This was posted 4 years 4 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, PS4] Free - 60 Primogems and 10k Mora for Genshin Impact - Genshin website


Can also be redeemed on PS4 via:

Start -> Settings -> Account -> Redeem code

Another code: Genshingift


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closed Comments

  • +10


    Amber > all. Lol.

    • Amber is solid choice but I wish she gets a bit buffed

      • Shes autoinclude in exploring comps though.

    • She is only Archer on f2p account and constellation 1. And still lv10

    • Some players use Amber (and other 4-star characters/units only) for Spiral Abyss Floor 9. Who needs 5-star units (but you're guaranteed to get at least one every 90 summons from the pity system anyway, if you summon on the proper banner). Talk about good players vs bad players.

  • My wife said she couldn't redeem the codes on PS4.

    • apparently it got updated and u can do it in game on PS4 now

      • Oh well the PS4 just got formatted and packed away for tomorrow. Will have to wait to do it on PS5 now..

  • -1

    So this is the game of that this stream playing while charting DXY lol

  • +19

    The code GENSHINGIFT worked for me in addition to this code - gives 50 Primogems, 3 x Hero’s Wit. Just plucked it out of a random google search (…)

  • +1

    Oh, PS4 players can finally use codes. Nice.

  • +1

    30 chests worth of primo gems! Two 20h expeditions in Mora! Awesome

  • Wasn't able to claim it on my account. I just downloaded the game and made an account an hour ago and have completed the first quest or two. Do I need to have progressed further to claim it?

  • It works on mobile too.

    • +12

      A bit of willpower and it's a very enjoyable free game. It's a very good game even free to play.
      The new story in todays update was great, paying money doesn't even seem worth it since the entire game is so gated behind timed resin even if you spend $200 to get a new character you probably wont be able to use it lol.

      Even the best value pack is $8 for 19 summons worth of gems, which is quite terrible.

    • this game doesnt gave the horrible mechanics other gacha games have, no pay for energy or you get softlocked every hr, etc, you can get through any part of the game without spending a cent

      • +1

        "no pay for energy softlock"
        Resin would like a word with you my dude.
        Really you arent wrong overall, but if you want to get strong enough to complete the tough challenges in this game its certainly very insanely slow to get required materials. Unless you instead just pay for a strong gacha character or use gems to restore resin.

        • Yeah, this is traditional mobile-gacha game that is time-gated unlike other RPGs which are just effort/grind which I think 99% of players are accustomed to. ie. you can't spend 24 hours a day playing this game and achieve 24 hours of meaningful progress. You're more likely to achieve only 2-4 hours and reach a hard limit to progress your characters/account.

    • +4

      My Brother spent like $4k on wishes……Idiot

      this works better

      • $4k on wishes

        I don't know what that is, but $4k on an intangible mobile product is just… jesus, that's bad.

        • Some people can have gambling addiction problems; and you are quite right in saying this particular game doesn't help with that.

          Not all gachas are bad, but the Eastern market perhaps responds better to them than the Western market. Unlike "loot boxes" gachas have additional mechanics around boosting the rates during certain time periods, increasing the rate the more you pull (called a "pity rate") which helps you pull something rare (but often times it can be seen as baiting the player to gamble more) up until a guaranteed random rare unit after X pulls. And in some rare games you have something called a "spark" whereby after pulling a large number of items/characters you get to choose the item you want (as a kind of insurance to guarantee you get what you want). These mechanics means there are ways to play how you spend you gacha currency and get the most out of it instead of just mindlessly throwing money at it.

        • Yeah that's his own decision. I personally wouldn't spend so much on video games but many people spend money on intangible products like movies, netflix, cable TV, game lootboxes (FIFA packs, CODM), etc. Our Internet connection is also intangible and we have to pay for it unless you're using free public Wi-Fi all the time.

          • @El Psy Kongroo: Oh sure but I think even if you added up my lifetime payments to netflix & movies, ebay plus subscription, amazon prime, I wouldn't come close to $4k. That's a lot of moolah

    • I’ve been playing it for over 100hrs and I spent about $40 bucks (you don’t have to). Lots of fun. Amazing game.

