Recently I sold a VR headset on ebay, which I have been using with no issues at all. However, the buyer wants a refund and has opened a case, with the reason being "Didn't like it". Further comments mention "Didn't know it was x years old", "Visual quality low" and also "Head set cuts out". I'm absolutely pissed off right now because this sounds like an impulse purchase and the issues described generally occur with a low-spec PC.
Of course, if the headset was actually damaged somehow, I'd instantly refund them no questions asked - however, as I was using this till the day it was sold, I know for a fact that it is in good working condition.
If I refuse to refund them (as my headset is perfectly fine, and the item was exactly what I described);
Would eBay take their side or my side?
Thanks for your input guys. Really bummed out right now, was gonna use the money over christmas but looks like thats not happening.
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