me and my partner want to go europe from 1/4/12-20/4/12 for our honeymoon.
we are considering booking now or is it a good time? the best price i have seen for cathay pacific going to paris is between $2000-2100. this price includes one time stop over in hong kong which we want to do. so does anyone have experience with cathay pacific with their pricings? would they drop or would they go up coming toward the flight dates? if they do drop is it much?
Best Booking Time for Cathay Pacific?

glk2000 on 01/12/2011 - 23:41
" would they drop or would they go up coming toward the flight dates? if they do drop is it much?"
you should post this at fortune teller forum or ask to cathay pacific regional manager / CEO
i don't believe even travel agent can tell you this answer
We are going on a same dates 01.04.2012 to 29.04.2012. we paid $2400 for two, Mel-London return with airasia (all inclusive Food, bag and comfort kit.) I guess you will be able to find much cheaper price than 2100 if you at gaurda indo air or KLM.
If you need any help, drop me a line. (we have been to Europe beginning of this year)