    • +1

      Just like lootbox games (FIFA, Battlefield, CODM, etc) promote gambling. FIFA packs aren't even free. They're just predatory lootbox shit.

    • +3

      I don't know why people are downvoting Odin but he is right that this particular game is predatory (though perhaps he meant ALL gachas are predatory). If you haven't played these gacha games before you need to know that Genshin is way greedier than your standard gacha game.

      60 primogems isn't even HALF a single summon (you need 160) and on top of that it's a horrible 0.6% chance to get characters from the highest rarity tier (the more F2P games sit at around 4% chance, more than 6x the rate in Genshin). 0.6% is way below the industry standard.

      Others have also mentioned the resin/stamina problem, which is something you can pay your way through.

      Can you enjoy the game for free? Most definitely! But you're going to feel so bored from the slow progression and time gating (after Adventure Rank 30 where the grind starts to get real) and the lack of free currency to summon is always going to tempt you to pay to summon.

      Mihoyo (the developer) is extremely greedy, and whilst they have put out some decent free content for all to enjoy, this is really just a game you play for the short term. Once you're done with the free content it's time to give it up.

      • -1

        I got downvoted so hard ozbargain sent me a message saying it revoked my votes in this topic. I didn't even know that was a feature.

    • +1

      Why is this downvoted. Are people really this defencive of Gatcha games? Imagine if OZB was filled with every world of tanks/warthunder/RAID SHADOW LEGENDS sponsorship code.

      • +1

        Because unlike those games this is actually pretty decent?

        • +1

          So if a slot machine is "pretty decent" we should post when the casino is doing a promo on ozbargain?

          Again, it just feels dirty and wrong to me. These sort of games rely on exploiting peoples psychological weaknesses and just empty their wallets.

          • +2

            @Odin: Or be an adult and take some personal responsibility? Seriously it's not that difficult. Your comparison is also flawed because unlike slot machines you don't have to pay a single cent to get hours of play time from this game.

            • @Epiuse: It's still built around the gatcha aspect.

    • +1

      You have a gambling problem, a lot of people dont

  • Dang what game is this and why haven't I heard of it before. Art style looks amazing.

    Is it a proper game or mobile pay to win micro transactions bs?

      • +2

        Eh I'll pass. No time for mobile gaming bs these days. Give me a full game and i'll gladly hand over $60-$100

        • +6

          it is a full game

        • +1

          It's gacha and the rates are very bad.

          Go play other games. I don't recommend it. You either spend hours to level or spend money to win.

          • +3

            @neonlight: win what? its a pve game

            you play if you enjoy exploring and questing

            if you dont, then dont play

            • -1

              @Freestyle: Unless you got the time to grind you will need to get pay to get through high stages and bosses. Winning over bosses etc

              Mate i would rather play Zelda BOTW, FE3H, Persona 5 Royal over this Gacha. At least they are full games, no additional payments.

              A lot of gamers think its ok to go for content based payment. I don't. Call me an old gamer if you like

              • +1

                @neonlight: But you paid for BOTW right? You can play this game for free by choice… if not then you can put the same money you bought for BOTW and get a lot. Obviously it's all preference but for a free game this one isn't bad.

              • +4

                @neonlight: Nah you're wrong, I haven't spent anything and I've cleared the story and beat every boss easily. The grind is about 30mins to 1 hour max per day, it's very friendly to play casually. It's not even PvP so there's nothing to "win" or compete for.

              • +1

                @neonlight: get through what? I also still dont know what you are trying to win exactly

                I got through EVERYTHING without paying a dime. I dont have a gambling problem so its not hard to “resist” buying.

