This was posted 4 years 4 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, XB1, PS4] Free - $1,000,000 for GTA online - Rockstar


If you play GTA online until 18 November you will get $1m for GTA online.
To get it you then have to log into GTA Online again between 19 and 25 November.



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closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks for this! Even though the game has been swarmed with cheaters since f2p, I still love it and hop on here and there to maybe get login reward but it was never specified when. Thanks for the specifics!

    • F2P?

      • free 2 play?

      • +2

        Free to play. When it was free on epic games a tonne of people started playing and cheaters would create heaps of accounts.

    • It's not F2P though right?

      • +3

        He probably means that heaps of people created fake Epic accounts, added the game when it was offered for free for a week, and have been using them as burner accounts to cheat.

      • It was free for a period on Epic store, so technically yes it was F2P for a period. Hackers made burner accounts for sure.

        • Ahh yeah you're right

          • @theguyrules: yeah my bad I guess its not officially f2p but it was for a period of time and people got truckloads of alts on epic :/ that's what I meant

        • +1

          Just out of interest:

          what do the hackers get out of it other than pissing people off?
          Is that not a whole lot of effort to make so many accounts just to piss people off and harass them?

          • +10

            @Lysander: Just douchebags and 14 year old boys thinking it's funny.

          • +3

            @Lysander: Honestly a lot of the hackers I've met in GTAO don't do it simply to grief other players (There are popular streamers/youtube channels dedicated to this though) but instead mod to skip the grind/pay-wall associated with the dreaded content gap between the V1 heists and the newer, business focused heists which required substantial financial and time investment into the in-game businesses that:
            1) Require much more work to make themselves worth having
            2) Don't generate enough passive income to be worth fully completing (Arcades for example are about $4 million to fully upgrade, and provide only $5000 per day passive income)

            Others (A good chunk actually) believe they are acting pragmatically by dropping mass quantities of modded cash into the game for other players.

            • @monky: Greifing modders are the worst. Encountered plenty of those.

            • @monky: arcades might not make enough passive income to pay back their investment but the master control terminal is worth it to me because it saves SO MUCH TIME

              at the touch of a button you can restock every single business you own and/or start resupply missions from the one location
              sure you still have to travel out to each business to do a sell mission but you'd have to do that anyway

              p.s. i own the Davis arcade and vehicle warehouse they are at opposite ends of the same building

          • -3

            @Lysander: Cos its funny?

            I don't hack but some youtube videos showing hacks are pretty funny.

            Who doesn't like a laugh right?

            • +1

              @Homr: Funny hacks I get but those stopping other players are not funny. You just stress out another player for your amusement which I think is not a good thing to do.
              But thanks for all the info everyone. At least now I have some ideas why people do it.

              • -8

                @Lysander: You must be fun at parties!

                it's a video game mate, if they don't like it just quit and play something else.

                I don't think anyone would be "stressed" out from a video game

                • @Homr: Let me quote a great lady to you:

                  "I am not here for your entertainment"


                • +9

                  @Homr: Another "it's just a game" melon. When will people understand that video games (among many other activities) are people's hobbies and passions. Things they do for enjoyment and often an escape. The people out there ruining other players experince just for their own laugh are the ones that need to quit and find something else to do, not the ones trying to play the game and have a good time.SMH

                • @Homr: Bloke I play COD with treats it as almost real life.. Never met anyone like it.

                  Almost cries when he empties a 100 round clip into someone who turns around and 1 shots him.. which is nearly every night lately with hackers.

                  • @pharkurnell: tell your mate to get good

                    • @Homr: He usually is top 2 in the game of Core/HCore…

                      Just takes it far too seriously…

                      Actually for the last 2 weeks he refuses to play MW cause of it.

            • +5

              @Homr: Yup, i just started playing after getting it free on Epic and my 2nd game in GTA Online while me and my mate were still trying to figure out how to do heist together, this guy kept killing us with his indestructible truck and jet. Now my mate has moved on the other games.

  • Link in English
    Even if pulling together for everyone's collective benefit isn't really your style, anybody who plays GTA Online at any point between now and November 18th will receive a special bonus infusion of GTA$, to the tune of GTA$1,000,000.

    Come back between November 19th and 25th to claim your GTA$1M - just in time to give your finances a nice boost before the holidays.

    Play any Heist Finale over the next 7 days to collectively steal GTA$100 BILLION as a community. Any Heist Finale take will count towards the total – from The Fleeca Job to The Data Breaches to The Diamond Casino Heist.
    Should everyone come together and hit the target by November 18th, we’ll reward the entire community at large with a special new vehicle, free of charge for a limited time this December. All participants who partake in this week’s Heist challenge will receive an additional bonus – a special badge of honor for their efforts. Assemble your crew, plan your operations and keep an eye out for updates.
    To help players get their boots in the door, we’re waiving 75% of the cost of Casino Heist Setup Fees, now through November 18th. There are also rumors of the potential for a shipment of diamonds to be found in the Casino vault.

    • +1

      I've never done a heist - would a noob be able to pull one off?

      • With randoms it gets a bit frustrating. But if you have finished the main storyline and can actually play the game then yeah it's fairly simple.

