Hi folks,
I tried searching online and asked people around but could not find a suitable answer. May be I am asking too much but pls help if you know.
I am looking to put my boy (going to year 3) into a school where main focus is on sports - i.e. professional training and best coaching programs to teach kids sports to the best level possible.
I am mainly looking for cricket but soccer would also work as my kid loves both equally.
I am not against traditional studies and have a lot of respect for that. But I am after sports excellence - i.e. better sports traing for more activity level, fitness and immunity. Not pushing the kid to do extra if someone is feeling that way.
Yes, i can hire extra coaches or attend classes over weekend (currently doing that) but I feel students learn far too good if the school has focus on that subject.
Fee is not an issue - so public, private or grammar anything would work given they accept kids immediately (yeah I am dumb thinking that).
Thanks for the help and suggestions. Have a great week ahead.
Came from the land where ABD played
UPDATE: Thanks for your time and suggestions guys. I really appreciate the insights and I am mindful of kid's intrests and well being.
Was looking for a culture where kids are not being pushed for studies only and should opt for sports if they like.
Few good suggestions found. Will act on that and pormise I will not be douchebag to my kid.
@moderators you can close this thread. Pls.
Haven't heard of any schools here which really focus on sport. School sport here is generally not a high level, as those that are excelling are playing in club programs and often junior teams for professional clubs, and most wont have time for school sports due to risk of injuries etc..