• expired

Lenovo IdeaPad Z570 15.6" Laptop for $411.75 Delivered + $1 each for Mouse/Headphone/Sleeve

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Lenovo IdeaPad Z570 - Metal Grey (10247UM)

2nd generation Intel® Core™ i3-2330M Processor ( 2.20GHz 1333MHz 3MB )
Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64
NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M 1GB
4 GB PC3-10600 DDR3 SDRAM 1333MHz
15.6 " HD Glare with integrated camera 1366x768
500GB 5400
Intel 1000 BGN Wireless
DVD Recordable
Bluetooth Version 2.1 + EDR
One year
Industry Standard Touchpad
6 Cell Lithium-Ion

Special Offer:
Add Lenovo Wireless Laser Mouse - Red for only $1
Add Lenovo Headphone P550 for only $1
Add ThinkPad 15W Case Sleeve for only $1

Referral Links

Referral: random (24)

Referrer and referee get $20 after referee's 1st purchase of $90+.

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closed Comments

  • is this model ok? any comments?

    • For the price, its ok.

  • Great price!

  • the GFX is slightly better than the HD3000 so don't be fooled by the 1GB tag

  • this's great laptop for missus zoo game … it's way better than mine $998 compaq laptop, even thought it's nearly 2year old :P

  • Very tempted - going overseas next weekend and could get GST back making it only $374… VERY TEMPTING!!

    • -2

      You will then have to pay the GST again once you get back in to Australia as per CPA rules.

      • +1

        In theory only, and even then only if it exceeds $900 per person, which this does not. I have taken 3 laptops overseas and many other things. No one cares. The reason they give you your GST back is because they rather you spend your money in Australia than overseas. They are not about to discourage you from that by taxing you when you get back.
        Some advice: leave manuals, boxes, etc. at home. Do not bring your receipt on the way back if you can avoid it.

        • Aggreed. I am just going on a 7 day cruise and do not plan on doing any shopping. My purchases will likely be less than a $100!!

  • Perfect laptop for my mother-in-law. Thanks OP.

  • Don't bother about Lenovo

    I bought a Z570 last Sunday and the estimated delivery time is March 2012 because of flooding in Thailand.

    • darn I just bought one, I hope the delivery time is not that bad… Guess we'll see.

    • but it says "Ships in 24hr"?

    • uhm…. your laptop will depreciate by a fair amount by then. Can't you cancel? It's not really an acceptable timeframe.

    • I bought a x220t last saturday and mine is late December. Why would you have to wait 4 months?

  • Just bought one, hope it's good! Anything is better than my celeron…

  • The i7 one @~$850 with the coupon looks pretty good! For $150 more than the HP one I posted you get:
    Better CPU
    Better Graphics card
    Slightly more RAM and HDD space
    And the big one: NOT HP!

    • are you able to link please?

      • It's the middle laptop in the OP's link. Just add the coupon code and it comes to 850ish (can't remember the exact figure).

  • If this is 12" itll be perfect for me!

    • +19

      That's what she said.

  • good one

  • it say Ships from plant within 8 days
    (plus approx. 5 bus. days delivery)**

  • The Y570 isn't too shabby at $975 delivered either?

    i7-2670QM + GT 555M 1GB + 8GB + 750GB + Blu-ray (+ USB 3.0)

  • Below is the email and status report received from Lenovo after bought it last Sunday.

    Dear Customer,

    Thanks for choosing Lenovo.
    We regret to inform you that due to the supply issue for the Hard Drive that affected by the thailand flood, your order was delayed. This is a serious worldword supply shortage, and we have no forecast or schedule for it yet, which means your order is still pending in our system and we do not have an estimated ship date.
    As far as we can see, the supply may start to recover by the end of December, but we are not sure at the moment.
    We'll keep close look at the supply status and once there is any update from the plant, we'll keep you informed.
    We apologize for the delay and inconvenience.


