Fined for Failure to Change Address

I was recently picked up by highway patrol (not turning headlights on). I was fined for this, which I agree with.

However during the stop they checked my licence, asked me my address.

My drivers licence states my address for my family home, which I still stay in sometimes and use for mail for many things.
I gave my address for my current residential address, which I'm living in for work, because I assumed the question was related to COVID restrictions about how far someone can travel.

I was fined $165 for failure to change address.

I still go to the address on my licence occasionally, I Recieve mail there, if I'm not there my parents let me know and forward it to myself. I don't change my address because I have to move every year and don't want to go through changing my address on 50 services every year.

Is this a fair fine? Has anyone had experience taking a failure to change address matter to court?


  • Drivers in NSW can change their address in 2 min using the RMS website.

    Vicroads must have something similar.

  • +4

    The law in Vic says you have to update change of contact address within 14 days or some very short timeframe…meaning people who go overseas without a new contact address on a long holiday are breaking the law. The authority has to be able to serve legal documents on all drivers.

    • Do they define what constitutes a change in address? Next year I'm expecting to travel around quite frequently for work, and would be at an address for more than 2 weeks most of the time. Would I therefore have to change my address every few weeks?

      • Yes, welcome to bureaucracy. Easy to change online for your state?

  • +2

    Can't you just say you made a mistake and that the address on your license is your address? Surely people have to be allowed to have more than one address - if you travel for work you can't go changing your address twice a week.

    • I agree, I feel like I have 2 addresses.

      • +2

        Agreed with above, just say this is your address and is correct. Bonus points you provide mail information like a bank statement or bill or similar.

        • +1

          They may ask for a utility bill to prove. But then in shared accommodation, that won't be possible. So then if you and your folks have the same name, then that's in your favour.

  • +1

    Where are you Registered to Vote with the AEC?
    Have lived at your address for at least one month.

    • +4

      I am registered to vote with my family home/drivers licence address.

  • +1

    weird why did they ask you for you address if they saw your licenc,,,

    • +7

      One of their tricks to fill their fine quota. One simple question can bring in $165, it's a no brainer.

      • +7

        No…. having the wrong address on your licence is clearly an offence related to road safety. They're trying to save lives !

        • 😂

  • +1

    I gave my address for my current residential address

    Well, you've just said that is your "current residential address".
    He would've had to ask you how long you've been living there to know that you haven't changed it within the last 14 days (as required). I'm assuming whatever you said must've been way outside the 14 days for him to issue you a fine.

    • From my uneducated review of the fine it seems to state "change in address for service (postal address)",Safety%20(Drivers)%20Regulations%202009.

      The cop definitely did not explain it like that

      • Given that, it might be worth looking up the actual piece of legislation to see what is says specifically.

        Edit: Legislation( includes both residential and postal address. (The definition of Personal Particulars(

      • Not stating ‘change in address for service’ fine seems unreasonable to me. People live in different places at different times, so as long as you’re contactable it should be okay. A fine for what you actually did wrong, seems enough. I hope it works out okay for you.

  • -1

    I gave my address for my current residential address

    This should be what's on your license.
    If you want to fight the fine, go to court and bring your recent bills showing the same address.
    It's your fault though, you should've told the officers the address written on your license.

    • +1

      The only reason I didnt was because I was originally concerned they were querying some covid restriction - my two addresses are very far apart

      • You haven’t don’t anything wrong. Gray nomads, students, fifo workers and many others live in different places throughout the year and have a permanent home address.

        Fight the fine and put in a complaint about the cop. Cops like this give the whole force a bad reputation

  • Why didnt you just say you have multiple addresses ?

    • +2

      I probably should have because its true, i was a bit naive, i don't have any experience dealing with police and to be honest assumed they would be more helpful

      I am probably going to try and take it to court to explain

      • +2

        Police will deny they have a quota, but they 100% do, they need to fine a certain amount to get promotions and whatnot.

        Cops arent there to help you, they are there to fine you for any infringement they can find.

      • I am probably going to try and take it to court to explain

        Is your day off work worth $165 to you though?

    • Sometimes I can't think quick enough. Lol

  • (not turning headlights on)

    change address matter to court?

    It all depends on what exactly you said.

    If you admitted guilt in any way, dont bother.
    If you admitted nothing, 100% challenge it.

  • -1

    Pay the fine
    Update your address
    Move on with life

    • +2

      News Update…

      Life has already moved on, OP needs to play catch-up.

  • what is the exact wording of the law/reg written on the ticket.

    • regulation 67(1) of the Road Safety (Drivers) Regulations 2009.…

      • I mean what does the ticket say in their words
        Then match it up with the reg
        eg If its for services of notices then you are not guilty, as its your service of notice address, so write to them
        I need to see the exact wording of the ticket and the reg
        cant read all those pages

        • +1

          It says:
          "67 Change of personal particulars or condition
          (1) A holder of a driver licence or learner permit must
          notify the Corporation of any change to the
          person's personal particulars or the person's
          address for service of notices if this is different
          from the person's residential address within
          14 days of the change.
          Penalty: 3 penalty units."

          • +1

            @holdenmg: You havent changed your address for service of notices but the sticking point is the OR, it could mean any changes to any personal particulars.

  • +5

    So by your family home, you mean your parents' house, that you used to live in as a kid and still have mail forwarded to.

    You've moved out of home, hence "current residential address", yet still go back and visit your parents "occasionally".

    Seriously, you're trying to twist things to avoid a fine. You haven't updated your address as required to do so.

    Update your address, pay the fine.

  • Wow, lucky you had the right coloured shirt on or they would have fined you for that too!

  • +8

    I still go to the address on my licence occasionally

    But you don't live there…

    I gave my address for my current residential address, which I'm living in for work

    You live HERE.

    I was fined $165 for failure to change address.

    Sounds fitting.

  • I wonder if it's illegal to not update your address if you have a license, but you don't have a car and never drive. I guess a cop could ID you as a pedestrian one day and ask you your address.

    • I'm a pedestrian with no Drivers Licence.

      • How do you like apply for credit and stuff.

        • I don't.

        • You can use a Medicare card for this too.

  • +1

    because I assumed the question was related to COVID restrictions about how far someone can travel

    Are you not aware that distance restrictions were scrapped a long time ago?

  • +1

    Definetly challange it in court. Also challenge being fined for no lights. Admit guilt but explain the circumstances. The cop shouldn't have fined you for this. They should have advised you and encouraged you to change your address.

    Cops can pull you over. advise you of your mistake and let you go. They dont HAVE to fine you but often choose to do so when the risk is quite low or fine too large to justify the crime (or lack off)

    Take a day of annual leave or leave without pay. You dont want it to appear on your history when you run a report in a few years time.

    • Cops can pull you over. advise you of your mistake and let you go. They dont HAVE to fine you but often choose to do so when the risk is quite low or fine too large to justify the crime (or lack off)

      Often getting a so called ‘low risk’ fine, or a second fine, is a sign that you’ve failed an attitude test. We only get one side of the story.

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