People with Solar - How Much Do You Generate Per Day (on Average) ?

Looking at Solar for my new house.

I need to convince my wife to go ahead with it and looking at doing some calculations on how much it'll save its.

Looking to see how much people generate and the size of the system.

I am looking at 6kw or so system. I am in VIC too.

Poll Options

  • 4
    Less than 1kw per day
  • 1
    1kw to 1.99kw per day
  • 3
    2kw to 2.99kw per day
  • 4
    3kw to 3.99kw per day
  • 7
    4kw to 4.99kw per day
  • 5
    5kw to 5.99kw per day
  • 8
    6kw to 6.99kw per day
  • 2
    7kw to 7.99kw per day
  • 3
    8kw to 8.99kw per day
  • 1
    9kw to 9.99kw per day
  • 365
    10kw or more per day


      • +1

        Yup. My plan was to never pay for power again, and at least have my credits roll into winter, if not give me a little cash each year. Not sure I’ll manage that with the pool heater now, we use between 30 and 80kwh per day (pool is set to 32 degrees) depending on what we’re doing. Average import is 10-15kwh per day.

        I suspect we won’t heat the pool much or at all in winter, so potentially will export more in wither than summer. My rough maths at the moment for this quarter (everything got put in over this quarter) is 5mwh produced, 2.5mwh consumed, of which 800kwh came from the grid, and 3.1mwh exported. So I’m just over break even, guesstimating a $100 credit.

        I suspect over summer pool heating will drop off considerably, and generation will slightly improve, hopefully creating bank for the winter.

        My break even (for install costs) was approx 4-5 years before I factored in pool heating. But if I factor that in, then it easily halves.

        I know it’s long winded sorry!!

  • Mean daily 15.4, June 8.9, December 19, 5Kw state EW.
    Solar is def worth doing, but be prepared to to some work to reduce your energy consumption, eg insulation, draught management, led lights etc to manage your demand.
    Once you get a decent power information system with your solar you can use this to optimise useage by behaviour change, but if you and your partner are not in it together it may get frustrating…..

  • 5kw system with micro invertors.
    Best days about 33kw (late spring)
    Worst days 5kw (middle of winter)
    This is with trees on the north side of the house.

  • +4

    Anyone here use a battery with this setup? Worth the extra $6,000 or so?

    • +3

      Yes, have power wall 2 for a couple of years now. Well onto paying it’s way and the whole system will definitely be cost neutral within the next 2 to 3 years. After that it’s all money in the bank. 😎
      If you research you will find that the battery systems are financially viable when the installed cost is of the order of $500/Kwh (ish). The retail installed cost of the Powerwall is around double that. So it won’t automatically be a rational financial decision yet, until costs drop a little more.
      We got an incredibly generous incentive from our local council that put us in the $650/Kwh range and this was good enough for us. Demand management using the Tesla info system has been an unexpected bonus for this as we use our system more effectively than we though possible.
      IMO keep on the look out for any incentives, which are a possibility now that ScoMo the Shonky is residing in Biden’s fundamental orifice.
      Remember: Time, Cost, Quality. You can have any two that you want. Time is your fried here..😁

  • I’m in Melbourne and got a system installed in Feb this year. 16 x 330W panels and 5kW inverter. Panels are north, east and west facing on my small home.
    In winter, daily generation can be as low as 2kWh/day and recent sunny days it’s been up to 32kWh/day. I try and run the white goods during the day to make use of the sun. Feed in tariff is now a measly 10.2c/kWh. On average I previously used about 6kWh of electricity a day.

  • 12kw system averaging close to 60kw per day

    • Averaging? Which state are you in?
      I'm in Vic and have a 15kw (but had 5kw installed prior to my purchasing the home and can only smart monitor the 10kw fronius system).

      The 10kw shows:
      49kw so far this month average per day
      60kw in Jan 2020…..
      And for all of 2020 = 38kw
      (All of 2019 = 50kw)

      • Only just got it. I’m in QLD

        • Thats pretty good going, but understandable for the sunshine state. Well done and hope your bills are low.

