Hey guys,
Have been a long time member of the OzBargain community and thought to consult the brains trust here for our new website :)
We are launching our new Italian biscotti baking business this weekend at the local farmers market and online: Mudgee Biscotti Our Instagram
We still have some final tweaking to do on the site, so if you find anything that doesn't make sense please let me know!
Would love any feedback, specifically around:
- what you like / dislike about the site?
- what products would you like to see? (Maybe a limited edition flavour of biscotti?)
- how easy is the site to use?
- and especially… what sort of deals could we make for the OzBargain community if you love biscotti :)
If it helps, I'm using Woocommerce on a Wordpress site. I have a little bit of experience with this and have built it myself.
Really appreciate all your feedback in advance!
Thanks everyone :)
Edit: Blown away by the comments already, thank you to everyone who took the time out to reply!
Edit 2: So glad I posted this, thank you all very much for your detailed responses! Making a nice long list of website changes to get to soon.
Edit 3: Did anyone have any thoughts or feedback on our instagram? Keen to hear if anyone has experience with using it for business.
Note I am viewing on mobile
Need more information in the section of the site that you see when you first open it.
At the moment the site is pretty to look at but if someone is only casually looking at it there's nothing attracting them to buy anything. You'd only buy something if you went there on purpose to buy some
In the shop section:
Need an add to cart button. And photos of it in packaging otherwise you don't really know what you are buying. And each section of product should be smaller so you can see more at once - makes it easier for people to decide what to buy if they can compare with others at the same time. Information on what you get is also missing. Eg "250g approx 10 pieces". The photos are pretty, but the artistic photos should show more how it is consumed. Eg a piece on a side plate next to a cup of coffee. The photos are beautiful but too artsy and don't really convey the information people need to make a decision to buy.
And definitely this
There's very little screen real estate on a mobile page and it just means that you load a page and there's nothing relevant to you on it that you can see - might cause people to leave and not bother scrolling down