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Win 1 of 25 $50 Coles/Myer Gift Voucher from Edith Cowan University Western Australia Research Survey



Closing Date 31/01/2021
Draw Date 01/06/2021


Description $50 Coles/Myer Gift Voucher
No. of Prizes 25
Total Prize Pool $1,250.00

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia-wide
Entry Limit One per person
Entry Methods Website
Prerequisites Survey/Questionnaire

Project title: Understanding wellbeing challenges for university students during crisis disruption.

Approval Number: 2020-01913-VERNON

Principal Investigator: Dr Lynette Vernon

An invitation to participate in research

You are invited to participate in a project titled: Understanding wellbeing challenges for university students during crisis disruption, which seeks to examine your experiences and coping mechanisms during the crises of 2020 (bushfires and COVID-19).

To participate you must be 18 years old or older and you can decide to leave your email address at the end of the survey if you want to enter the prize draw.


In addition to affirming the consent to participate in the survey questions, completion and submission of the survey will be accepted as informed consent to participate and I acknowledge that I:

  • have read the participant information explaining the research study

  • have read and understood the information provided

  • have been given the opportunity to ask questions and have had questions answered to my satisfaction

  • can contact the research team if I have any additional questions

  • understand that participation in the research project will involve:

  • Completion of a short (10 minute) online survey (dependent on skip pattern)

  • If I would like to be entered into a prize draw, I can leave my private email

  • If I do not wish to go into the prize draw, I do not have to enter my email or enter the prize draw to take part in this survey

  • If I wish to receive a summary of findings, I will leave my private email address

  • If I wish to participate in a follow-up survey I will leave my private email address

  • understand that the information provided will be kept confidential, and that my identity will not be disclosed without consent

  • understand that I am free to withdraw from further participation at any time, without explanation or penalty

  • understand the data and/or samples collected for the purposes of this research project may be used in further approved research projects provided my name and any other identifying information is removed.

I freely agree to participate in the project and I am aged 18 years or older and I:

  • Understand what I have read;

  • Consent to take part in the research project;

  • Consent to be involved in the research described;

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closed Comments

  • -2

    THANK YOU for your Particiaption in our project

  • +1

    Survey design has a flaw in that it asks a lot of questions that are not applicable to those who were not university students in 2020. It wasn’t made clear prior to entering that only uni students should enter.

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