  • 12kw system getting up to 85kw on clear day here.

  • I know you have mentioned 6kw system but my suggestion is to go as big as possible for your roof.
    I have 9.24kw panels and 8kw inverter. High 40’s in terms of kw on an average day. In the summer it hits low 50’s.
    I generally sell back to the grid and profit.
    Winter Bill including using ducted heating a fair bit was $11.

    Winter usage was around 18-22kw used per day for reference.

  • +1

    I am in SA. My 6.6kw + 14kw batteries generate average 45kw on a clear sunny day.

    I haven't paid a bill since getting this solar package.

    • cost?

      • +1


        • batteries?

          • +1

            @abuch47: $6k for solar and batteries.

            SA gov had a $6k rebate a few months ago for batteries and solar

            • @RADICALIST: Ta, brand?

              I signed up for the VPP before change of gov lol

  • +1

    Whatever you do, don't base any decisions on the feed in tariff you will get. Only get solar to cover your own usage, feed in is going to only trend down to ~3c/kWh

    • Disagree.

      When we bought our system a bit over 3 years ago, we went for the largest system we could afford at the time.

      We’ve now recovered 82% of that initial outlay. The system has only been installed for 3yrs 1 month.

      Feed in tariffs actually increased after we bought our system.

      • Correct, 3 years ago it made sense. I'm taking to the person buying a system today. Solar feed in tariff rates don't make any sense, they are heavily subsidised by retailers. Buying energy from the grid only costs ~4c on average, so paying customers 10-20c for feed in tariff doesn't make financial sense. Now that it's deregulated, retailers are all dropping the rates.

        Fast forward 1-2 years, solar is going to heavily destabilise the grid. It's then going to be regulated that customers either pay a daily fee to be able to sell power back to the grid or alternatively they will be controlled remotely by the AEMO as to when you can feed into the grid.

        Again, buy a system based on your needs not what you can sell. Anecdotes about people earning up to 50c feed in from years ago is irrelevant when purchasing a system today

    • This is largely COVID related as shops and factories that closed or reduced staff, etc. Heavy industry and retail isn’t using the excess solar being generated from PV sources, and there’s excess power in the local grid(s) causing problems with oversupply.

      because it’s sometimes excessive peak power, there have been negative prices for energy the past few months, ie paying people to use power, if you are using market rates. It only lasts for 5-15 minutes, but it’s interesting if it’s possible to scale a VPP based on market pricing across a suburb.

  • +1

    3yr 1 month old 9.72kw system.

    Has generated 35.94MWh in that timeframe.

    This equates to an average of 31.95kwh per day.

    • I would’ve expected close to double that, is it only on a small inverter or are you super far south?

      • +1

        8kw solaredge inverter. With winter shading.

        36 panels, with an equal 18 east/18 west split.

        Located in Sydney.

        The “average” I’ve listed is year round. Including winter, not just this time of year.

        June average is 12kw/day, whilst average in December is roughly 45kw/day. Best performing day is 78kw.

        It’s definitely performing as it should be and compares with other nearby sites on PVOutput.

  • Worst day this month was 15kwh, best day was 63kwh

  • Those of you with Fronius inverters:

    How noisy are they?

    Looking to install soon, but inverter would be right outside bedroom windows (we have a shift worker in the family).

    • +2

      grrrr … Clonk ! … psst … bzzz … gurgle …. groan …

      (just joking - I don't have one - or solar panels)

      actually my Panasonic inverter fridge makes those noises - true !

    • +1

      I have the primo inverter in the garage, on the other side of my lounge tv. Don't hear a thing at peak output in my lounge. No noise at night.

    • +4

      Can get pretty loud in the middle of the day when the panels are generating max energy and the fan in the inverter is going full bore, however mine is in the garage so probably sounds louder than if it were place outdoors. But that being said, I don't think I'd be pleased if that was outside my window when running at, or close to, max.

