I am replacing the lawn at the front and back of my house.
At the back I had an excavator take out 5-10CM, and I put down about 5cm of underlay.
When the buffalo got delivered I mentioned I was also doing the front in the next couple weeks, and the delivery guy said to make sure I poison the grass before digging it out even if digging 5-10cm down.
It is mostly kikuyu, and he said that will just grow straight back through… Does that sound right to anyone?
Do I Need to Poison Grass before Digging up 5-10cm, or Just Dig up 5-10cm before Replacing with New Grass

You mean do one dose, wait 14 days, do a second dose, wait 14 days, then dig up 5-10cm?
Is removing 5-10CM of soil, grass and all sufficient though? Seems overkill to use a herbicide, wait 14 days, dig it up, then do prep work?
you probably haven't done much gardening work with your kikuyu, digging up won't kill them, I have a couple of plant edging and put them down more than 10cm below surface but they still manage to pop up near the tree every now and then, same with the brick edging roughly that depth
Could try asking here https://www.facebook.com/groups/AustralianLawnFanatics/?ref=…
Note some of their admins are linked to LawnPride so you may get recommendations to buy from there, but you dont need to, same goes with Plant Dr range regularly promoted there.
Kikuyu grass puts down very deep roots spreading by rhizomes.
It'll take more than removal of only 5-10cm of soil to eradicate it.
At least 2 separate doses of Roundup first, once every couple of weeks, will be the minimum required.
Don't be surprised if it returns after that. Makes a great lawn but once it gets a foothold a curse to totally eradicate.
Poisoning is the best way, quite often rhizomatous plant material root deeply. Even two doses of poison over two weeks can sometimes be insufficient, depending on how long it's been there.
I'm a trained horticulturist, used to run my own landscape company. Depending on the situation, I allowed between two to four weeks before disturbing the ground.
Bugger. Sounds like I should have done some more research before doing the backyard.
At least I can do the front yard properly now though.If there is a lot of dirt and clay from the tractor going back and forward on the front grass, will that impact roundup? Can I just spray it on the soil and that will get through to the grass underneath it?
Can I just spray it on the soil and that will get through to the grass underneath it?
Spray the grass not the ground.
Glyphosate is absorbed by the grass leaves (Greenery).
Just keep an eye on the back and "paint" anythinh that comes through that shouldn't be there.
Good on you for checking up and researching. We all learn!
Spraying soil won't do anything, but moving soil around without killing weeds properly may spread the weed about.
Sorry to hijack op, but do you need to do the same with couch? I was planning to just rotovate the lot.
Couch is horrible stuff. Got to do the same. Rotovating will spread it around.
Damn. Better to know now than after doing it, cheers mate.
BTW, there is no need to remove topsoil, unless it is contaminated. It can make the situation worse.
What do you mean about 5cm of underlay?
After spraying gly it is contaminated soil…
I’ll show myself out.I actually removed between 5 and 20cm in different places to level out the lawn a bit better. So I brought it 5cm of 80/20 turf underlay.
i use weed mat to cover the ground for few weeks, then pull all the grass out when they dried.
Not comfortable when using chemical.
Kik will often survive weed matting.
Yup, any weeds with similar root structure will survive. Any form of covering will only kill annual weeds.
Two doses of round up.