        • Sweet. I still do love jumping in to gtaol every now and then just to muck around, but the lack of funds always hurts. I definitely want to get in on this 100 bil business.

      • They're easier with friends you can coordinate with over voice comms but totally doable in public lobbies if you can find a good one.

        • +1

          The very first one, The Fleeca Job needs just 2 players and is pretty easy, some people struggle with the hacking bit and take a while though.

      • Heists is a great way to make big money when you are starting out.

        I would simply join open invites to other heists as you simply don't have the funds to buy a Arcade plus all other included costs.

        You can make a couple of hundred grand easily, the only thing is some Heist owners may kick out newbies in favour of veterans.

        The in game prompts will help the user to what to do, however things like hacking requires learning, getting it wrong and trying again.

  • +16

    Can we donate 2 million hard earned game money back to Rockstar to develop GTA6?

  • +8

    I tried to get back into this game a few months ago with mates and on all 3 occasions there were hackers that completely ruined the experience for us. Couldn't complete basic side missions without being spawned in the air, them dropping vehicles on us and feeding us money in order to try and get our accounts suspended.

    • play it on consoles?

      • I played it on PS3 when it first came out which was great. :) I don't have any other consoles which play it though.

    • Yeah don't bother with PC lol.

      • same with many games now COD MW for example

  • +7

    Remember when 1 million in GTA was actually worth something?

    • Yes sir, but better than nothing.

  • What can I buy with this million? A house may be? Atleast this way I can be a home owner (virtually).

    • You can buy one of the better starting Apartments for about $250k.

      Alta St and it is actually a very nice apartment.

  • But what about us poor folks with a PS3?

    • Probably works, too. Just try it.

  • isnt this the deal play each month til mid 2021 and get a Million each month?…

    • i think so, i guess november is just a 2 milly month. i dont even play the game, but i've been hopping on for 5seconds once a month since jun/july whenever it was… never finished on ps3 or ps4… maybe ill get around to playing it on ps5

      • yeah im doing the same, 6 million up already!

        not that, thats a lot in the game anymore.

  • +1

    The only time I go online is when there's money giveaways like this, in 6 years I hope to be able to buy that Delorean car which would finally give me a reason to play online.

    • LOL.

    • +1

      That delorean car is obsolete now and gets killed by opressor Mk.II
      And to upgrade your delorean car with missiles cost even more money.

    • The Delorean Car is the Delxuo is one of my favourite vehicles in the game.

      It's missies are deadly, it is very agile and can descend very fast (something the Oppressor Mk 2 cannot), but it is slow compared to the Mk 2.

      Both the Deluxo and Mk2 are expensive and have big paywalls to realise their potential.

      To get a Deluxo with missiles = Deluxo + Bunker + MOC + MOC Workshop upgrade + Missiles. = Off the top of my head thats about $9m.

      To get a Oppressor Mk2 with missiles = Oppressor Mk 2 + Nightclub + Terrorbyte + TerrorByte Workshop upgrade + missles = around the same

      The above can be significantly reduced if you buy them during a discount week, check the RockStar wire every Thursday 5pm.

      I bought the Deluxo first as I didn't know better and loved the nostalgic look of the car, plus I already had a Bunker and it was making good money.

      The Mk2 is the ultimate vehicle for grinding, very few things come close to it, even if you have no money for the missiles paywall it can make you money fast.

      • This seems like great advice. Long story short - the best thing a noob can do is save for the MKii and go from there?

        • +1

          It all depends on your end goals and style of play, also what do you want the Oppressor Mk 2 for, for grinding or fighting / griefing / self defence?

          I was happy to put in the work first to build all the requisite businesses first, it was a lot of work, but the money flowed fast after it was all set up. Note this takes a long time.

          I bought the following businesses in this order :

          • Import / Export Vehicle Warehouse – A very good and fast way of making money but requires Active participation.
          • Bunker (Weapons running) – Another good business as you provide raw materials and the Bunker will passively make weapons without any user action, User then required to sell.
          • Motorcycle Club Business
            • Cocaine Lock Up
            • Counterfeit Cash
            • Meth Lab.
          • Nightclub

          All the above requires work and the Oppressor Mk 2 made them so much faster and easier.

          If you wish to bypass the horrible grind, then aim for the Import / Export Vehicle Warehouse to make some good money, then during the cooldown between selling a stolen car (profits between $30 k- $80k per 20 mins).

          Steal and sell cars, then in between do double money fun missions that Rockstar offer every week, this week it is Resurrection, I made about $90k for 15-20 work.

          So if every hour you sell 2 stolen cars and do one resurrection mission that’s about $250k per hour, and you only need about $3m for a Mk2 with machine guns, but another $6m to get guided missiles as per my previous post.

          Also so Casino Heists if people are looking for players to join, easy $250k average for about 20 mins work and a lot of fun.

          Tonnes of content are available on Youtube to illustrate how to make money fast. I recommend channels like TGG, Tylarious and the GTA Professional.

  • -1

    Some hacker ran and threw money at me years ago. Logged in the other day and I had billions of dollars lol.

  • This week Arcades and their upgrades are 40% off which is a great saving, get one and it will repay back easily with a few Heists.

  • If only this was real money…

    • What could you do with a million?

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