    • They are loud in the middle of the day. It should not be a problem with your bedroom unless you day sleep.

    • Yep!

      Our fronius is in the garage.. during sunny hours it’s quite noisy (like a bathroom fan) but it’s silent over night when not producing outputting to the grid.

      We’re in Vic, with a capped 7.5kw output. Given the capped output, we generate more than we can push back - so with both of us wfh, running evap cooling, home offices, dishwashers and earning machines during the day we are still coming out in front pushing back the maximum.

      We’re usually outputting around 65kws a day at the moment, and then drawing about 11 kws back from the grid over night.

      Happy we installed

    • After hearing responses here and elsewhere we decided to get the Fronius installed away from the bedrooms - it's costing a bit more but we believe it is the sensible thing to do.
      Thanks to all for your responses.

  • Installed on 15th August this year
    2557 KWh till now over 99 days so roughly 25.82 Kwh average per day

  • 786kWh August to November

    1,156KWh November to February last year.

  • Anyone taken into account depreciation in the equation ?

    • +1

      The idea is you are mainly looking at a quick(-ish) ROI. After that it is all cream.

  • 7 KW panels (2/3 North,1/3 West) on a 5KW Inverter south of Brisbane.
    Since 2012-07-01 we have exported 70250 Kw, 23.01 average per day.
    We have not paid a cent since the system has been installed, always in credit (50c FIT) and never had a problem.
    As we are at home the whole day we use some before export.

  • We've got a 7.5kw system (6kw inverter) and generate max 45kwh on hot sunny days, and about 30kwh in winter. This fluctuates a lot for cloudy/rainy days though, so you're better off asking monthly averages. 600-900kwhs per month.
    The question you really should be asking is "how quickly does solar pay for itself", and the answer is somewhere between 3 and 7 years, with 5 being a pretty safe average.
    Most inverter warranties are 5yrs, mind you. Best to get a good brand of inverter, that's the thing you dont want to break.

  • +2

    no brainer to get solar. best deal you will ever make.

    pay back is within 2 years for me.

    generate just over 40kwh on hot summer days adn half that during winter with 6.6kw system.

    based in southern sydney near Sutherland.

    the only catch is if the feed in tarrif gets reduce by AGL or origin from 20c per kwh. They tried to screw people over and keep redcuing the rate. Conversely they charge 40c per kwh to use their electricity on the solar plans. Normal electricity plans are much cheaper usage rate but no feed in rate to offset the costs. I actually bank money during summer and use it during winter so alsmost neutral runnign costs of 5 bed house with aricon, 3 fridges etc.

    the next thing to buy is an elctric car as little to no runnign costs. no annual service costs and no petrol fill ups) but nig upfront cost to buy.

    • buy is an elctric car as little to no runnign costs

      Well I know on that front depreciation is the huge killer !

      Love the way that some people think its a freebie lol

  • +3

    Recently installed 8.8kW system with 8kW inverter.
    Live in Sydney. N facing house.
    16x370W panels on N roof, 8x370W panels on W roof.
    Total to generated energy to date from 15th Oct to today is 1,419kWh
    Oct averaged around 30kWh per day
    Nov averaging around 42kWh per day
    Best day I produced 58kWh
    Worst day I produced 5.9kWh

    • I also chose a north and west facing array based on our usage pattern. I'd guess for most families this makes the most sense with roughly 2/3 facing north and 1/3 facing west.

  • So you spent thousands and there it sits…. thinking the sun was going to make you rich.

  • 20+ kWh per day with 6.6 kw panel and 5 kW inverter in Vic


  • Side topic - Is solar panels worth it if electricity bill is between $300 - $350. I'm in QLD

    • Being worth it needs more data: 300 a quarter, not worth it. I have my own panels, I can do with them what I want. Say if needed turn the output to warm up a bit of water.
      Corrosion is perhaps the largest killer. The further away from the sea the longer they last. I have inspected 100's of installs mostly PV but a few dozen HW.

