Cheapest price I could find. Could be nice for people who bought the wheel from Amazon recently.
Other retailers:
JW Computers: $404.50+ shipping
Computer Allianz $429.00+ shipping
Cheapest price I could find. Could be nice for people who bought the wheel from Amazon recently.
Other retailers:
JW Computers: $404.50+ shipping
Computer Allianz $429.00+ shipping
Sure looks a bit like a high chair, doesn't it?
Think I triggered some people haha. How are you supposed to get out when you Mount a wheel? Same as a high chair.
potty sold separately
Nice, someone please talk me out of buying one..
Buuuyy iiitt.. ddooo iiittt!!!!!
Buy now regret later
It's a chair specifically for racing wheels.
From just the pictures, it looks like a really high and slouchy deck chair.
Know which shifter mount we need to buy? Cant seem to find one
if you're looking for a shifter mount as an add on, I'd recommend looking at the Playseat Alcantara rather than Challenge. The Challenge is entry-level and even if there was a compatible mount I daresay it wouldn't be sturdy when you put force on it.
If you're referring to the Playseat Evolution, it's double the price and isn't compactable.
Yes that's the one - I have it - paid ~$550 from memory during an eBay sale
Was just suggesting an alternative for Ultramup who needs a shifter mount - there isn't going to be a lot in the entry-level price bracket that accommodates a shifter.
@magic8ballgag: Probably because they like to charge for the privilege!
But also because across most (probably all) brands the shifter itself is an optional purchase.
@XabiFernando: That's true, there are official shifter supports from Playseat, but I can only find the 'pro' version in Australia, and it isn't cheap.
In your case, its better to go for the new Next Level Racing GT Lite…. They have $50 off as a part of Black Friday Sale and brings it down to $349 Shipped.
Playseat Adult… so is it for Kamasutra?
If Amazon offered free shipping on this one for prime, it would be an instant buy.…
It took me way too long to understand what I was looking at…