of Downloads! All for just 10 cents each!

Remember to not purchase all the apps at one go. Keep at least a few minutes between each purchase to avoid having them pending / cancelled. If you are having such problem, just click refund in the Market app and purchase again!

I will update this post every day! For now:

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5

Day 6:

Day 7:

Day 8:

Day 9:

Frequently Asked Question

Q: It's the first time I made purchase on Android Market and I got charged $2 for "PENDING — GOOGLE CHECKOUT INTERNET"!!!

See "Authorisations" section on Google Checkout Help. This is normal for the first time purchasers, and you will get the amount back between 1-14 business days, depending on your bank.

Related Stores

Google Play
Google Play

closed Comments

  • For people asking, everything on this sale is worth at least 10 cents.

    The question you should be asking is, do you actually want it.

    • +1

      Do you really want 10 cents?

      • Yes, little drops make a mighty ocean..

      • +10

        Please surrender your OzB member card and proceed to exit door.

  • +1

    "Read it Later" is a bloody great app. I linked it up with my PC and now I can 'push' webpages to my phone for later offline viewing. I can also save the full contents of a webpage and view offline(very handy as I don't have 3G). Lots of uses such as showing a retailer an offline copy of a webpage for a price match in store.

    • +11

      Damn. Your comment just made me spend another 10 cents. Arghh!

      • Just bought it as well. Also, I've spent $1.60 on apps over these past 2 days. Gasp!

        • +2

          One less can of Coke for you!

        • +1

          I've spent 40c only, so If i average 2 apps a day I will spend $2 by the end of the promo. Not a bad way to part with my money. This is alot of fun for me. When I wake up in the morning I get my coffee and come on Ozbargain to check out the daily list of cheap apps for the picking.

      • Maybe I should become an affiliate seller ;)

    • +2

      ICS default browser allows offline viewing by saving web pages so you won't need a third party app anymore. And if you're using the Chrome browser, there's an official extension called "Chrome-to-phone" from Google that allows you to push web pages from PC to phone once they're linked.

      • Good way to down-sell the app there mate(jokes) but it does make it kind of redundant having these functions built into the OS/browser. Still, atleast I won't have to hold my breath for 4.0, assuming me phone can even run it.

        • +1

          Oh, don't get me wrong. It's still a great app, I've used it before. Just warning people that if they're on the upgrade list for ICS soon, then it might not be worth getting.

        • -1


      • Sounds like a good feature although I doubt that most people will get ICS till Feb-March next year if at all.

      • +2

        +1 for Chrome to Phone. Such an amazingly handy app :) Works like magic. Only minor caveat being that you have to use Chrome for it to function..but you should be doing that anyway :p

        • +1

          Ever since Firefox became unstable with the notoriously premature weekly version incline I have defected to Chrome, rather reluctantly at first, but now I'm getting used to it's minimal interface and google-centric design.

        • Agreed on using chrome, and as of last week, it's the 2nd most popular browser.


      • ICS default browser allows offline viewing by saving web pages so you won't need a third party app anymore.

        Yes and no.

        I've recently received my brand new Galaxy Nexus running Ice Cream Sandwich and there are still valid reasons to need Read It Later.

        Possibly the most important one: when you're browsing pages on a computer, when you come to an article that is longer than you want to read right now, you can simply hit a bookmarklet that will send it to Read It Later behind the scenes.

        Then on a train commute, you can read it on your Nexus. Clean and ad free.

        • I've done this exact thing on my own GN for weeks, so I'm not sure why you'd need this app.

  • Had a couple of them already.

    Purchased another 5 though lol.

    Okay, I brought 5 but only one actually lets me install. The rest I go to the market and it tells me to buy again even though I've already paid & got an Email from Google Wallet/Checkout…

  • +2

    When you make a purchase via the Web and assign it to a device that is not able to receive the application push form Google right away, you risk the purchase being cancelled.

    This has happened to me (i.e. Gameloft cancelled my Asphalt 6 purchase the next day). Therefore, make sure if you did a purchase that requires WiFi download, finish the download as soon as possible - at least on the same day.

    Alternatively, if you have Amazon Appstore account, consider purchase the app. there. However, whether Amazon Appstore will like your credit card is another story (My mate had success using American Express card).

    Obviously, Google and Amazon don't want you to purchase incompatible apps… but when you want to collect apps. for your future devices… it becomes quite hard. On the other hand, Apple is generally quite happy to let you purchase any app (even the ones which don't work on your devices).

    • I agree,
      I think this is also the cause of some of my troubles..

      Starting tomorrow , Will get the apps before leaving home…

  • Just wish they did this every day!! I could see this being a good little money maker-especially with the Ozbargain community.

  • +2

    For those eager for more apps, I was doing some browsing on the market. Tomorrow's apps include ADW Launcher EX, Tetris, Talking Tom Cat 2, Home run Battle 3D and Can Knockdown 2. I guess that the other 5 haven't updated their prices yet.