      Contrary to popular belief, the hotter the day the higher its internal resistance of PV panels. If you have enough land you can experiment and generate to your needs, eg evening sun optimised. Some bush dabblers have collected 100s of lithion cells from old laptops, sorted them and manage then by their own inventions. Given a bit of clever circuitry they have all evening internet on their laptop for the lowest possible cost and have full independence.

      Say you live in the bush and have all the time you can now harvest the sun to feel comfortable. No need to have a grid connect, just a clever setup and realistic expectations. Both latitude and altitude are no longer a disadvantage. A good northern outlook is perhaps your greatest benefit. North-East if you are not home during the day.

      I have seen systems made up from decomissioned installs, revamped and brought back to a more efficient life than they ever had before by just googling and finding tricks on youtube.
      Most costal hot water installs get replaced before they return cost. If you understand disimilar metal issues and can braze these systems can be used again for decades.

  • I actually generate more than I use during summer months but I still end up paying 300 a quarter. It offsets my Bill by about 70-90 for the buy back.

  • I have a small 3kw system and on a sunny summer day I generally get around 20-22kWh. In winter its more likely to average around 8-12kWh per day. However, I am a very small user of power, with the solar I typically only pull about 2-3kWh per day from the grid, even with working from home.

  • 6.6kw panels
    5kw inverter

    Solar Generation
    Winter full day of sun - 24kw
    Summer full day of sun - 43kw

    Power usage
    Winter - 9kw a day
    Summer - 11kw a day

  • +1

    You shouldn't listen to your wife, ever.

  • using a 6.5kW system.

    It really depends on how much sunlight you’re getting as variance is too big. Last 21 days in Nov 630kWh, so averages about 30kWh per day. Same 21 day period min is about 5.5kWh (4th Nov) and max is 45kWh (8th Nov).

  • winter 42 summer 52 on single 5kw (6 inv, 8 panels)

  • +2

    It's too dependant on your specific location, orientation of your house, and angle of your roof.

    Use this to get your calculation:

    Solar companies will give you estimates anyway though. Use SolarQuotes to guide you. Dont fall for bare bones trash.

    FWIW, I had solar installed in August and it gets me very aroused.

  • 6.6kw SolarEdge system as I have some shading in the morning.

    Winter is usually 15-20kwh on a sunny day.
    Spring/Summer is usually 35-45kwh on a sunny day.
    Rain or overcast could be anything from 2-20kwh

    If I was doing it again, I would go as big as my roof space or budget would allow for.
    As a minimum, 6kw inverter with 7.92kw of panels. Allows for up to 1kw of standby and regular usage in the house while exporting at your 5kw FiT limit (typical limit but could be different in your area)

  • 80kw plus on a good day 10kw system QLD

  • +1

    In Melbourne expect a daily average of 3.66kWh (average kilo Watts over an hour) per 1kW installed. Expect less in winter and more in summer.

    Compare that to Broome, which will generate an average of 5.44kWh per 1kW installed per day.

    These numbers vary greatly as the sun has to travel though more atmosphere to reach a panel in Melbourne compared to Broome (yes, the earth is round, sorry to burst your plate)

    Shading will greatly effect your output. Most panels greatly prefer direct sunlight over an overcast sky.

    Feed in tariffs generally suck. Size your system to heat your water (hot water tank, pool) and power your air conditioner.

    From memory (I am not in Victoria), Victoria requires inverters to convert some power to kVAr to stop solar panels causing too many issues for the neighbors, so your output might be a little lower.

    Expect a discount of around $400 per kWh of the inverter if signing over STCs (Could be more or less depending on how each company price their products).

    Make sure the installer is a licenced electrician. Check the advertised Electrical Contractor Licence Number to ensure it is theirs.

    • +1

      These numbers vary greatly as the sun has to travel though more atmosphere to reach a panel in Melbourne compared to Broome (yes, the earth is round, sorry to burst your plate)

      Sorry but that's just plain wrong, the numbers vary because further away from the equator the angle the sun hit the panel changes greatly between season and the further detraction from that 90 degree, the lower the output. The distance difference you said is negligible anywhere on earth, or maybe even further away to the moon.

