Ah, the good old days…
. eg, …when Creating a Yahoo! group was EZpeeZ… :-)
If the group name didn’t duplicate an existing one
[& your purpose wasn’t blatently+extremely anti-social…],
your group was functional in a minute.
Today, creating a Google.io group can be harder, even
when there is No hint of any anti-social purpose.
Of course, Google is concerned with Ad-revenues; so,
after finding a unique name, for your Google.io group,
you must jump a related hurdle:
Is the group’s main purpose to Advertise a product or
service? (You’ll be warmed, groups with a short name
or description will be deleted, with this concern in mind.
Our purpose is to discuss whether achieving Net-Zero
GHG-emissions would be enough to Fix the Climate.
We suggest that Nuclear Energy is a necessary tool,
but we also cite a webpage of a .ORG site, that argues,
that: Net-Zero cannot Fix our Climate, since there’s so
much CO2 accumulation (from past emissions) causing
the consequences we associate with Climate Change,
today, that will continue to occur…
God! Not again….Definitely not on a Saturday morning….