Hi guys,
I noticed there were some damages to my car door, the car was parked on the street in front of a Donimo Pizza store.
While investigating the damages, the shift runner get out and told me that a Domino bike (or what ever "loose object" on the foot path) hit my car door due to strong wind.
He said Domino would take care of that.
He gave name, phone number, his Student card (he said he has no Driver License) and another person name with phone number (I think Store manager).
He also write down my details on the same paper we both taking photos of the damages.
He said he already reported the incident to Domino store/office.
Later on the shift runner also SMS providing the store phone number for insurance purpose.
I rang the store number the same day mentioning the incident and the guy on the phone also aware of it and said it already reported & I got everything I need to have.
My concern here is the insurance company might ask me to get the claim number from Domino (which would be a lot of hassles & could be impossible), otherwise I have to pay the excess.
I have comprehensive insurance with RACV.
What is my case here?
John Doe vs Domino
John Doe vs RACV (and RAVC vs Domino) ? (more likely I think)
Thanks in advance guys.
Call your insurance company and provide the details and let them deal with it.