      Vic doesn't have that volt-var thing you're speaking of, only Queensland.

      • If that was correct then solar panels would be amazing in the arctic or antarctic is summer with their 24 hours of sunlight.

        4777 exists. It is your job/business if you refuse to comply with it.

  • What does having a X kw system mean?

    Is that saying at any given time if the sun is fully shining on it, it'll generate that many kw?

    So for a 5kw, for every hour of full sunlight, it'll generate 5kwh?

    How much sunlight do you need for it to generate the quoted amount of kW?

    • +1

      So is like this. You look at your reflection on a mirror. When you are holding it top-down straight in front of you, you see your entire face. Thats what X kW is like - the maximum area you can see your face.

      Throughout the day, the sun relatively moves around the sky, which is like tiling your mirror forward or backward. You see less of your face. Likewise with your solar system, it will generate less than X kW during the morning or late afternoon.

      Near sunrise/sunset , is like you are looking at the edge of the mirror, you can't see your face. Your solar system doesn't produce any power at all.

      So thats what X kW means - the maximum power your panel can produce when the sun is directly on top.

      So for a 5kw, for every hour of full sunlight, it'll generate 5kwh?

      So around the hour when the sun is directly above you, without clouds, your panel will generate about 5kwh for that hour. But the sun moves relative to you. So the next hour your solar system only performs at 4-5kw (because mirror tilting, you see less of your face), so you generate an average of 4.5kwh. So on so forth.

      If you add these up, on a good day, you generate a multiple of X. In summer, longer days and sun higher up in sky, you get more multiple. In winter, shorter days and sun is closer to horizon, you get less multiple of X.

      • Ok cool. That's a good explanation. Basically 5kw means the maximum you can generate per hour is 5kwh but varying conditions will mean that it's not something you get for every daylight hour.

        So would mean brand matter too in terms of how much the solar panel can generate in non optimal conditions?

        • The three things I looked at between brand / product type are 1) efficiency at the same temperature, 2) performance loss on hot days, and 3) claimed performance degradation over time, or the "performance guarantee in 10 years" etc

        • The panel brand doesn’t matter any near where as much as orientation, placement and the invertor. Most panels these days produce similar amounts of energy but the warranty, long term use and hail/environmental resistance may differ. For instance my system is split across an east facing roof and north facing roof which has some unavoidable early morning shade so I never hit the golden kw rating on my 9.6kw system, however looking at the day as a whole I comfortably hit the 40kw/h that the system should be generating over the day.

          When you factor in the cost, your energy use and the system size you should be able to establish the payback period. These days it’s not hard to get that under 3years, so even on a crap system that dies after 10 years just out of warranty, you are still 7 years better off. The top tier systems aren’t as worth it these days for twice the cost IMHO, however that might mean you have less issues over 25years as long as a storm doesn’t take out the system or better solar tech comes along that’s cheaper.

  • 6kw Fronius inverter with 7kw of panels. Best day since installed two months ago was 47kw. Generated 1518kw since it was installed on 7 October - giving an average of 33kw over 46 days. It’s been fairly terrible weather on the whole in Vic. Let’s see how much I can get in Summer!

  • Isn't there a new rebate app, that you get rewards for less consumption or something, no idea how that works with out a smart meter,

    Anyways I use 1gw.

  • I had solar installed about a month ago onto my roof in Brisbane. I have 7.8kW Jinko Tiger 390w panels on a 6kw Fronius Primo inverter. The best I've got out of it is 50kwh in a single day with an average of 40 kwh per day for November so far.

    Based on my FIT and my grid import tariff the Fronius inverter calculates my ROI at the moment as about $4.5~ per day average for this month so if over a year that can hold at $4/day I will have paid off my system in grid savings + FIT in just over 4 years (4x365x4) = $5840. The payback time would be reduced if my usage was higher as I oversized my system vs my usage now which is approx 11kwh/day.