    ANZ Customer Fulfillment
    Global Supply Chain. Asia Pacific. Lenovo.
    1 300 557 073, Option 2 (Australia)
    0 800 446 833, Option 5 (New Zealand)

    Should you have any other questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us again, or should you prefer to speak to a ThinkPC Sales Specialist, please dial 1300-557-073, Monday through Friday, from 9:00am to 5:00pm(AU). A representative would be pleased to assist you.

    Quantity    Part number Description     Order Status    Estimated ship  Item price  Line Total
    1   10248YM Lenovo IdeaPad Z570 - Metal Grey (10248Y In process 01/03/2012  AU$517.50   AU$517.50
    • Darn,

      If that's the case I may think about cancelling my order if they send me that also. They really shouldn't keep it on their site if it's going to be delayed by so much.

    • +1

      Is yours a premade or custom one? I think the ones in this thread may have been premade.

    • maybe its because of the different model?this one 10247UM your one 10248ym

      • that makes me feel better, sorry for the other guy though

  • When I order it, it's a premade model. There's nothing mentioned about harddisk shortage in the web site.

  • -1

    4 months delivery? hahahahaha, no thanks.

    • ships in 24 hours

      • not according the the email posted by cl7583 above.

        • diff part number.

  • Thanks, bit the bullet and got my GF one for Christmas, i don't think these models with suffer the same problems as the custom made ones. Will wait and see haha. Cheers

  • it seems that there is free express shipping as well but only if you buy the stock version, you have to go to the correct page though and skip the $1 accesories (for some reason they render the order as a customized one).. Mine will ship overnight + ~5 business days according to the order confirmation…just in time for my trip overseas. Voila, $371 i3 laptop with dedicated graphics, can't go wrong with that.

    • So this laptop will actually run Battlefield 3 in low res?


    • Fre..44, What are the specs for the laptop you got?

      • I only got the standard one. No customisation as any change seem to mess up the delivery time by a week.

    • How did you go about getting that price? I could only get $411.75

      • He's going overseas = claim back on tax when he's going through international terminal.

        He will pay $411, but claim back 10%.

        • Got it nice work!

        • Sorry guys, quite busy at work. Thanks resub for picking up.

  • Good price, but after navigating to US lenovo site and looked at those black friday deals, I really really really wish US Lenovo will ship to OZ… :)

    • You can pay a ~$150 premium and get one shipped over here from PriceUSA.

  • any idea of expiry?

    Can I ask where you found out about this OP?

  • HDMI?

    • yup

  • Do these laptops have a ethernet card in them? can't find it anywhere on the site that states if it does…

    • You mean 10/100/1000 port? They all have ethernet ports, they may not have WLAN but surely thay will have LAN port.

  • Still works! Just bought another 2 :P

  • I order this deal last Sunday,Just recieved an email saying it has been shipped

  • hmmm i can't seem to get it at $411.. keep coming up with $549, then adding coupon brings it down to AU$521.55. how did you guys get it for $411?? i'm confused any help would be appreciated. thanks.

    • you need to add the coupon IDEA25OFF

      • yep worked it out.. not sure what i was doing wrong.. ordered :) thanks for your help!

  • After a email to Lenovo, they priortized my order and I received notification that it was shipped yesterday. 4 months delivery changed back to one week. Excellent.

    • I received a shipping notification yesterday too, however looking at the details of the email it only has the 'Standard Shipping' with a status of 'Shipped'. Everything else is either 'Processing' (the laptop) or 'Released to Manufacturing' (the accessories).

  • I think this deal is over! .. They are no longer listing any Z series laptops

  • I order Sunday afternoon,Just arrived 1/2 hour ago,Less the $1 acccessories
    They being shipped seperately.

  • Ordered too on Sunday. When I called them up, Wendy said that it's all sold out in 'local Australia' (she's in China). Earliest delivery date would be 26 December.

    @Glyde62 - you're lucky you got yours already.
    @CL7583 - Good thing you called them up early, when did you order yours?

    I asked her why I wasn't informed earlier and she gave me a cock and bull story that they were in the process of informing their customers now and I just beat them to it. She offered to cancel the order …. but I didn't unless someone else posts a better bargain in OzB :-)

    Gee, great deal but lousy delivery times. To what gov't agency to I complain to?

