I have just purchased the MBA M1 8gb/256gb.
Ask me anything!
Edit: not sure what all the hate is for i am just trying to help out people considering to purchase it
I have just purchased the MBA M1 8gb/256gb.
Ask me anything!
Edit: not sure what all the hate is for i am just trying to help out people considering to purchase it
Why not
because i knew that when i was looking into it i was really questioning many things
Did you get the one with the 8CU iGPU, or the cut-down model with only 7CU ?
How is the battery life and do intel apps through Rosetta perform well?
I cant answer your question on battery life as i haven't used it for extended period of times. I have used it quite lightly for 1 hour and it has dropped by 12 percent as of right now.
As with rosetta apps i have only tried two, discord works perfectly for me. There really isn't any notable performance drops. The other intel app i have installed and tried out is minecraft, it seems to run at sold 50-60 fps with fancy graphics and 12 chucks. It is telling me that it is running at 2.5ghz which is 1 ghz less than what the chip does natively
Can I be your friend?
Nice flex 💪🏾
How are apps through Rosetta 2? Are they actually almost the same performance in terms of snappiness (except for the initial 30 second processing time on first launch)?
I have not tried many apps. Discord seems to run fine. Minecraft seems to run better than an intel MBA would run it at 50- 60 fps with fancy graphics at 12 chunks. This is without optifine
Weird flex but ok.
How can my question responding to "ask me anything" be marked as offtopic? ……..
Because "tw@t" isn't an option
Some feelings has increased in intensity?
What’s something you really resent paying for?
What do you mean?
I don’t get why people are like this on these kind of posts, it’s just being rude for no reason? Like I don’t understand why bothering to post if it’s just going to take away from the discussion :/
Yeah I agree. I'm actually running a late 2013 15" MBP (very high spec) which I've thought would last me a couple more years but it's actually starting to show it's age lately. What I'm hearing and seeing about the new M1 chips is blowing my mind and I'm really considering buying one, but wondering if I should just hold out a little longer for next gen "M2"…
I'm in the same boat. Running 2014 MBP 13" but starting to feel the pinch when editing video. I want to jump on the M1 but am cautious about it being 1st gen and all that could potentially entail, especially as I hear Adobe software is not quite there yet. Did you make a decision in the end?
Hey mate, sticking with the Late 2013 for a bit longer just to wait and see. It still works well for the most part, so I think it's just a matter of fending off that feeling of wanting something new and shiny (and faster)…
It’s called fanboys. If you are opposed to a product because you believe it’s competitor is better, that gives you the right to be a douchebag when people talk about said opposed product. Didn’t you know that competition and point of difference in products is bad for the consumer?:))
hurr durr walled garden trapped in ecosystem
/only uses Windows
Do you own a high yield investment vehicle?
People be acting like the MBA is more expensive than other flagship laptops like the xps, spectre and some lenovos. i got this for $1439 with student discount and people be acting like it is $7 000
What's the reason to go for air considering pro models have more value for money?
What's your previous laptop and what improvements have you felt?
This is actually my first laptop!
The sole reason i went for the air is because of cost. The pro is $400 more expensive and im not sure it actually provides much better performance.
If you watch a lot of reviews about these models. The only real difference between the current models available in Aus is the cooling solutions, 1 extra GPU core, 100 nits extra screen brightness and slightly more battery life on the Macbook Pro.
Both run the same M1 chip at apparently the same speed, the Air is running with passive cooling which means there will certainly be some sort of heat throttling. However, watching many reviews the Air seems to keep pace with the Pro for video and photo editing. Only being slightly slower on processing in various tests. The GPU power can be noticeable if you plan to do some light gaming on there.
So on many fronts, a lot of reviewers are recommending the Air over the Pro for a lot of people given the price point and performance you get from it. The Air takes on the previous Macbook 16" in a few areas too.
So if I am using for video editing with Premiere then the MBA should be ok? I'm running a 2014 MBP 13" base model right now and it is serviceable but starting to labour on some tasks.
The reviews online show minimal differences between the pro and the air in all video and photo editing.
A lot of questions raised over whether any extras in the pro are worth the jump in price.
The MacBook Air can actually be upgraded from the base model to get the extra GPU core. From what I've seen, the only advantage of the MBP aside from the 100+ nits of brightness is the active cooling allows for long-running tasks to not be throttled, but even then it's not that bad.
I'd love to get a MacBook Air M1 with 16GB RAM and the extra GPU core myself. It's pretty awesome it's able to do what it does while being fanless.
We’re you working for the Air Force and got injured fought for 15 years and used your massive compo pay out to buy it?
what is the price difference between the macbook air and other flagship laptops?
Similar price, which is why it's nothing special that you bought this macbook. Definitely don't need an AMA for it.
And yet here you are at OPs AMA
Normally yes, but this year apple has made their own chips with no fans
@ozhunter: zzzzzzzz
I personally find it quite good to be able to read through a real world users experience. Also considering buying this new MacBook Air for my first ever personal laptop.
You got yourself a new MacBook air, but won't pay more than $300 for your kid who actually needs it all day for school work?
Lol OP is trying to remove the post, look at the revision history
That was hypothetical if you read the post. This MBA is actually for him and hence the only apps have been discord and Minecraft. I am directing the questions to him
Ahhh ok, makes sense now
Asking for a son.
lol haters hatin because Apple has actually made cpu performance exciting again
but how is photoshop and illustrator running if you have the capacity to test it?
That's AMD not Apple
Is it sour?
It is. If I had my time again I'd get a mango.
How’s it go with heating up? Have you done any highly intensive CPU workloads yet? Eg spotlight indexing 1mil files? I’ve been wanting to do some web development tests on a MBA like installing/running a large angular project cos I’m about to buy one because I hate the Touch Bar of MBP and also hate the sharp case edges on the pro.
so, you know the PDF viewer is bung, Edge doesn't work, Photoshop etc. Lot's of issues to work through. I'll wait for the native versions to come out first.
That's incorrect. Is this your experience?
Rosetta 2 works really well for most of the Intel apps - faster than on the previous Intel Macbook air.
Only some intel apps have problems.
Uses a MS user website for knowledge on a Macbook
@Boomstick: Forbes neutral enough for you? Review sites don't just blatantly lie. If they say it doesn't work, chances are it doesn't work.
Apple Preview is an excellent PDF viewer and standard in MacOS.
Don't know about Edge, but Chrome has an M1 version running 2x faster than the Intel version,and Safari is of course already native.
Photoshop on M1 going to be much, much faster apparently
.. and quite a feww reviewers have run Photoshop using Rosetta 2 with excellent results
chrome works natively and photoshop seems to work via rosetta. pdf works for me
For an AMA, you really haven't tried your pc out for long and don't know the answers to anything…
It's not a PC. How very rude. It's MacBook.
Are you noticing any anomalies… I've just upgraded my iMac and now finding printer does not work
Congratulations, not sure why you'd be getting any hate… also not sure what there is to ask?
I heard you can open the screen flat to 180°. Is that true? You have to force a bit…
no that is not true, it opens as far as a normal laptop
I cant seem to transfer file from a s9 over to it via bluetooth. the mx master mouse connects with it no problem.
🙄 me too!