                For BOtW i need to buy a $400 console, no thanks

                P5R is a completely different type of game, dont compare apples to oranges just because they are both rpgs

                • -2

                  @Freestyle: "Got through everything"
                  Have you cleared the hardest versions of all domains? cleared at least floor 8 of spiral abyss (really people are pushing way further than that).
                  All without paying on the gacha or for resin?
                  If so you must play a lot and use all/most of your freely gained gems on resin, right?
                  If you are talking just the central story, well then of course because a blind spaz could do that with base characters.

                  • +1

                    @thearbiter117: Floor 8? I cleared that last month using the main character and another 5 star that I pulled (most people have 1), its not that hard lol.
                    I'm in floor 11 now, havent spent much time trying to progress there because lots of other stuff to do.

                    Never paid for Gacha, i won the giveaway so I got that monthly card

                    Play a lot? not really no, this is not my main game and I work so I don't play as much as those youtubers who are already AR50 or sth. Use free gems on resin? No, only used the first refill a few times a week when I needed some stuff

                    If you use your resources decently you dont feel so limited :)

    • Somewhere inbetween i would have to say.
      Its like if Destiny 2 (live service, story driven RPG), Breath of the wild (exploration based gameplay, soft cartoony style) and Fate grand order (gacha character driven, with story) adopted a half chinese half japanese baby game and raised it
      You can play on PC or PS4 as well, its not only a garbage mobile game.
      For free you can have some decent fun, really only need to play excessive amounts or need gacha characters if trying to clear hardest challenges. If just playing for the story and exploration its really quite chill even with base characters.

  • +1

    I must be getting old.

  • No diona or childe I'm sad

    • -4

      Diona should be easy to get with current rate-up. I'm an F2P and I got Venti and Keqing at AR7. My housemate got Diluc at AR7. I also have an account on a different server with Venti and Klee (got Venti at AR7 and Klee at AR20). That said, we don't need to have all the characters/units to progress in the game. We'll have all the characters eventually anyway. Razor with upgraded constellations is better than Diluc with 0 / no constellation upgrade. So much easier to get Razor too. Many people disregard Bennett but he's apparently pretty good for Spiral Abyss. Some players even use Amber, Noelle, Kaeya and Lisa to clear Spiral Abyss Floor 9. Also, Traveler (MC) is probably the best character/unit.

      • I wish that getting certain characters were easier. Unfortunately not and primogems are difficult to come by (very casual player) - I only made 40 wishes last month including all the gifts given by Mihoyo. Didn't manage to get Sucrose but I did get my first 5*! Although I may have to shelve Klee given the newly updated damage received standing in burning grass.
        I'd love to have gotten Venti and Keqing at AR7. Sounds like you've had the best fun!

        • Yeah it's a naturally slower progression for casual players (and some F2Ps). Rerunning AR7 especially on PS4 wasn't fun but probably worthwhile. I'd like to add, the player I mentioned earlier didn't upgrade his units' constellations at all except for the free Traveller/ MC's constellations that you automatically get as your AR increases. He also didn't refine any of the weapons. This is really great to see for a currently-F2P player like me. His units also only use 4-star weapons that you can get quite easily.

    • Past my editing time: That player actually 9-starred Spiral Abyss Floor 9 using F2P characters (4-stars only), not just cleared it. Also here is him 6-starring (clearing with 6-stars) Spiral Abyss Floor 11 using 4-star characters only. Regarding getting 5-star character(s)/unit(s), I'm sure you already know but if you don't, everyone is guaranteed to get at least one in every 90 pulls/summons on the proper banner (pity system). Good luck.

  • +1

    What server does everyone play on America or Asia?

    • +2


    • +2

      For PS4, it's set on Asia server by default. I tried using my US account to play on US server (because my housemate made a PC account on 'default' US server) but I can't access the in-game 'Shop' on my PS4 US account. For PC and mobile, you can play on any server with pretty much full access. I think you already know this but just wanna give this info out to those who don't know.

