Anyone else unable to log into woolworths online?
Need to change my order and when I try login, it just keeps spinning. Bunch of console errors too.
Has been like this since Friday night. Multiple browsers, devices so don't think it's just me.
Anyone else having trouble logging onto Woolworths online?

lockmc on 29/11/2020 - 21:16
That makes no sense.
Tried 2 laptops and 2 phones (on 4g and wifi).
Tried multiple browsers.
If I out the wrong password in, it tells me.
Correct password, I get a console error from their main js about a malformed url.
Weird.App works fine.
I got it sorted. They must have pushed an update that doesn't like % symbols because they reset the password twice and I set it to that and it would break again.
Last time they reset it, I set it without a % and it worked.
Someone's not encoding their inputs correctly!
No issues logging in for me