If you own Space Pioneer you get Zombie Blast Crew free.
Space Pioneer is currently on sale for $1.49:
If you own Space Pioneer you get Zombie Blast Crew free.
Space Pioneer is currently on sale for $1.49:
Also Stencil Art is free if you own Party Treats.
Is it any good or trash?
Looks like trash, smells like trash… you bet it will be better than Cyberpunk!!
Only shows up as half price for me :( I def have Space Pioneer already
Your not alone, only showing up as half price for me as well and I have Space Pioneer as well.
The game was free until around midnight, yesterday.
Darn! The one day of checking Ozbargain for switch freebies I missed….
Hi Op. So it works as 2 games for $1.49? How are those games? :)