Just found it while looking for PS5.
Limited to 1 per Customer
Just found it while looking for PS5.
Limited to 1 per Customer
Yeah and with the performance reviews that've been coming out, it's a big no from me dawg.
540p is a big oof
I'd just save a little more and get a PS5.
Yep and while ps5 is hard to get at current those who wait will be better off , waiting game 🎮
I mean, I won't be buying this and will be waiting for my PS5 pre-order, but I can understand those who can't get their hands on a PS5 being tempted by this just to have a next gen console. Availability is a massive factor atm.
Yeah that's kind of what I'm saying, some of the testing coming out on youtube shows that this really isn't "next gen" at all. The Series S is seriously crippled and having issues displaying games at even 1080p resolution with a good framerate. Lots of games are dropping down to 720p and even 540p.
You're better off with the XBone if you want an xbox, or PS4 Pro if you haven't got a console at the moment and desperately need one. Otherwise I'd definetely recommend waiting for a PS5. Stock will resupply pretty soon (if not xmas shortly after xmas - should be a good boxing day/new years sale time).
@Odin: It’s still next gen in the sense that it effectively has a Ryzen 7 3700X for a CPU and PCIe 4.0 storage.
It’s just the GPU that’s a little slower however you’re still looking at GTX 1060 levels of performance. That isn’t insignificant.
If devs pull their finger out we should actually see some solid 1080p performance on this device.
@tp0: The issue here is that this thing is also dragging down the Series X as well since developers has to cater to the lowest denominator to conform to the platform. With the PS5, both machine are the same power wise so its easy to develop for and the results are showing that the majority of third party games run and look better on the PS5 compared to the Series X. Mark Cerny and Sony's engineering team need to be applaud for this effort considering everyone write them off a few months ago.
@Wolfofwallstreet: Not surprised you got downvoted for stating the truth. I tried to restore some balance.
@tp0: That's pretty much spot on. At the moment it seems games on PS5 are getting a little more optimisation and end up running slightly better, even compared to the Series X despite the X being more powerful on paper. Over time optimisation should help the S catch up, but I get that dropping $500 without any guarantee is a bit off-putting.
@tp0: It's a bit puzzling with what Microsoft sees in Series S. It can only run XBox One/One S code path in backwards compatibility mode. This begs the question whether GPU can even compete with RX580/GTX 1060/XBox One X. Series S is most likely capable of 1080p gaming for last gen games, but using XBox One/S code path means you cannot even get 1080p on it.
Also, next gen games must be stored in internal SSD or the proprietary add-on expansion in order to play. Unless Microsoft really expects xCloud to take off, how is Microsoft expecting Series S to outsell Series X in the long run?
Currently, Microsoft crippled Series S' back compat. and developers are not even allowing hardware ray tracing on Series S so far. Microsoft should have made this 6TFlops (or whatever TFlops that's enough to run XBox One X code path). Microsoft didn't win the last gen so why hold back next gen machines, even if it is the cheaper one?
@Odin: Which games are struggling to hit 1080p in the normal/resolution modes?
High frame rate modes are different.
@MrFunSocks: Watch Dogs Legion - Dynamic Res up to 1080p with 900p minimum / 30fps. Dynamic res means the console struggles to hit 1080p.
Backwards compatibility games: Microsoft has series S using XBox One/S code path, meaning that, even though Series S is capable of running those games at 1080p, a lot of games are stuck at below 1080p. You need patches to address that so you are looking at only newish games which might have the patch.
@netsurfer: Dynamic res doesn't mean it struggles to hit 1080p at all. It just means that it will lower the resolution to try and stop framerate drops. It might happen a lot, it might rarely if ever happen.
Backwards Compatibility games aren't "struggling" to hit 1080p - the One S versions could never hit 1080p, and the Series S is playing the One S versions. It's not struggling, it's playing them exactly how it is supposed to.
Lots of games are dropping down to 720p and even 540p.
And still, there isn't a definitive list of these "games" that play at sub 720/600/540/whatever resolutions. So far, the only games I've heard that have issues are Dirt 5 and AC: Valhalla (and that's due to not having the XBox SDK for long enough).
