Hey guy's im trying to find a cheap wedding videographer for about a 9 hour event, church to midnight. 3pm to midnight. I have found a few people, great work unfortunately out of the price ranges i was hoping for :(
From $2800 to $3600 ouch
Already have a photographer for the event which im paying $2000 for the same times. Basically short story, decided not to do video but now would like it if I can afford it.
I have a 550D which i would love to use for this, but unfortunately, none of my friends are any good, or have any remote experience, cause I was thinking buy a nice video lens and a whole bunch of hi speed SD cards, but thats alittle guetto haha!
I suspect that you will find for much less than $2800 the result will not be better than getting a friend to do it (if that is viable). In Melbourne there are cheap services in the Springvale area, as video is standard for many asian weddings, there may be similar options in Sydney.