16GB is almost at the lowest price, 32GB is at the lowest price and 64GB
Decent Price for Dual drives (USB-A and USB-C)
SanDisk Ultra 16GB Dual Drive USB Type-C $11.00 Increased to $12.62
SanDisk 32GB Ultra Dual Drive USB Type-C $11.50
SanDisk 64GB Ultra Dual Drive USB Type-C $17.87 Increased to $17.99 Now $17.50
SanDisk Ultra 128GB Dual Drive USB Type-C $27.00 Increased to $32.00
You can be confident in the good quality, performance and reliability of every SanDisk Product
Unique, sleek design for the modern home
With these speeds you can be sure that every transfer or save will end faster than ever before
The Previous deals were much cheaper for larger capacity.