This was posted 4 years 3 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Halo: Master Chief Collection $22.19 @ CDKeys

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Very good price for some very good games.

Not sure how long it will be this price.

EDIT: Price increased slightly from $20.64 to $22.19, still a great buy.

Some users have mentioned that swapping the price to USD before buying could yield a slightly cheaper result

Price keeps fluctuating up and down, as of 25/11 @ 11:14pm AEDST, it's $28.19. Will leave it marked as expired, but worth checking back every now and then

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closed Comments

  • +8

    MCC is crazy value, esp now that they’ve added every game to PC

  • +1

    Holy crap I’ve been waiting for more than $10 off and now I got it. Activated without a hitch.
    Thanks OP!

  • Was just talking to a mate about getting this via Steam today. Glad I waited. Cheers OP!

  • Nice, great value and these games hold up well

  • Thanks! Been waiting for this to drop for a while :)

  • +5

    included in xbox game pass ultimate on pc too :)

    just incase someone has pc game pass and is unaware

    • True, I'm a subscriber but I bought this. For less than the price of two months I can play any of the Halos. I tend to sub a month and play a lot of Xbox and then drop it and go back to my own library on Steam and Epic.

      • +2

        fair enough :)

        i was able to use the brazil xbox live conversion deal making it $120 for 3 years of ultimate so im set for a while :P

        • +6

          Shame you weren't able to get a brazillian years!

  • Won't have time to play this anytime soon with Cyberpunk coming out but bought anyway, thanks OP

    • Depends if they feel like another delay!

  • Thanks friend, was eyeing this for a few months, now I've got it.

  • Been waiting for a sale on this, activated without issue. Thanks OP. Had it on XBox but prefer PC

  • +2

    For those that want to try local co-op on PC, I found this thread on reddit:…

    Have fun!!

  • +2

    Woah thanks OP, I've been mulling over buying MCC for ages. Now I am able to relive my highschool days of getting teabagged endlessly in lone wolves.

  • Thanks OP. I changed currency to US and have been charged $20.09 (pending).

    • Was that with PayPal or your bank card?

      • I changed currency on the website. Paid with Paypal and ING but let ING do the conversion.

  • -7

    GREAT PRICE but the games are meh

  • +4

    Awesome, just bought! Never played a HALO game but I've heard good things :)

    • Hope you enjoy it mate. If you can, grab a friend to play it through with you. And make sure you play it on at least Heroic difficulty. I wish I could go back and experience these games for the first time again. If you remember. Come back and let us know what you rate them.

  • Appreciate the headsup, purchased.

  • Have never played it before though I have heard about it. Bought it anyway :)

  • I got the original halo on the Xbox and didn't like it. I thought it was a bit bland and the visuals were a blurry mess. I wonder how much have changed since.

    • It's not too bad, the remaster was done well, it can be a bit janky in places though as even it is beginning to age.…

    • +2

      Graphics were one of the selling points back in 2001, Surprising to hear you thought it was blurry. :o

      Did you just prefer the cleaner look of games like Super Mario 64 for example? I can see why if a fan of that, the realistic stuff seemed more dark and dirty looking.

  • Thanks heaps OP! Can finally relive one of my favorite game series as a teenager in co-op with my friend online!

  • I was so glad this game/games finally came to PC. Between work and a young kid I only get to play in the evenings but if anyone wants to shoot the shit and play hit me up!

  • +1

    Daam I am the 118 upvote :( I ruined it.

  • All pretty good games except ODST, couldn't make myself to play longer after the first stage lol

    Finished halo 4 yesterday, really good in terms of storyline, but the bloom omg…. its like when your phone camera becomes old and unable to maintain sharpness of captures and every light source bleeds across the image

  • Anyone know if any of the additional games can transfer to the xbox one? I didn't realise buying this that some of the collection has to be paid for in addition to the original purchase

  • Just bought at $22.64 AUD, when paying in USD through PayPal. Still a huge saving, thanks OP!

  • Great Deal regardless but…

    Does anyone know if it included all the multiplayer DLC or not?

  • I purchased this but I can't load up the game without an Xbox live account?

    I just want to play single player and don't want to sign up for an Xbox live account, can this be done or did I just waste $20?

    • I believe you do need an xbox live account.

      It's a free account, but I can see why it'd bother some people.

      • I'm going to try and get a refund from, failing that I'll be making a PayPal claim that nowhere on the website for Halo MCC is it mentioned that an xbox live account is required.

        I don't support businesses that do this to their customers, I'd prefer to go to the high seas or not play it at all.

        • Yeah that's fair, usually they write if another type of account is required.

          Good luck with it though, considering you already activated it.

          • -1

            @mangobango: I've got screenshots of the store page, no where is it mentioned that it requires 3rd party activation. Infact it says only steam on their store page.

            Getting a refund through PayPal for a product not as advertised won't be hard.

            Shame I can't put a negative vote on this after upvoting it, to warn others about this.

            • +1

              @studentl0an: I mean, each to their own, mate, but loads of games require various third party logins. It's not ideal, but if you want to play the game…and this is a lot of gaming for 20 bucks. Downvoting the post just seems unduly churlish.

              • @ozof: If we have a problem with a product, which requiring 3rd party activation without advertising it on is definitely a valid problem with a product - a neg is valid. I don't mean to be mean to anyone but the opposite, bringing attention to the problem for others who are not aware of it.

       did not advertise that it required 3rd party activation, something that is always advertised on other platforms.

                • @studentl0an: This is a trivial reason to add a neg. Stress less with your life and just move on if it doesn’t suit you.

                  • @Randolph Duke: I don't consider forcing 3rd party DRM in single player games trivial. I find it to be a horrible direction the industry is going. The MCC is even segmented into DLC that has separate multiplayer components, so why not just put the Xbox live requirement on those, why force it into the single player campaigns? A lot of people have problems with this business practice and we should be allowed to neg because it's a valid problem with the product, and specifically saying it only requires Steam activation.

                    Why not just let me be me and you be you, stress less and move on rather than forcing your views onto me?

                    The problem I have is mostly with not advertising that it has 3rd party DRM. On the store page it says only Steam activation with no mention of Xbox live. This should be illegal, it's false advertising.

  • Excellent price. This has been on my wish list for sometime - bought and activated. Thanks OP

  • Cheers OP just bought, note that switching to USD didn't make it cheaper for me so transacted in AUD.

    • Thanks, some people got it slightly cheaper, I'll still leave it there as a PSA just in case people use their bank cards that have better rates or something :)

  • Labelled as out of stock / out of keys

    • +1

      Looks back in stock but $31~ now.

      Time to mark as expired :(

  • Damn, waited too long.

    • Looks like it's $28.19 now.

      Still a decent price!

  • This is essential for life saving.

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