A Podcast on Latest Deals and Offers on OzBargain - Would You Be Interested?

Last week someone from an entertainment company with a few radio stations contacted me asking about a potential opportunity to work on a podcast series. They are looking at producing a weekly podcast that give commentary and comments about the latest offers and bargains posted on OzBargain, and they are trying to find out commercial feasibility and whether the OzBargain community would enjoy this kind of content.

In my imagination the weekly podcast would just be two dudes (or sheila) sitting on the couch chitchatting about some of the most popular deals over the past week, new products, and maybe interesting forum discussions and controversies. If you have a weekly 1/2 hour show on bargains — what topics would you like to listen to?

I do not think I have the time nor the talent in producing or hosting the podcast, however that entertainment company is happy to look after the end to end production including getting the host in front of the mic. Or maybe getting some famous/infamous ozbargainers to participate as guests every now and then — who knows?

Would you be interested in this kind of podcast?

Please leave your answers and suggestions for such podcast in the comments below so I can get back to them.

Update: Please see my comment here for more explanation.


  • Would definitely listen.

  • +1

    Wouldn't last more than one episode

  • I wonder if a live stream would work better? It would allow the host to comment on real time deals for that day + plus current forum shenanigans. Probably more effort though.

  • Why when we have people like Joe Rogan, and places to go, a podcast on all the deals sounds impractical and time innoficiant to those listening.

    If you look at YouTube, most channels already do in-house advertising and cheap promotional codes, applying such feature here would only meet a minority of people, but doubt it would spoke on trend.

    But you always have discord.

  • I have been drifting away from this site and honestly probably wouldn’t go near the podcast.

  • +1

    What's a podcast?

    • A radio show you download.

  • Don’t think this will fly well, but don’t let the nay sayers sway you!

  • I am a big podcast and Ozbargain fan…. That said I don't see this as a podcast I would spend my time on.

    For me I use podcasts on long walks and having to pull my phone out of the pocket to look up said bargains would be too much hassle.

    I would be keeping to the website for my ozbargain fix….. But I never thought I would listen to Joe Rogan have chats with his mates for 3 hours so may very well still be worth a shot. If they are putting up all the money and production etc give it a crack

  • +1

    I will give it a listen.

    But i think all the good deals are “ozbargained” in hours. The podcast will be audio butthurt of all the deals i missed.

  • Love this idea, go for it Scotty!

  • The place i work has slack and few members created ozbargain channel 😁

  • Like others have said, if it's done well then the content isn't really important. Quick witted hosts with good editing can make any show excellent

  • This week we countdown the top 5 deals!

    1. Free can of drink from popular train station
    2. Menu hack at popular fast food chain
    3. Xbox Game Pass release schedule
    4. eBay Plus deal
    5. Price error that won't get fulfilled

    Edit. OzB flipped my numbers around.

  • I dunno about this one. More than half the deals would already be "OzBargained" before it even went to air. That would only leave it as predominantly an advertising platform for upcoming sales for the big boys eg ebay, amazon, click frenzies, catalogue sales…

  • Make a poll ? Yes/no

  • Nah, I listen to the occasional podcast but this doesn't sound very appealing.

  • +1

    Why when I can just read the OZB page?

  • Sounds like hot trash… I love it!

  • +1

    the deals would probably be gone by the time the podcast gets listened to

  • It doesn't excite me, but it's not like I'm against it.

    I'm not sure of the niche it's trying to fill or problem it will solve. It risks bringing the whole problem of being paid off as one giant ad as well.

  • I'll be honest, it sounds like a great idea but I don't see it working out. I live and breathe OzBargain, but even I probably wouldn't listen to a podcast about it unless the hosts were really interesting AND it taught me some new things.

    That said I'd definitely give the first episode a go.

  • +1

    Deals are nice but I want to listen to how tight people get and their crazy antics. Bring the forum dramas into the podcast!

    • how tight people get and their crazy antics

      I suspect those people prefer to do it anonymously.

      • That CAN do it anonymously. We don't know who they are.

  • I don't really think a podcast is viable. I do listen to podcasts on topics I'm passionate about (soccer/football, music, Joe Rogan etc), but not really going to listen to one about bargains regularly (maybe once in a while when I have a bit more time).

  • +1

    Often times a OzB deal is out of stock by the time I click on it in my RSS feed less than 15 minutes after it was posted.
    Good luck keeping a weekly podcast timely, that's all I can say.

  • +1

    Yeah, i don't think so. There are so many good podcasts out there I wouldn't waste my time listening to one about bargains when I can just google or look at this site.

  • Yeah, not sure about this one.

  • Should do YT channel instead

  • I don't have the time to listen to a podcast about this kind of thing let alone the podcasts about things I'm actually interested in.

    If I can browse a website and get the information I need in 1/50th of the time I need to actively listen to a podcast I'll use the website.

    Why am I not surprised you're from Sydney. You should be in charge of road planning in Sydney you'd get a job easily.

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