There's a dude selling that 2080ti HP desktop from last week for $3200 on Facebook marketplace in Adelaide.
Fair play?
Scalping in SA

I really don't think the natives appreciate these acts
As much as we may dislike it, yes. It's their property and their prerogative as is the case for any prospective buyer.
Does the nature of the education store play a factor. I.e. you're there on the premise of pursuit of teaching or learning, not to rip people off?
Different people have a different moral compass and perspective on things. This has been debated on both sides esp for things like PS5 scalping.
Yeah it's the same thing, I asked the seller if they had any $1300 PS5s
I'm in a weird spot at the moment with that.
I have a single PS5 coming this week from Amazon and it's very hard to see people sell them for $500 over cost and not want to do that myself. I can be without a PS5 for a few months if it means a free Nintendo Switch and a few games. I still want a PS5 though.
It's a fair trade as long a someone are willing to pay the price.
Buy low and sell high.
ahhhh so that's what Michelle Obama was on about…
The question is, who is paying $3200 for a computer that RRPs for $3079?
You’d be surprised, people do pay above RRP for old stuff because well how else do you know what it really cost.
for old stuff, i aint touching it if its not free….
Whether its fair or not I still don't think you should scalp him..