    • Reckless getaway too, hopefully shadowgun goes on sale :)

    • Awesome was hanging for ADW Launcher Ex.

    • I just looked around and Space Physics is too. Though I haven't really heard of it before..

  • I just received my first Android phone (galaxy S2) two days ago, so these apps are very handy ;) Had already purchased AirSync, but have held off purchasing any more apps until this is over and I can stocktake what I need ;)

    Also, keep the reviews on what the apps are/if they're any good coming please, it's nice to know what I'm downloading (yeh yeh I know, only $0.10, but I still would prefer not to download stuff that doesn't interest me, or I don't want/need).

    • Just a note, the apps go back to their normal prices the day after they're posted so you won't get a chance to look back and buy the previous deals.

  • +12

    Ok guys found these bad boys:

    Can Knockdown 2
    Homerun Battle 3
    Reckless Getaway
    Talking Tom Cat 2

    Then stole these from wp:

    ADW Launcher Ex
    Space Physics
    Toki Tori
    Blue Skies Live Wallpaper

    edit or I could have just looked up the page…. :(

    • +3

      Thanks for the links! Just bought ADW, Tetris and Can Knockdown. Can't believe I haven't had Tetris on my phone this entire time..the thought didn't even occur to me!

      Man this sale is awesome =]

  • +1

    day 3:

    ADWLauncher Ex
    Homerun Battle 3D
    Talking Tomcat 2
    Reckless Getaway
    Can Knockdown
    Blue Skies Donation Wallpaper
    Space Physics
    Kids Learn To Read
    Toki Toki

  • Oops.. So when I edit and update the post, it'll lose its highlight?

  • +1

    For some reason I get "This item cannot be installed in your device's country." for Tetris but I can buy it from my phone.

    • Same here. Dunno why. Other apps' links are OK.

      • +2

        it its because of ea having 2 publishers one for the US and another for the rest of the world

        this is the link that should be used:

        • Thanks! I'll change it!

        • Oh wait.. If I edit the post now, then the post will lose its highlight again?

        • @nanoronline — yes seem to be an issue there. I'll get that fixed today (i.e. saving won't remove the sticky).

        • Thanks, Scotty!

        • Oh no.. I updated the post and the sticky is gone again..

        • Hmm. Should be fixed now.

        • Oh man I just added the link for Need For Speed: Shift and the post lost its sticky again..

  • +1

    Arrrgh. I bought ADW Launcher EX full version about 2 months back. Bought Reckless Gateway and Can Knockdown. Was going to purchase Tetris, but learned that EA is the developer - best keep away from it - is it DRM'ed?

    • EA makes everything these days. Can't really avoid them.

      • Meh. Since DRM debacle, hostile takeovers (Pop Cap, Bioware, etc), and its games quality, I never ever buy anything from it again.

        EA is the standard nominator on why piracy keep on blossoming.

  • I have had to buy a few apps, 2 or more times for them to come as purchased in my account,
    My credit card Does show multiple charges for the same app, But I figure for 0.10 cents its not worth the time haggling over it with google checkout,
    Just buy it again after a while.

    I am just buying all the apps anyway, you can't go wrong with 0.1 cents.

    • Oh, that sucks. I would report this to to Google as a problem.

      • it does suck,
        infact today I have tried multiple times to buy outfit 7's talking tom, Some how for this particular app google doesn't like my card..

  • Can't believe I missed out on Minecraft! Grr!!
    Hope they're like Steam and have a 'best of' day at the end.

  • +3

    coffee = check
    new apps = check
    10c coins = check

  • +1

    This is so good.

    • +6

      But mot good enuff for a + vote??!

  • Not so good on Day 2….

    • Day 1 and 2 I got several but day 3 - nothing piqued my interest.

      • Can knockdown is actually quite good. I bought talking tom cat, blue skies and adw launcher and got a refund on all 3 of them, quite shit.

      • +1

        I just played Reckless Getaway. It's free fun and worth it.

        • Almost free, but not quite!
          This was the only game I bought today.
          Tried "can knockdown" and didn't like it. Tetris free is good enough for me.
          Bet they will save the best apps till last. Bring on day 10 already.

      • Yeah, me too… wondering what else will come our way in the next 7 days.

  • Less apps than the last two days which have downloads over 100k

  • +3

    Please please please have World of Goo sometime during these sales.

    • I looked at its screenshots and still couldn't work out what it's all about.

      • I feel like this with Minecraft, and I bought the game!
        I cannot find the inventory menu to craft items(which is how the PC-based tutorials instructed me to make tools), if anyone knows?

        • Android minecraft is still in alpha! There's no crafting yet as far as I'm aware.

          World of goo has a demo. I finished it on pc would be awesome to have on my phone.

        • Well that is lame. How are you actually supposed to create or build anything without crafting function yet? (which happens to be integral to the gameplay).
          It makes for an impressive tech demo of a 3D rendered environment on a mobile platform but not much else. The developer should not be able to sell an unfinished product.