  • +1

    49.7 kW on average with a 13 kW system in Brisbane.

    10 kW inverter 13.04 of panels in a east west configuration. Sunpower panels and fronius inverter.

    • +1

      Good to know. I just had a 13.3kW system installed in Brisbane. They havent installed the wifi dongle for monitoring yet but im keen to see what i generate. Mine are all perfect north facing however.

      • +1 if you are interested.

        Unfortunately due to the house orientation we had to split the system but at least there is no shade. On a good day we can hit the 10kw limit consistently from about 10:30am to about 1:30pm. Our best day was 87kw generated and have already hit 84kw twice in the last week.

  • I wish I had used solar earlier. 7kw system and top day has been 58kw for the day. Usage is around 25kw but mostly in the day.

    In credit last 2 bills instead of ~$500. The 99c a day supply cost and the $1 a day power costs from night are offset by the feedin.

    FIT = 18C and jealous of these 40c+ feed in tariffs for getting in early.

  • 6kw system, here is what i got:

    On a sunny day: 38kw
    On a overcast day: 4kw - 15kw

    Perth WA

  • I really want to get solar panel installed. But my house has limited roof space which makes it difficult to have 12-16 panels close to each other. Had someone came over and quoted for a split system (4.6KW) around $9580 before rebates. Any thought? :L

    • If you have a crazy roof layout, you should go with solaredge as they don’t need a single orientation or North facing or East/West split. If your roof has skylights or odd tilt, size etc.

      Enphase is also a possibility, but it’s just more expensive.

      There are reasons to be cautious about the location you have solar panels, and the cost(s)

      but if the quote is higher than $1.50/kw, it’s time to shop around and get feedback. Not everyone does the same job, most are vendor-supplier locked or they won’t deal with expensive options with low part availability.

      Especially with panel choices.

      There are technical constraints but you can plan and design panel sizes and layout /orientation on their website planner which can give you some Ideas to pas to a solar installer.

      Or get feedback on feasibility and costs.

      My previous house had 13 panels, 4 west, 4 east and 5 north on a single string 4kw install. It took about 9 quotes for various installers to offer between 2kw to 6kw, and $5k to $17k for the work, but most would have required half the panels, or replacing the garage roof, sic and dealing with 3 months out of the year where the panels wouldn’t work, due to shade problems from next door.

      You can go with enphase, but you pay about double the price of a string inverter package, sometimes more. While the solaredge is around 35-40% more, it can handle obscure layouts or shading problems.

      The other challenge of a limited space roof is the mounting / racking method, and the labour difficulties of getting people up there.

      • actually crazy roof layout mean Enphase will be the only choice because each panel will independently operate and not be affected by other. Solaredge is a waste of money because it will only slightly cheaper (and significantly more expensive than conventional string system) and it is still an poorly improvised string system and has all inherent flaws of such design. Granted solaredge will do better when you have shade but once the number of shaded panel get large the string will struggle to maintain the 400v mandate. And for a string system you just cant have random number of panel on different angle regardless. If you can guarant a balance number of panel between strings then orientation doesn't matter really much for any string system but that need to be worked out by a competent system designer.

  • Can I ask what people pay to get these 6 and 10kw units installed? Strongly contemplating it…. thanks.

    • $5k for a 6.4kw system of which I only pay half.

      No point in getting bigger as my power company accepts 5kwh max.

      I'm in Victoria so paid nothing upfront. $2500ish loan over 4 years. Government granted the other $2500.

    • I paid $5000 installed which included smart meter installation f or a 9.6kw system with Seraphim 370w mono cells and Sofar 7.5klm inverter. The STC rebate was about $4000, so actual cost would have been $9000.

  • If anyone interested I have the best solar guy in Australia.. very reasonable and best solar panels.. PM me if interested

  • Mines 117 days old.
    3.3 East and 6.6 west on the one inverter.

