Looks like cheapest for local stock, only charcoal colour for this price.
Lucky if u have giftcards
U can try to pw with ow
Looks like cheapest for local stock, only charcoal colour for this price.
Lucky if u have giftcards
U can try to pw with ow
Post Black Friday cracker of a deal!
2 for $268 is a better, more logical bargain I'd have thought ;)
Let's say maybe. but definitely not much.
Mate, JB got staffs to feed
Looks like it’s back up to normal price. I have one in my cart but can’t check out with it.
How is it different from google home?
Better sound
Am I missing something? It's $149
Might have been a price error. Damn.
Man I wanted a couple of these….
Back up to $149 it think we missed it :(
Ordered one, happy to pass on, pickup from chermside.
Shows $149 each or 2 for $268 for me
Bugger. Saw it at $99. Went to make brekkie. Sat down to check. $149.
great deal! thanks!
y u type like dis?
Saving time to post the deal, or they text a lot haha
Holy shit dude, I thought I was going to be Rickrolled or something. Office references deserve the greatest respect.
hard to type on ipad :(
for those who has access to friends and family portal , it is still 99 dollars there.
These things are terrible, I bought 4 of them to upgrade my old home’s and regret it massively. They don’t work! Stop playing music constantly, fail to do even basic things like setting a timer or telling me the weather and don’t even bother trying to set up a stereo pair. Google sport has been useless too
I agree that stereo pairs are a bit of a fail - latency, being seen as a seperate device and other shortcomings.
But music stopping being played hints at network issues rather than the device?
My network shouldn't be the problem, it's the same network that worked fine on the old Google Home's, 3x Unifi Nano HD's, a USW-48-500w and a UDM-PRO
thank you, I was debating between this and echo. so you helped me decide. I got 4 of them: echo show 10 for the main living room, echo show 5 for my oldest child, echo plus for the master bedroom, and echo dot for my youngest child.
Sounds like network issues. Mine has been great.
Yeah gotta agree, the stereo pairing is actually pretty good. Impressive even when I get all my 6 speakers play the same thing.
I made a group called "all speakers" which contains a couple of nest audios, a nest hub and a bunch of nest minis throughout the house.
It's so damn cool having spotify or something play on all of them. The sync is perfect.
I can't get pairing to work well with the aux in on the Max :( The audio is so far behind the TV it's unusable
My network shouldn't be the problem, it's the same network that worked fine on the old Google Home's, 3x Unifi Nano HD's, a USW-48-500w and a UDM-PRO
I've found that my Unifi network on mostly default settings has had issues streaming audio reliably on both Sonos and Google Home in the past. Mostly due to how locked down they are by default compared to most consumer routers.
It's worth looking into changing your settings; I think I followed a guide like this last year and it solved my issues:
Pricing was honoured for those who managed to order, got a notification that order is ready for collection.
Back in stock…
Thanks for the heads up, just ordered
omg i just bought one yesterday at $150!! :'( its not opened or anything! does anyone know if i can return it and purchase it again at a discounted price??
Yep. If you have a receipt, then that will be no problem.
Can you connect this to a Google Home Hub and use it as a speaker instead of the Home hub speaker?
Yes you can. In the Google home app setting for your home hub you can select the nest audio as the default speaker.
Does anyone know how the sound compares to a similar size Bluetooth speaker like a UE Boom?
Idk about you but the draw of UE BOOM is being battery powered imo
Zip pay in store 10% bonus?
I've got a couple of Google Home Max speakers, when I pair them as a stereo and connect them to my projector as a soundbar, there is a delay in the audio, so it's out of sync with the picture. It's a known issue when pairing these with visuals. (my worklaround has been to cable them both directly)
Anyone know if it's been fixed with these speakers when pairing them?
thanks! Ordered a couple.
Got one at $99. We're mainly Sonos at home but will give this one a go
It's still $99
Cheers i just ordered one. Will see how it goes and might get another one for stereo music. I absolutely love my google home max pair that i have. these will be great when i don't need something so big.
Picked mine up, I think even a single of these sound great in a single room. I have an open Kitchin/dining/living area so 2 would be ideal to fill out the bass.
If someone needs a reference point I think it sound very similar to the home hub max bass level and all. I don't have my speakers ever turned up as if I'm in a club so I'm more than happy with the bass and volume level which I set to 50-60% max.
Thanks just ordered one for $99 - Strange it still says $99 or 2 for $268!!! :)
Hoping officeworks match this price.
jb price back to 149
Gah! I found that out whilst standing in an officeworks and about to do a price match! Oh well, I'm sure it'll come around again.
You can use the gift card from woolies this week for 10% discount.