Router with decent content filtering

Im looking for a home router with content filtering to prevent my kids from watching rubbish youtube. id want a router that can filter content by device. Any recommendations welcome.


  • We use a Netgear R8000 that has the basic version of Disney Circle built in and is managed via an iPhone app. It seems to work well and can enforce Youtube's Restricted Mode and Safe Search for Google and Bing. You set up profiles per household member, assign devices and choose a pre-set filter level from pre-kindy, kid, teen, adult, or none. Each filter level can be set as allowed/disallowed from a list of common platforms and you can whitelist sites as needed per profile. It also shows history but the Premium version ($7.49/month or $81.99/year) offers:

    • Usage - shows how much time online
    • Filter - additional filtering content controls by age and category
    • Time Limits - set time limits for apps and sites
    • Pause - pauses the internet
    • OffTime - enable "no internet" times for the day
    • Rewards - send your kid screentime rewards

    Google WiFi (router/APs) would be another option.

    • Edit: with the basic version on the app, I can pause the internet connection (either for everyone or per device/profile).

  • +2

    Google Nest WiFi can do that

    as well as amazon's eero mesh router but it's a paid subscription.

    You can also roll your own content filtering with Raspberry pi single board computer and Pi-Hole software. This method is the most configurable and you can block almost anything you want, including trackers and ad servers. Don't like seeing ads in mobile games and smart TV's? Pi hole can block it.

  • +1

    PiHoles are great but if you prefer someone else to manage it for you (not literally pihole but the same idea), try

    • NextDNS looks great - thanks. We're using uBlock Origin as Disney Circle doesn't block ads and trackers.

  • Just turn on safe search. Or go with Ubiquiti for ease of use. If you want something more advanced then go with DIY pfSense. PiHole is another cheap and easy option.

  • I have been happy with my Firewalla. Can definitely recommend it.
    It is a standalone security & filtering device.

  • prevent my kids from watching rubbish youtube

    But then if old enough they'll just watch it on their mobiles bypassing router? are you going to lock out the social networking sites as well probably more rubbish and dangers there than youtube?

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