@smartazz104: Before launch this is what the Dirt 5 developer has to says about the Xbox GDK :
David: ''It's not barebones, they brought a lot, no, most of the tools over from of SDK in terms of familitary and how it works, in fact stability and speed improved a lot on GDK, but yeah, I am happy with it, if anything there is very little small things I would like, I have weekly meetings with XBOX and my account manager get a lot of feedback from me, I am actually very happy with it''.
For me the big thing in game dev is not are my tools really amazing, of course this is really important, but how is my relationship with the teams who deal with, how they are able to take feedback and how they are able to help me out, all these things help me things make a great videogame''
540p is a big oof
If you're going to say that can you at least say it's because it's running at 120fps on a $300/$500 box, you're acting like its running 540p at 30fps. Not only that but that number is the lower bounds it sits at 720p too..
540p at 120fps*.
Performance reviews of the Series S have been pretty unanimously very positive. It seems to stick to the target framerates better than the X and PS5.
I've got a Series X and I'll pick up a S one day to replace the One X too since it's now on a 1080p tv.
As Richard from Digital Foundry / EuroGamer pointed out:
Xbox Series S brings its additional horsepower to bear in improving the experience of Xbox One S titles instead.
If you use it on 1080p TV, the chance of auto HDR being useful is questionable. Most 1080p TVs don't support HDR. VRR is also out.
Obviously, you will be counting on first party next gen titles (and GamePass), but then, are you going to fork out extra $$$ to buy the expansion SSD? The original "hype" of Series S being a 1440p machine with VRR is already too good to be true so we are now looking at 1080p.
Performance reviews of the Series S have been pretty unanimously very positive. It seems to stick to the target framerates better than the X and PS5.
That's not my impression. AC: V, without the latest patch had issues. With latest patch, still has cutscene issues on Series S and X (and PC). Also, it seems some developers are struggling to bring the best out of Series X and S due to receiving the SDK late. While that will change in the long run, it appears that in current form, harnessing the raw power of Series S and X isn't that straightforward.
Also, let's not forget the LOD flickering on Series S with some games. Can't just take 1 positive from one game and ignore the negatives found in other games on Series S. I support both camps (Microsoft and Sony), but right now, you really have to think twice before getting Series S, especially at RRP.
@netsurfer: With the Xbox you don't need to buy the expansion SSD because you can use any external HDD to store your games. To play next gen versions you simply transfer them to the internal drive, takes like 3 minutes on average.
Even with all the "issues" of developers "unable to harness the raw power", they're still 99.99999% the same as the PS5 versions which developers praise for being extremely easy to develop for. This means good things for the Xbox, because when developers get used to DX12U which they have to use for Xbox, it means it'll be easier to "harness the raw power".
Some games on PS5 have LOD "flickering". Some games on the PS12 will have LOD "flickering".
good luck with your future purchase of the buggy brickstation5. i'd rather have access to 4 generations of games on 1 stable device and not have to re-purchace old games. take a look at spiderman and demon souls re-packaged and sold even more expensively.
I have the one X and I haven't bought a physical disc in years. I've never used the disc drive in it for movies, music or games. I know some like discs but the demand for it is increasingly becoming a thing of the past, hence why PS5 also has a discless version.
On a side note, I'm loving the Game Pass which I just signed up for at $1 for 3 months which was posted on Oz Bargain 😁
no disc drive. Gomo your comment is stupid and obvious. and the same could be said of your diskless brickstation5. i know a lot of people who rather get the diskless systems which proves your subjective opinion invalid.
Store name in title please!
This thing is in stock everywhere, called my local Jb and they said Xbox x and ps 5 are out of stock but the Xbox s is in stock
Likely a reason for that
lowkey: did you find any ps5 stock tho?
this was my follow up too ..
I got my PS5 via Vodafone. Ordered 3 weeks ago and it arrived today. I'll also get the Series X as soon as it's available. I'm not console loyal :)
sadly NO
Shhh.. .I found some stock;
look here;
No Disc drive and RRP thanks Ozinstock
What is rrp
Recommended Retail Price
username checkout
Read it as "what a rrp"…
Worse next gen console ever.
you mean Last Gen…. XD
Please tell me more about paying rrp
I'm not sure what you're talking about…
Well when you walk into JB, you say "can you price match a deal for the Xbox Series S at Gamesmen?". When they ask for proof you show them a screenshot of this post.
