• expired

[eBay Plus] $1 Tuesday Deals eg Oscillating Wall Fan, Protection Pest Repellent, Wiltshire Chopping Board (2 Per A/C) @ eBay

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  • When does this start

    • It just started.

      • +2

        Yeah my bad - was refreshing for a while and nothing was popping :3

    • It’s started already I just got two things :)

      • NGL this is making Ebay Plus Worth it surprisingly

    • It's already started and there are only 4 items left

  • Link??

  • It was meant to be 12pm originally then 2pm now nothing

    • +3

      Why on earth did they include this junky waste of plastic??

  • +5

    Where the hell is deal link?
    12pm > 2pm > a joke?

  • +4

    Cheers mate, got the glass set and cutlery.

  • +1

    Got the fan and wine glass set.

    • same

  • Thanks! Got glass set and the oil diffuser.

    eBay plus $1 renewal has been really good value this year

    • Put the link tks .

      • They all on the page in link

      • +1

        I got targeted, I meant it was $49 but got a $50 voucher. Numbers mixed up

        They tried to get me back with a free gift first, then the voucher.

  • Just bought 2 item

  • Cheers OP, got the glass set and some christmas lights ezpz

  • Got the wine glasses and chopping board, secret Santa sorted.

  • +6

    I don’t know what I just bought. But got 2!

  • +1

    Got the cutlery and the fan. Lol

  • +1

    Dammit, I needed a wall fan too!

    Edit: weird, I was able to buy one after checking again!

    • Looks like the wall fan is back in stock!

  • Got the Glasses and the diffuser.

    I wonder how many of the glasses will be smashed upon arrival.

    • Sold by POK, should be fine.

      • Its Australia Post Im worried about xD

  • Dang it too slow. Didn't realise how fast it would go.

    • There's still lots of deals!

      • +1

        The fan came back in stock so I jumped on it this time!

        • Do you feel like Nathan Lyon celebrating per your DP?

          haha GW

  • Got the cutlery set and fairy lights~

  • Got glasses and the diffuser

  • +2

    Nothing there I want, I'm sorry, I'm not in the OzB spirit today…

  • LED light OOS

  • anyone having issue adding glasses to cart? says quantity must be zero or less.

    • +6

      That means they are sold out

  • Thanks dealbot! Nabbed a fan and pest plug.

  • Got a fan and diffuser

  • +1

    wow thanks, been looking for the link on the homepage but couldn't find it.

    Got the fan and mosquito thing for $2. Nice!

    • hah me too, same things

  • bots clean house quick

  • Managed to get the pest repellent and bonbons. Thank OP.

    • I got this "Unfortunately, this code no longer works. Please continue with your order"

  • Got a diffuser and fan thanks

  • Damn was going to get the diffuser but just missed out.

  • damn the good stuff went fast!

    still got fan and repellent

  • The code is no longer working at 2.13pm. Deal is over.

    • Just bought the crackers, works fine. Can't go wrong for a buck

      • +1

        Lucky you. I just tried everything that's left but the code didn't work. I took too long to think what to buy then they were all gone lol next time just buy don't think much 😂

        • +3

          "just buy don't think" Should be the OZB slogan.

  • Got the Fan, Thanks OP. Legend.

  • +1

    code not working :(

  • +2

    noo about to get a second item but the code doesn't work now

  • got nothing :(

  • +1

    Missed the cutlery set, so got the fan and pest repellent. Wasn't sure if I should use the coupon as they may restock like they did the last few weeks.

    • +1

      Yes I got one and waited to use the second for something to come back in stock but then it finished:)

  • Couldn't get the code to work for the insect thungo :/

    • They don't work any way

  • Code doesn't work, lasted only 13minutes?

    • Much longer than the seconds for the AirPod deals.

  • Missed it.
    Next one next Tuesday?

  • Grabbed Fan and Mosquito device. Wanted to grab Essential Oils Air Humidifier as well, but limited to 2 orders per account.

  • Bought the diffuser but second one keep getting this "Unfortunately, this code no longer works. Please continue with your order."

  • +1

    Some great deals, especially with free delivery!

  • +1

    Thanks for the link OP (I kept refreshing the home page and several of the other eBay Plus pages to no avail). Managed to get the LED lights and fan.

    • +1

      Same! Checked trusty ozb and got the link.

      • +4

        I don't get why they make the Plus deals pages so hard to find … the number of times on the weekend I could not navigate to it from within eBay (going through loops of ebay pages that were not it) and just went to OZB to click the link through again astounds me at how poor it is to access.

  • did not get anything this time :( too quick

  • too late

  • +2

    Could only order 1 item.

    Unfortunately, this code no longer works. Please continue with your order.

    • Same second order didn't work.

    • Same here. No idea…

    • +1

      I couldn't buy anything, added fan in, applied the code, checked out, but out of stock. It counted as one use.

      Then any items after it, will get "Unfortunately, this code no longer works. Please continue with your order."

  • Thanks OP! I got the pest repellent. Not sure if it'll work well. But hey, it's only $1 :)

  • +1

    where you found the $1 deal link ?

  • did they change the limit to 1 item per account? Wont let me buy 2nd item with code

    • Same

    • Check it's not out of stock.

      • I tried it on every single item on the list individually haha

  • Too slow for the glasses but didn't really need them, so grabbed the mosquito killer (hope it works!) and bon bons. Thanks OP and others on past thread!

    • +1

      Ultrasonic devices claim to emit high-frequency sounds that are too high for humans to hear but are just the right frequency to drive pests, including mosquitoes, away. … "Numerous scientific studies show that [these devices] don't repel mosquitoes and may even attract mosquitoes," the attorney general said. :(((

      • Yep, I read the same thing too. But for a buck, why not? Nothing to lose :)

        • $1 to lose.

          • @P1xellat3d: eBay Plus so if it doesn't work you get free returns… boom $1 back. ;)

        • and may even attract mosquitoes


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