High End Keyboard

Hey OzBargainers,

I'm after a good looking, stylish and professional keyboard. Looking on the Microsoft website this leaves only the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Desktop 7000 (RRP: $199.95). On the Logitech site, this only leaves the MK710 and the MK550 but to be honest they look a bit too cheap and gaming orientated. I rather a more professional look. The rest of the keyboard look like cheap crap. So, does anyone have suggestions of a professional looking keyboard? or where I can score the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Desktop 7000 for a good price? So far MSY seems like the best bet..



  • I replaced my standard issue Dell keyboard and mouse at work with this - http://www.logitechshop.com.au/logitechr-wireless-wave-combo…

    It's a desktop combo, so you'll pay a bit more, but get a mouse with it as well

  • From my experience, just because it costs more doesn't mean the keyboard will be better.
    Case in point, the Logitech G19 costed over $100 but it felt quite horrible to type on. As for looks, well you can't have a better looking keyboard without an LCD.
    I much preferred the Logitech Dinovo which was both plain and felt good to use.
    Basically it comes down to your personal preference so if I were you, I'd try it first rather than base your judgement on looks or price.

  • I'm not after a keyboard "that costs more". In fact, I'm after one that costs less - I am asking OzBargain after all :p. I'm after comfort, quietness and spring rates of the keys (ie how much they stick). I've played around with the Microsoft Natural Desktop 7000 and it seem good for the job, especially since I was using an Ergonomic keyboard (Microsoft Wireless Laser 6000) before it decided it wanted to stop working. IMO the logitech keyboards (MK550 and MK710) felt like it did have superior spring rates, however the overall feel of the keyboard and noise wasn't too great.

    I did look at the Dinovo edge and there are two reasons I've dismissed it:
    1) It is too expensive
    2) They keys are almost straight - I'm using a USB wired keyboard right now which is not ergonomic and it is so uncomfortable coming from an ergonomic keyboard.

    I'm really after ideas on other keyboard, obviously then I will test it a bit and see how comfortable it is. But looking at sites like Officeworks and Dicksmith, they only offer the Microsoft and Logitech varients which is why I only listed them.

    One other requirement I must have is a palm rest which incidently, the cheaper of the range don't have. Yes I'm picky over a keyboard.

    • I've gone through quite a few keyboards in my time, thus far though I've settled for the Model S Ultimate Silent Keyboard and I have to say, its the best damn keyboard I've bought!

      The tactile response is consistent even after (approaching 4 years) of use! There's the normal Professional series which has lasered keys. They're going for ~$149. I bought a Professional S recently from PCCaseGear for that price.

      I've previously had the Razer ones, Microsoft keyboards, a year with wireless Logitech MX3100 series etc.

      As a software dev, I spend most of my time tapping away so the keyboards get quite a workout. You will however lose those convienece buttons for media/Function keys and sleep buttons (which I miss) but I've reprogrammed shortcuts with Autohotkey

  • Thanks for that but I don't think that lenovo keyboard would sit flush with anything on my desk….

  • Try TVS Gold, each key is with a mechanical spring you will love typing in that keyboard…

    i accept that it is not hi-tech but it is a good keyboard.

    Note: I was using this keyboard in India, not sure if it is available in Sydney.

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