Free eBooks from BookDepository

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Mod: These free ebooks have always been free from the likes of Project Gutenberg.

Free ebooks from BookDepository. Expiry unknown.

The emailed link goes to the the following and has a Christmas theme:…

But truncating the link looks like it will give you more books:


  • "We're really sorry but an unexpected error has occured"

    I've found you can preview plenty of ebooks on
    Worked nicely for Uni until I got the actual PDF of the book I needed.

  • I think they're mostly out of copyright books…which are always free. For those interested you can also download 36,000 ebooks for free from

    • post deleted

    • Yes - I had a quick browse through and they all look like out of copyright books to me too; free (always) on Gutenberg. Not really much of a deal then.

    • These ebooks are published by Dodo Press. What an apt name.

  • The web site seems broken… eg:

    Clicking on the category "Computing (4)" yields a list of just 2 books, with no obvious connection to "Computing"

    Some clarification needed here…

  • They do look like out of copyright free books. There seems to be quite a few people trying to pop a cover picture on free ebooks and offer then as deals.

    I'm also starting to feel that PDF format really doesn't qualify as ebook. Technically it may but the text doesn't flow, so if it doesn't fit your screen size, the experience may be less than optimal.

    • Let me guess, you are using iOS?
      O_O! Change to Android!

      • Yes, iOS but I am not sure why that's important.

        I have plenty of PDF readers and plenty of eBook readers, (too many in fact ;-) including Adobe Reader and Kindle.

        The point with PDFs is that they don't reflow (or as far as I know they don't), so if the formatting doesn't match the screen size it's a problem.

        Please do explain if I am missing something.

        BTW, I have nothing against Android, I think its great that iOS has competition from it and now Windows Phone. Viva la difference!

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