    • Same boat as you, except i cancelled my order. Remember its EARLIEST date is 26th dec. Who knows what other deals will be coming around the next month or 2. Complain about what? They have done nothing wrong, you can cancel and get your money back if you want.. If you want to punish them, cancel your order! You get those 3 items for $3 since they've already been posted hehe.

      It does suck, because it was a fantastic deal. Pitty their customer service has put me off Lenovo for a long time (hire someone to edit your emails so you don't look like some cheap ebay shop lenovo!).

      I think of it like this. Prices can only go down with technology, just wait it out for another 'bargain'

      • Haven't cancelled mine yet. It's a good deal and a Christmas gift for my daughter so I guess waiting wouldn't be so bad.

        However, if another good deal comes around, then you can be sure I'll be cancelling my order.

        • yeah lucky i got mine as it is a Christmas present for someone

  • Called Lenovo today demanding an answer as to why my estimated shipping date was march next year, later today i got this email:

    Dear Customer,

    Thanks for choosing Lenovo.

    Due to overwhelming demand, we regret to inform you that your order for Lenovo Z570 laptop (10247UM) has been delayed.

    Please note that there has also been an error with our order status system where some customers have been receiving expected delivery date as March 2012, which is incorrect. Your order has now been prioritised and re-scheduled to ship by 26th December 2011 from China. You should normally expect the delivery of your order approximately within 5 to 7 working days after shipment.

    We apologise for the delay and inconvenience. We are also expecting the estimated ship date to improve in the coming days. Should there be any further change on the schedule, we will advise you again via email. If you have any further concerns regarding the delivery status, please feel free to ring our hotline at 1300 557 073.

    Thank you.

    This was meant to be a Christmas present, the $1 accessories have already shipped. If a better deal pops up, will be cancelling asap.

  • Got the same email. I'm annoyed that they've done this. Particularly after they've already charged my credit card and it said it would ship within 24 hours at time of purchase.

    Would've been good customer service to check stock levels first if they knew it was going to be popular, then send the email to advise about the delay and give buyers an option to cancel if they didn't want to proceed.

    My last 3 computing purchases that I've made online (includes this one) have all been delayed. All were in stock and ready to ship at the time I bought them but were suddenly out of stock a day or two later.

  • Can anyone link me directly to the laptop? I can't seem to find or buy the Z570!

  • I got the same delayed until Dec 26 email, however today just received email to say laptop status has changed to SHIPPED 3/12/2011

    I logged onto the site to double check my order status and it says
    Shipped on

    Also it has a clickable tracking link. Upon clicking tracking link info provided includes: Your order will take approximately 5-7 business days to deliver after your order has shipped.

    • i also received email say shipped

    • Same here. And I was planning to cancel it next week. Oh well, I now have a Christmas gift for my daughter.

  • firstly - i ordered one last week of november and it arrived 1 day after shipping… i was one of the lucky ones it seems.
    secondly - the IDEA25OFF deal works on the Y570 bring the top spec machine under 1000 - pretty good value..

  • My order finally arrived on 12/12/2011, Monday. Order date was 27/11/2011.

    Advice then was 5 business days shipping. Was informed 5 business days after (when it should have arrived)that delivery would be last week of December. 3 days after, got an email advising me that item was shipped. So, it arrived 6 business days after the last advice.

    I'm happy with the product but not happy with the delivery. Still a bargain in my eyes though I will be harsh in grading the customer feedback.

  • my 4 just arrived today… and they've come with Intel HD gpu's… can anyone confirm that theirs have come with the nvidia GT 520M that it was supposed to come with???

    I'm currently going through Lenovo customer "care" at the moment… HORRIBLE!!

  • Mine came with an nvidia GT.

    • are you sure?? Mine had the stickers but when you ran dxdiag it showed intel graphics :/

      • probably cos it has both..

        right click on desktop and click on "configure switchable graphics"?

        • yeah.. just discovered that there were both cards!! Never come across that before. dont see the 'switchable graphics settings' you refer too but I assume that it switches over when it needs the extra graphics power (although reading online, this system doesnt seem to work very well)
          Thanks :)

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