This was posted 4 years 3 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Celeste $11.98/Observation $12.38/inFAMOUS Second Son + inFAMOUS First Light $17.17 - PlayStation Store


Great prices for these four games - all time lowest prices on the PlayStation Store.

Sale end dates for Celeste and Observation are 21 November 2020.


inFAMOUS Second Son + inFAMOUS First Light:…


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closed Comments

  • Celeste on game pass

    • +1

      For PS4?

      • Celeste was put on Game Pass really early. Celeste is also on GamePass PC (you might be able to get it for $1 for a month). I don't really see a need to collect Celeste or Infamous Second Son (which is in PS Collection - if you have or going to have PS5).

        I don't get this need to collect cheap games for PS4… (I am an ex-PS4 owner). I do feel Sony needs to consider implement Quick Resume on PS5.

        • A substantial number of PS4 owners don't game on PS4 or have gamepass..

          • @Merlict: You meant they don't game on PC? coz if…

            A substantial number of PS4 owners don't game on PS4

            then what do they use PS4 for?

            Celeste isn't very GPU demanding I thought. Also, I don't get the need to pay this much for games either previously on PS Plus or GamePass (and dated). And the argument of wanting to play Infamous Second Son or First Light at times where you don't have an active PS Plus subscription. Why? Is that game so special you need to do that? You simply cannot play it while you have an active PS Plus?

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