        • Never played PC version of Minecraft.. just got this one cause, hey, it was 10 cents. I want my ten cents back :(

        • Then hit that 'refund' button!
          It could not be easier.

    • I'm really hoping that I can snag a id game port such as Wolfenstein or Doom for 10c. Paying $2 is just out the question, especially when I already own the games on my PC.

      • "Paying $2 is just out the question"

        I know this is Ozbargain, but that phrase is just wrong…

        • that's it. donners you lost your ozbargain badge.
          Do you even know how many servers have lost their lives because of one single freebie that was posted casually for small audience of 100/200.

          Believe me when I say paying 10c is out of question for true ozbargainers, these are the people who only download the Amazon app of the day to get the most expensive apps for free

  • Now all we really need is the Ozbargain Android App discounted !

    Mr Developer / Ozbargainer , are you listening?… PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

    • I think we are too small a segment in terms of their global reach :p

  • +1

    Holy Molly, this is the best thing since GingerBread…

    • dont you mean the best thing since ice cream sandwich (or at least honeycomb)

      • why did this post make me think of Ginger and Maryanne again?

      • That was supposed to be a play on "best thing since Sliced bread"

  • +2

    Am I the only one here that has bought every single app so far?? I already had a couple but I've bought every app I didn't already own. :)

    • +2

      Tonight, on Hoarder… :)

    • +1

      Are you planning on opening a virtual museum/archive for mobile apps in the future?

    • +1

      Call yourself an ozbargainer throwing money around like that?

      • if its cheap ozbargainer will buy it! its not throwing money around if its a bargain!

      • +2

        Since becoming an ozbargaineer back in 2009 I've purchased a crapload of stuff that I don't need. Hell, I've got three HP touchpads sitting in boxes that I bought on impulse… at least the 4th one I use is running android now and can run most of these apps :)
        /goes off to munch on some old mentos and chupa chups…

        • +1

          what are you doing with your touchpads? :)

    • Don't worry I bought all the apps too!

    • I don't think it's hard to exercise some self-control. Yes, they're cheap and if there's any doubt about whether I'd use it or not, I'd just grab it anyway. But if it's something I'd absolutely have NO use for (Christmas HD) then no 10c. Not even worth the download.

      • +2

        It's funny.. I thought the same thing regarding Christmas HD. I bought it anyway though.

        Its amazing! So much customisation and it looks great. I'll be using it at least until Christmas is over and then maybe some more to show it off with friends. Your missing out :P

  • Bet quell is going to be featured soon!

  • Wow that's a lot of plus's.

    Wish I had an Android device to take advantage of the savings!

  • PLZ HELP i can't d/l from galaxy tab keep saying error has occurred. :(

    • Which tab? 7 or 10? Is it Gingerbread or still Froyo? Is the error specific to this deal or to any other apps in the Market?

      Have you tried to restart market and download apps (after clean up cache memory)? What's the exact error message?

      • 7 to every app except free ones

  • -1

    Hmmmm….this is the only 1 I want for D3…

    Ryan on June 15, 2011 (Motorola Droid X with version 1.0.2584)
    EA Blows the big one!!!
    I can't believe the A$$Ho1e$ at EA. You buy the app then if you have to wipe your phone you can't install this app again because they changed the pricing. The you can contact Customer Support only to have them say buy it again. This will be the first and last time I ever by an app from EA. And oh yea I work in the IT industry and if I treated my customers like EA does I would be out of business.
    John on April 5, 2011 (Samsung Galaxy S with version 1.0.2584)

    Unable to reinstall

    John on April 5, 2011 (Samsung Galaxy S with version 1.0.2584)
    Had issues w/ my phone and wiped it. Now, when I attempt to reinstall this app, I can see it in my purchased apps; however, I can't install it on my Samsung Galaxy S (Verizon Fascinate). I would not recommend installing this app until others post that they're able to reinstall. Aside from the re-install issue, this was a fun game that was reminiscent of the Tetris I used to play on my b/w gameboy.
    Matt on June 17, 2011 (Motorola Droid X with version 1.0.2584)

    Doesn't Update and No Support

    Matt on June 17, 2011 (Motorola Droid X with version 1.0.2584)
    Bought and now it won't update. They don't respond to support tickets opened on EA Mobile Support. This applies for three different games I bought from them. Avoid!

    • Ha ha!

      (Nelson style)

      Why people still buying anything (even 10c) from EA is beyond me. Boycott this company!!!

  • My purchase failed for ADWLauncher EX, but every apps are fine.. first time its happened (I'm connected via my wifi modem at home or at work) any1 else having this issue?

  • +5

    Searching through I've found:

    Shazam Encore
    Need For Speed: Shift
    Game Dev Story
    Sentinel 3: Homeworld
    My Beach HD

    Still looking through.. anyone see anything else?

    • +4

      Baseball superstars 2011
      Spirit HD
      Paper Camera
      Jelly Defense
      Farm Frenzy

    • Shazam Encore and Game Dev Story alone keep me happy, the rest is still better than Christmas HD.

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