    4.053MWh since it was switched on, average so far is 34.640kWh per day

    Peak generation has been 64kWh on 7 November.

  • Melb VIC. We got 10.5kw (30*Longi 350w panels) with 8.2kw inverter. 16 panels facing north and 14 facing east
    Sep export to grid: 1,040kw
    Oct export to grid: 1,049kw
    Nov so far export to grid: 950kw

    FIT in Vic is too low now. Generally, with 6.6kw system, payback would be 3-4years depending on how you use electricity. The more you directly consume from solar, the quicker you get investment back

  • -7

    Anyone using solar should be paying a premium to pull power from the grid at times when their panels are not producing sufficient power for their needs. It's entirely unethical to get free power most of the time, but then expect that the required coal/gas baseload power will available when you need it — all for same per kWh price you would get if you relied 100% on that baseload power. Anyone using solar is selfish, because you're being subsidised by those who aren't using it. It's as simple as that.

    • +2

      Yeah, we’re so selfish to steal that sunlight when you could just burn some coal! With your logic we are all doomed!

      • -3

        You can have your sunlight, but why expect everyone else to have to pay for you to have electricity available when the sun isn't shining? You want to have it both ways, and then pretend that you're doing something good for the environment.

        • It's not about me or you, it's about everyone!

    • +3

      The mental gymnastics you have to do to actually post that dribble.

      • -3

        Thanks. I understand it's probably beyond your level of comprehension (and that of the majority of OzBargainers), but I'm enjoying all the downvotes anyway. What can I say? Stand in the way of an OzBargainer and their perceived entitlement to free 'stuff' and beware! Classic!

    • Free? Who's doing these free product and installs?

    • +2

      TRUMP is that you

    • +1

      In contrast it’s the government who are selfish for continuing to support a gold plated coal fired electricity network at consumers cost, instead of investing in sufficient community energy storage to store and offset solar production during the day.

      • -1

        Community energy storage? Rofl. Is that some secret code for batteries? All that lovely ohh-so-green lithium, cobalt and suchlike. Wonderful! No to mention that you obviously have no clue as to how an electricity network functions, and why synchronous generation is essential to a stable network. Hint: solar, wind and batteries do not constitute synchronous generation. The only way it can work is if synchronous condensers start popping up all over the place, but of course this hasn't happened because the so-called "renewals" mob don't want to admit that their system can't work without them, and they don't want to pay for them! Read some of the AEMO documentation and get yourself educated, instead of pontificating nonsense.

    • Here I am getting annoyed at people using kW and kWh interchangeably like you're and your. I should be annoyed at cyclists on the road when they don't pay licence fees for road maintenance. Unethical Lycra dicks, right?

      • +2

        I'll refrain from commenting on that, as a far more tame comment than yours regarding cyclists that I made on WP got me instantly banned xD

  • So far this year from January to November my average is 20kwh/day. December will bring that average up a fair bit.

  • Only has it for 6 month and already generated 7MWH.
    7.5 kw panels and 6 kw inverter

  • I have been checking mine daily since summer started. I am hitting 40kw+ on hot days but during winter it was around 25ish kw daily, I have a 6.5KW system.

  • 38 avg i live in North Queensland

  • Is the ABB React 5kW Inverter good? What's a good value inverter/battery combination for a 6.6kW solar panel set up?

    The Solar panels are Seraphim 15x 440w s3 series.

  • I ticked 6-7kw because that’s the peak production of my 9.6kw system so far, if you mean kw/hr per day you need to adjust your poll to say kw/hrs per day. My system generates over 40kw/hrs a day, even does over 20kw/hrs on overcast or rainy days which did surprise me. It’s worth getting at least a 6.5kw system if not more as batteries are a few years away and that will allow you to be fully off grid with improved feedin and some extra kw for your electric car purchase in the next 10 years. The price difference is negligible in the scheme of things, roof space is more of a limiting factor.

    Also consider peak use during the day of your high use devices, say aircon plus hot water plus pool pump etc could use over 6kw/hr in one hit.

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