Whilst the changes are mildly interesting, I couldn't help thinking that someone has scored a Christmas job at Woolies.
Major Changes Rolled out at Woolworths Stores Ahead of Christmas

Last edited 25/11/2020 - 21:35
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What a croc. Are they talking about the queues at checkouts or to get in the bloody door?
Sounds like they are doing sweet FA if you ask me.
One of these resources is a Q-Tracker tool available online or through the Woolworths app that uses real-time data to show the length of queues inside stores so shoppers can avoid peak times, making socially distancing possible.
Google already tells you when the stores are busy using mobile location services.
There is also a feature on the app that helps customers find items by allowing them to build lists before revealing which aisle each item is in.
The same kind of code they use to show their staff where to pick their orders for online shopping orders? If I have to make such a big list and so many locations I might qualify for cheap delivery rather than have to go to store.
What next? Woolworths will remodel themselves into a tech business, maybe buy out CashRewards and reverse merger and end up with a 144x PE because the sky is the limit for profits, their tech will multiply their profits like WeWork.
There is also a feature on the app that helps customers find items by allowing them to build lists before revealing which aisle each item is in.
Yeah, likely supermarket never deliberately move things around so you get to browse the aisles longer and buy unnecessary stuff.
Like cigarette company encourages people to stop smoking.
Meanwhile, their app can already do that for months…. Just PR making them look like doing something new
Well the 2% of BiG dAtA grads that actually got hired have to work SOMEWHERE