This was posted 4 years 3 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

1 Month Free Plex Pass @ Plex (New & Existing Members)


Same as previous deal here, coupon seems to be working again! Have fun!

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closed Comments

  • Good find, but where does this get entered? Can't seem to find it in my account settings page.

      • Cheers, thanks for that

      • Existing plex pass member here:
        This promotion code is valid only for new Plex Pass subscriptions and cannot be applied to existing subscriptions or for subscription plan upgrades.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Great username! Had to do a double take

  • Thanks!

  • +3

    Jellyfin is an open source alternative if you don't want a paid product.

    • +1

      Both products use the FFMPEG backend.
      So its quite unforgiving with hardware decode if you are on an AMD card and not on windows.

      Its been spoken about on the AMD reddit oage at length with the code ready to be pushed to the main executable but for whatever reason the FFMPEG devs won’t accept it. No comment as to why.

      It puts Plex and JellyFin in the same boat sadly.

      (Other apps may use ffmpeg, like handbreak which have adopted their own code/method to handle h-enc/h-dec)

      Rather infuriating honestly.

      • +1

        it's handbrake…

    • +1

      Good to know

      It's rather unfortunate that these start as open source/freeware then become closed/paid solutions, especially since its mostly hosted on your own hardware with your own content. Have seen this with Subsonic (open source, now closed but forked into other open projects), Plex (originally freeware), Emby (still open but more additions of paid features). I suppose this is the case when you have a large user base demanding features but a small team of contributors.

      • +6

        Yeah I think it makes sense that they have paid features, can't expect developers to keep updating and improving a platform without any monetary incentive (which isn't much by the way). A lifetime Plex subscription can be had for ~ $100 - $120, I think that's more than justifiable for a lifetime of a good platform with regular improvements.

  • I get this when i enter the code

    "This promotion code is valid only for new Plex Pass subscriptions and cannot be applied to existing subscriptions or for subscription plan upgrades."

    • Yep get the same error.

  • Im free member for over 8 years, never paid and never got a free trial.

    Code HDHR01MONTH has been applied. New pricing has been reflected.

    Works for me.
    But not sure if I want , Don't think I ever need any of premium features so far….
    anyone use the premium feats in daily basis? example? thanks

    • Using the app on a myriad of devices.
      I used to use Sync on my travels - set and forget overnight to have a full phone in the morning - not so useful at the moment.

      I currently use Plexamp (Music) on the daily both mobile and on my PC.

      Bonus: Sometimes its nice to watch a trailer to decide if it's what we want to watch tonight. Use that about once a month. I've used the extras maybe a handful of times (its nice as I can't be bothered cracking open the bluray just to watch some of the extras)

      Otherwise the rest of the features for me are a throwaway (DVR, Live TV, cloud, etc). I paid $100 for it and have been using it for around 8 years now I think. I totally understand all the negatives and the narrative over Jellyfin - but for me, Plex just works.

      • ok maybe pass isnt for me then. im not big on streaming music, or movies. i only need plex to play movies that i have downloaded and stored on my NAS at home.
        travelling, i will copy the whole tv series to my sd card and watch on tablet/phone
        or just watch youtubes while on the train

        • You wont need it, much like the majority of users…

          • @TightTerry: agree. if they do like AUD50 for lifetime, i may think hard to give them my support….

    • +1

      I'm a massive fan of the skip intro feature, super handy. Also trailers are great, I used to use TinyMediaManager to automatically download trailers for each movie, worked okay but it's nice not having to worry about it with Plex Pass.

    • I steam live FTA australian TV channels to all my devices without a tv tuner nor IPTV subscription.

      It's handy as i use a monitor as a tv which doesn't have a tv tuner plus my bedroom tv doesn't have an aerial connection.

      Apart from that, i watch trailers before picking a movie and skip the intro for the TV shows i watch. Also just started using PlexAmp which looks promising.

      Is it worth the premium pass? Maybe not, but im happy with it.

    • Best used when you have a medium to large scale dedicated server running with a dozen or so active users. I find it very useful and use daily. On a monthly pass still, want to buy lifetime pass soon when it drops

  • I read somewhere that Plex accepts a one-off payment for a single registered device and yet I can't find it in their subscription page. Does Plex really offer this type of sub? Thanks.

    • +4

      Isn't that via the app store of the client device?

    • Yep - try playing a video on your phone/ipad/tablet and it will pop up with a message noting you can pay the one off fee to register your apple ID/whatever ID android devices use

      • Cool. Thanks. Does Emby has the same option?

        • No idea with Emby, never used or explored it

    • See e.g.…

      It's not the same as Plex Pass, but without payment you can't use the app to watch media from your Plex server. If you don't need the Plex Pass features then it's a much cheaper way to get a Netflix-like experience on your devices, otherwise you can only watch from them using a web browser.

  • Great find! worked on my existing account that ive used promos on in the past. Really dont need or use any of the plex pass features but it cant hurt to play around with the premium features for a month.

  • +1

    Tried using the code but Plex is asking me to supply my credit card info so it can automatically deduct a monthly charge when the freebie finishes. I'll give this a miss I think.

    • I'll think you'll find almost all subscription services will make you pop in card details. If they are throwing the bait out there with a freebie month you cant blame them trying to lock in some more paid users.

      Go into phone > Set reminder to cancel pass day before free trial ends > cancel.

      • Yeah make sense and might give this a try after all. Thanks man, you got a customer here. ;-)

        • +1

          In fact just thinking you might be able to sign up, cancel straight away and the subscription will lapse/revert back in a month. Im unsure if Plex cancels straight away or lets you ride out the free period

          • +3

            @TightTerry: Just tried it and it works - cancelled recurring payment and pass is active to Dec 15th

        • he meant go to google calendar to create reminder but i guess you got the point :)

  • +6

    Once you sign up for the free month, you can cancel straight away to avoid setting a reminder or forgetting to cancel and getting billed another month and still have access to Plex pass for the free month.

  • +1

    Code not working for existing (paid) members.

    "This promotion code is valid only for new Plex Pass subscriptions and cannot be applied to existing subscriptions or for subscription plan upgrades."

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