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Topfield PVR Twin Tuner 80GB $169


Gotta love this, referb Twin Tuner Topfield pvr, 80 GB only $169!

I have one of these, couldn't live without it!

Have installed a 200gb HDD (they are standard 3.5' PC hard drives!)

Unlike tivo, not owned by media corporation (why would seven release a machine that would CUT its revenue? They will be introducing forced advertising you see when you fast foward.) also it has the 30 sec button!

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closed Comments

  • Hi sickllama, Is the HDD an ATA or SATA? Is it just a case of unplugging the 80GB HDD & installing another higher capacity HDD? Did you have to just format it using a PC as FAT or NFTS? Sorry about the "rapid fire" questions……but it is a good deal. I've got a TF6000 with a 160GB (I actually won it in a competition) and it's one of the most useful pieces of kit in the house (and it's reticulated to 4 TV's)…..except my wife fills it up with "rubbish" ;->) Cheers, ozzie

  • Umm… its the old IDE HDD… it really is simple. You unscrew the top off… unscrew some of the screws around the actual HDD, put the new one in and boot up the Topfield, it says "New HDD detected" or something like that, "Would you like to format this HDD"… select yes and there you go…

    Remember to unplug the box before opening and to watch all your saved shows, as they will be lost!

    Its no harder than installing a HDD on a PC.

    I got mine on ebay 6 months ago for $100 second hand (including postage) and chucked a 200GB hard drive I had lying around in it and it is great. I love it.

  • I've got a TF5000PVRT Masterpiece and I've put a 500GB hard drive in and it works great. But it's amazing that the space kept running out no matter how big the hard drive is.

    You need to buy a ATA hard drive, and I believe your Toppy will format it for you. I think 500GB is the biggest that you can put it, although some have put in a 750GB one. Go check out Topfield's forum, it's got heaps of info.

  • Thanks sicllama & cacbm…….appreciate your advice. HDD's are a bit like "blokes sheds"…..it doesn't matter how big they are, they always get filled to the brim!!!! Cheers, ozzie

  • Ummm ozzie this is the guide I used… http://www.topfield-australia.com.au/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=…

    I skipped the steps that involved saving your old shows… seems like it was more trouble than its worth.

    Hope this helps…

  • Yes! I look over now and see that I only have 20GB remaining of my 200GB! lol

  • Thanks sickllama……seems pretty easy to do…..and as it would be an additional set, I'd overlook the "file transfer" function…..my wife can keep the "rubbish" on the TF5000 ;->) Cheers, ozzie

  • Wish this would have been HD, as i am quite happy with strathfield's 69$ SD settop box. (80gb is under 50$ if still anyone selling but strathfield unit is single SD tuner).

  • I looked at that one, mawinmawin. Does it a epg? Can you choose your recordings by program rather than date? Also how many hours can you store on the 80GB Harddrive?

    • Yes, that has EPG and can be selected from EPG (so programs), i use an old 80gb disk, it shows over 50 hours though i didnt record that much.

  • I think the Topfield is recording Mpeg2 at DVD quality, so these movies can be played immediately on a computer or turned into a DVD quite easily.

    … could be useful for capturing home movies from the old tapes …

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