If you are lucky they will say "Yes we can match the Gamesmen price, and we'll waive the 15c bag fee".
Both ps5 and Xbox X RRP on here are getting 200+ up votes.
No idea why you are using RRP to belittle this posting.
Yeah sorry for using the neg button to downvote a deal with no bargains…what was I thinking
It's mostly that those 2 are out of stock everywhere, and this console is easily in stock everywhere.
The whining been about how this is RRP, nothing to do with stock level. PS5 and XBX were RRP as well..
@PuppieWayne: Yeah i get that, i jsut think they're not great at wording their complaints properly.
Also, an in stock product at RRP is not a deal, and out of stock product at RRP is still not a deal, but it is a sought after product that lots of ozbargainers want, so those people get drowned out a lot more too.
@ONEMariachi: In stock is very subjective..
I'm in WA and there's no series S stock any where.
And series S still get sold, is not like it's a console no one wants.
People just like to whine.
@PuppieWayne: Yeah fair enough. I can't speak for WA, only SA, and I see them everywhere here, plus Telstra has had them in stock non stop since launch too- plus the 18,000 tpoints which, is probably a better deal for Telstra customers.
This console is not worth it at all no way near the quality of next gen and only digital..
Well technically if you have a 1080p TV it should be fine "most" of the time…
But it's definitely awkward as you aren't future proofing yourself if moving up to a 4K in future, or if wanting to extend the storage (which is $$)
I'd personally recommend the X as such as a better long term buy, if wanting to be in the xbox ecosystem.
Seems like XBOX one X is better value
Yeah agreed, IMO this needed either a disk drive or 4K.
A disk drive would mean for those wanting to upgrade their Xbox One S, its worth it to be able to still use all their games, it would be a beast machine for the older compatible games and it may be worth the trade in of the Xbox One S, to save money for when a newer version of the PS5 Pro/XBOX potentially comes out.
Or, 4K would make it a beast digital machine, sure 500gb isn't great, but I don't see it too bad upgrading? and would be great for the newer games coming out, or just for game pass.
Value is subjective; just because it doesn't suit your needs doesn't mean it's not exactly what others are looking for. Yes, a disc drive would make it even better value, but it's a great option for many.
Rip Off. 500GB SSD, digital only with no disc drive and crippled performance. Also, it’s RRP and not hard to find in stock.
Shops should make this $499.00. Save 95 cents.
So it can be listed on Ozbargain.
I remember someone trying to scalp this for $1200 on fb marketplace, so I decided to have some fun.
Me: Hi, is this still available?
Scalper: Yes
Me: Not (profanity) surprised 😂😂😂
It's perfect for people who only want to play stuff like Warzone, Apex and Fortnite in 1080/1440p on consoles. Far better of any experience than the current gen, but yeah outside of that the hard drive is far too limiting. Maybe in the future when this comes in 1TB and costs Aus 299, people will see more value.
As was the posting on ps5 and Xbox X, both getting 200+ votes.
What's your point?
RRP is neither a bargain nor a deal. Stock updates belong in forum.
why should I pay more for a less "XBOX ONE X"
patiently waiting for a 1Tb revision of S.
For those bagging price/performance;
I think this new gen of consoles is a bit lacking in so many ways, performance being one and I know the price barrier for PC is high, but it really is worth it for so many reasons.
I get people are married to console and I'm lucky enough to be able to buy all of them and also have a high end PC, but I can't see any compelling reason to get either next gen console at this stage, especially considering that the X1X is still very capable.
RRP is not a bargain :(
We seem to be stuck in a stupid loop around these things being a bargain or not.
I agree its not a bargain, but I also agree its helpful to know if its in stock. This stuff about "its cheaper than scalpers" doesnt mean its a bargain.
I think the solution is to have a special type of thing thats not a "deal" but like an "available" category of post. That way people can follow or not follow those as they please, as this site does more than bargains now.
