What Is The Best and Cheapest Unlimited Mobile Data Plans Calls Are Optional

I'm on 240gb $240 12 month boost mobile prepaid plan atm and it's good.

But I have recently started testing steam link on my mobile to remote into my pc and use steam on my phone.

After a few hiccups it works great and delay is noticeable but not as bad as it was maybe a few years ago.

So I'm considering now getting an unlimited mobile data plan so I can steam link anywhere on the go.

What are the best or cheapest mobile data plans available out there either post paid, pre paid or otherwise.

Once I get a charger and long cable to use at work my breaks are gonna get 1000x better just need this unlimited mobile data plan.


  • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/568326#comment-9786353

    So far all I have found is this


  • +1

    You have read the fine print on "unlimited" plans haven't you?

  • +1

    Telstra shape down to 1.5Mbps, which is surprisingly fast. Fast enough for remote desktop. probably not fast enough for remote gaming though. It's fast enough for standard def video on the likes of youtube, google have that at a very low bitrate though.

    Also you sound pretty committed to gaming during work breaks. Ever thought about a job that works from home, you could potentially game all day..

    • You can usually watch two SD streams simultaneously (like Amazon Prime & Netflix). This is our main internet connection and much better than some high-speed ISPs.

    • I mean if you have any suggestions on some basic easy to do low skill work from home jobs right now I will take it.

      • Apple tech support jobs can be done from home. The people skills expected probably can't really be called low skill. The tech support itself is apparently easy, you help with obvious things and elevate actual tech support stuff to someone else.

  • Why don't you get a Switch, 3DS or PS Vita? The gaming experience will be a lot better and after a few months you be ahead financially.

    • I could but then it would mean having to bring a bag to work and micro managing my bag which I'm afraid of.

      I lost my home keys for the second time in a year this week.

      Yeah my memory is slowly going away and mental capacities.

      Used to be able to remember many things now I am lucky to remember how to get home.

      But yeah a portable console is optional but I honestly don't really want the Nintendo Switch because collecting games will be expensive maybe when it is like game boy level cheap or just when games are all $5 I'll consider it but yeah at $399 it's still quite pricey for what you get hardware wise imho.

      • Phones are more expensive than consoles?

        An old 3DS will set you back $50 and is smaller than most phones. Games $5-$30. If you feel that way inclined games can be free pretty easily.

        But yeah Switch is a bit bulkier and free games come at the cost of no online play

      • Used to be able to remember many things now I am lucky to remember how to get home.

        Perhaps it would be better to concentrate on that, rather than playing games.

        • I really should.

          Funny you say that but games was a coping mechanism until it became a vice and now it's a debilitating condition.

          Some games do help me mentally some just whittle me down.

          But I understand what you are saying.

          Sometimes to much stimulation and addiction is bad for you.

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