English Words dictionary for school kids

Where to buy the English Words dictionary for school kids?


  • Any newsagent or bookshop will have them.
    K Mart have them for $8, Big W would also have them.

  • +1

    Post as a deal
    Should be high demand around here…

    • +1

      I need advise where to buy lol

      • +1


        dictionary for school kids

        I need advise

        The holy grail of my biggest gripe. Thanks.

      • Buyers advicery service?

  • +3

    Are dictionaries a hard to find item or something?

  • +1

    Make sure its Australian British English not American English you know Honour vs Honor etc

  • The School should have a list of dictionaries your kid(s) (unless you are the kid) should buy (ask them if you don’t have the list), don’t just buy some random one for school use.

  • ALDI have had them in the past. Google to see when they sell them as they are once a year, usually in January from memory.

  • +2

    Macquarie Dictionary is the official Australian English dictionary

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