We got a pool for the kids similar to this one https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f5/92/0b/f5920b56c5ec41570435c482a… and put some salt in it to prevent algae. Noticed water doesn't last long before it gets murky (few days). Instead of replacing water I thought a solar pump with filter would do the trick but which type would actually clean it? Ebay has some from $25 - $100 but the filter looks very coarse only trapping large debris? Like this: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Gardeon-Solar-Pond-Pump-Powered-…
Which Cheap Solar Pump / Filter for a Kids Pool?

Why not salt? Also how would chlorine help with dirty water???
Chlorine kills algae, salt doesn't.
Ok didn't know that thanks for the advice. I thought salt water pools were a thing but I guess they also put chlorine in them.
@figarow: When people say they have a saltwater pool it means they have a salt water chlorinator. Basically a system that produces chlorine for the pool instead of adding chlorine separately. They are still relying on chlorine to sanitise the pool.
Might be cheaper to just dump the water each week into the garden and refill (if council regulations allow).
for a small pond like that just add a little liquid chlorine after a swim to help kill bacteria and to sanitise it. if you plan on replacing the water every week or so.. i wouldn't bother., because if you put the water into your garden it'll kill your plants
Great advice. Im on tank water so replacing regularly is not viable. I do have some liquid chlorine on hand but I'm more concerned about the filtering of it. That water gets dirty and its only after a few days so its not algae. Can you recommend a cheap filter pump or something? Would that ebay one I linked to actually filter out anything other than grass and leaves? It seems to be more of a pump / fountain then filter.
if its getting dirty maybe from grass and leaves.. i would cover it with a tarp and only uncover it when you use it. this will also help with heating the pool and stopping evaporation.
- filtering the pool wont improve the quality of the water
- get test strips and maintain the right water chemistry
- cover
- add liquid chlorine suitable for the volume of water
- make sure the people going into the water clean off first. small volume of water means easier to be contaminated.
AquaPro offers more tailored filtration solutions for pools and water features.
Put some chlorine in it, not salt.