Im going back to my country next month, and I heard that we shouldn’t bring the ps5 because of the liquid metal used for cooling system? Has anyone tried to bring it yet ?
Can I Bring PS5 on Plane ?

That's okay, I can help.
My friend goes to the same puppy training school as this guy that used to work in the Qantas lounge and he said it's all good.
That's a relief.
You can't bring this on.
Op: sir, I refer you to forum post on ozb that says I can. I rest my case.
Member Since
1 hour 6 min agoAnother one.
I'd be pretty embarrassed to ask this on my main account, too, lmao
Why, do you care that much about what people you don't know on the internet think of you?
You'll grow out of that one day…ok
yeah until you have stalkers that dont go away…..try growing out of your stalkers…..
Just put it in your checked luggage. They will take real care with it.
I remember when bringing a PS3 back from the US a few years back, the carry on x-ray guard at Auckland airport where I was transiting shook his head when he was viewing the screen and said, "Should have got an xbox!"
lmao had us in the first half not gonna lie
You should leave it with me, I’ll take care of it
It's illegal, to smuggle PS5 out of the country.
death sentence in some countriesYou joke but Playstation 2 used to be under export restriction by both Japan and USA as it was classified as Supercomputer. This was before USAF actually chained together thousands of PS3s to build an actual Supercomputer
ps5 because of the liquid metal used for cooling system?
There is no wonder Atari died a slow death.
You can't, but you CAN send it to me.
Please send me a message and we can sort it out.I highly doubt the volume of liquid metal involved is enough to be a concern. You should call them to check, but even then the response could vary depending on who you ask. I would be very surprised if this is a problem.
I brought my own custom built mini ITX PC through the US (passing the dreaded TSA security checks with zero (profanity) given by them) and i have a delidded CPU with liquid metal. It came with me all the way on the plane.
How much can you sell it in Vietnam ?
mười bảy triệu một trăm ba mươi nghìn đồng :D
Wow, instant Multi-millionaires straight away.
How many have you sold so far ? lol 😂
I've previously brought NUCs as hand baggage on a plane. I didn't have any issues on the x-ray machine but they had to do multiple swabs(>4 attempts) using the explosives/drug machine. I'd say it's not worth the hassle so just check it in.
He may plan to have a few in the check in already :)
Didn't get the response you were looking for in the Aussie PS5 Facebook group?…
Damn private group. Did they get flamed?
Similar comments to here, post was nearly identical. I did a double take when I saw the forum post pop up here
New users (and a few older ones here that really should know better) tend to post the exact same question on multiple forums. Happens a lot if you spend time both here and over at Whirlpool
Simply pack in cargo luggage.
What is PS5 ?
Upgraded AK47?
New kind of C-4?
since when was liquid metal used as a coolant….?
Presuming it's thermal paste but not researching such minutia today.
Are you going to open the PS5 up mid flight and remove the CPU?
Or, I have another idea… have you tried calling the airline you are flying with and ask them? Or did they ask “what did Australia’s foremost bargain website say when you asked them?”