I suggested to the mods an RRP tag so that users that dislike these deals could block them. I was told it would be too hard to implement because there are many other bargains that are RRP but the community don't see them in the same light (Aldi Special Buys as an example).
Just neg if you see fit too and wait for all this to blow over.
wasn't the reason why we have a forum for those not a 'real' deal thingy ?….
Good thinking, but unlikely to happen. People will submit these as deals and they will gather enough positive votes so they will get to stay. Then, some people will complain RRP is not a deal.
Since when is a bargain = in stock at RRP ???????
This is RRP
New profile for OP. I bet it was created for this post to avoid those neg comment from people about RRP.
I'm sure some of those rrp comment would have been different if that was ps5.
But anyway OP thank you for posting from poor fella
good eye, clear and crew good with their rrp post tactics.
RIP to your negative vote. Sorry for your loss. Shouldn't have replied to me.
RRP is not a deal unless it includes extras…
I don't know why everyone is whinging about notifications about RRP being in stock. Please keep them coming, especially with the PS5.
I managed to score a mint XBOX ONE X 1TB for a good price because everyone was wanting to buy the series X.
it does everything I need playing 4K HDR games and movies so smoothly, just finished playing FORZA horizon 4 and it was so nice and clear and fluid.
Underpowered and 500gb storage. At $500, it's not a bargain.
If it was PS5 or even Series X then okay, but this thing can now be found easily enough at retail that RRP shouldn't get a frontpage deal.
This will go well with my Logitech x-230.
PS5 fanboi neg heaven. Surely this is a proxy?
It would be a deal if this was the XSX or PS5 as those two are out of stock everywhere and they're actually worth their RRP. Time will tell if MS made a mistake with this console as it's going to hold the XSX back as they have to cater to the lowest common denominator.
Yep, not only that but it a nightmare for developers to down scale their games to that uselessbox.
Just a waste of time and resources thanks to pathetic and dumb micro$oft execs…
The only way to help developers avoid wasting time/money is to boycott m$
(been doing my part since corrupt corp m$ entered the console video gaming industry)
people saying stuff like "not a deal" or "who cares, its rrp" must be fun at parties
Are people seriously asking why Microsoft would release a cheaper console on Ozbargain…
Honestly Xbox series S is really nice console for those who skipped Xbox one.
Play that huge backlog of games at the best quality possible and play some new games too.
Agreed slightly nerfed console, ½ the storage, Why Digital? BUT
Limited stock still available as OP above - MS has a new retailer website for X+S (no stock notice - it's an all xbox console search) link :-
[MS, EBgames, JBHi-Fi, Telstra, HarveyNorman, BigW, TheGamesmen, Target + Amazon]
MS Series S link :-
Click on Retailers [EBgames, Amazon, BigW, HarveyNorman + JBHi-Fi].
MS out-of-stock still/again. (Even had a monitor bundle that's out-of-stock too)
Also some more details from The Gamesmen :-
Need it Delivered?
Leaves Wednesday, December 16 if ordered in the next 1 day, 20 >hours and 15 minutesShipping Method Quote
Standard (2-7 business days) details $27.93
Express (2-4 business days) details $83.26
Collect in store details Free!
↑ They're in Penshurst NSW.
That quote is for Far North QLD, so cheaper if you're closer.
(I should really read my Ozb emails, found while max price sorting xbox search in gamesmen)
EDIT OK used N111CK's link to search from Cairns, Qld to Melbourne (click show more 5 stores at a time, painful) - only Target with Limited Stock is Target Pacific Fair Broadbeach Waters, QLD, 4218 (remember to ring them if you live nearby - websites and stock often differ)
Last EDIT Yeah turns out xbox Series S purchase link Does show a config/build your bundle link for about 2 seconds (shows stuff to bundle if buying Series S still O-O-S sorry) link is :-
"Aargh Final Edit" EDIT tried same quick scrolling with MS Xbox Series X Availability page, same Buy Now ≈ 2 secs Still O-O-S but direct link if you want to check daily, link is :-
No disc drive on this one tho hmm