If you are trying to get Microsoft Certified this allows you a second chance at the exam if you fail it the first time.
In the real world, you may need more than one chance at certification. This means that if you sign up for the Second Shot offer and you do not pass a certification exam on your first try, you have a free, second chance to pass it.
Step 1: Register for Second Shot on the Microsoft Web site and receive an exam voucher number.
Step 2: Using the voucher number, schedule and pay for your initial exam via Prometric's Web site, call center, or test center locations. Note You must have the voucher number before you register.
Step 3: Take the exam.
Step 4: If you do not pass the exam on your first attempt, register for your free retake exam via Prometric's Web site, call center, or test center locations by using the same voucher number
This will be the most popular deal IF you can use that with HSC :)