    • +2

      for some reason my roll luck is far better in Asia server lol

      rolled diluc jean razor in one go

    • +1


      better times

      also better ping in my case

      Asia was 300

      • +1

        At launch, I selected Asia and I had around ~150 ping, then, the next day I logged in I had ~330 ping, then the day after that and everyday since I've been on the ~150 ping server (I'm from Melbourne)
        i.e. I assume either they had a server hiccup or maybe they have multiple Asia servers?
        (Also their official FAQ recommends ASIA for Oceania)

        What's your ping on US?

        • constant 210

          Asia still 300

          probably something to do with my ISP

  • -8

    is this the Chinese games which were being accused of copying Zelda, and their customer's details got hacked/leaked?

    or am I thinking of another game?

    • -4

      Alot of the animations are basically "traced" from BOTW and Nier Automata

    • -5

      This comment is exactly what I expect to see here!

      Stop being paranoid, I can probably find a breach history for every platform/website/whatever you have ever used. Admitting you're a racist is way much harder to spread hate in a random video game, isn't it?

      • +2

        Apparently virtue signalling is easier than using Google to fact check.…

        Perhaps you should try that first the next time you're tempted to call someone a racist.

        • +2

          mate you should know MO of these people by now, if you dare to question anything from/about China, instead of debating you with facts, you will just be labelled a racist :) (and neg you until your comments are hidden)

        • That's not the point, I didn't deny the game copies, and it copies a hell lot. My point is why people have to bring up China here? People say "Hey this game is a copy", but don't always emphasize where the game is made.

          • +1

            @phoenixpan: The current trend is to hate and say bad stuff on Chinese-related things, so not surprised to see many people jumping on the bandwagon when given the opportunity.

      • I didn't realised that asking a question is considered racist these days?

        I asked if I had confused this game with another, I wasn't stating it as a matter of fact that this game has plagiarized Zelda or got hacked.

      • +1

        It looks and plays like a near copy.

        Doesn't make it a bad game at all. Zelda is one of the greats. Genshin is very good to play. Maybe settle down with the hysteria though. Makes you seem unhinged.

        • +2

          yep, if you really want to pedantic about it, most games in the same genre are a copy of each other, with each developer putting their own unique touches on it.

          But some people will get really triggered if you mention that C word…………….

          • @FW190: As much as you do when you see the "C word", that's why you can't wait to comment it out, isn't it?

            Usually, people would say "Hey, this game X is a copy of…". But in this case, the "C word" must be added. It's quite obvious, no need to explain :)

            • +1

              @phoenixpan: and likewise, I bet you have been waiting for someone to mention the C word just so you could get on your moral high horse about it :)

              • @FW190: Only when it shows up unnecessarily, then yes. I am being very honest.

                It doesn't change any of your criticism against the game in your original post if you remove the word "Chinese", but you just have to have it there, and we all know why :)

                • +1

                  @phoenixpan: so do you go ctrl-f all day looking for the C word? :P

                  • -1

                    @FW190: Nope, just while I am in work break and skimming through the deals. Don't worry, I am not everywhere.

                    Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

                    • +1


                      Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

                      wut……….? ok comrade………..

                      • @FW190: See, you eat the bait so easily :P

                        Perhaps you're just playing around with me hmm…

                        • @phoenixpan: lol let's leave it at that, before the mod bans both of us………….

                          • @FW190: Anyway, nice chat, I apologize to you as I don't think you are a racist, I put the hat on you so easily, that's very bad of me.

                            I am pretty triggered when I see unnecessary mentions of the "C-word"…especially when the entire media system is broadcasting China in a negative way :(

    • You are correct, I wonder if CCP nationalists are astroturfing topics on this game - everywhere I see it there's poorly worded positive comments, and anything negative like the predatory aspects, the data breaches, the copyright infringement - they're all either hidden or pushed aside.

      • I am sure CPP spend money to hire people to downvote any Chinese-criticism on Ozbargain… XD

        • Of course that's not what I'm saying, I'm saying that nationalism and nationalistic pride drives people though.

          Look at what happened with youtube, a stupid indian music video channel became the #1 most subscribed channel on youtube - why? Purely because of Indian people displacing their pride for their country onto a music corporation.

          Same thing happens with Chinese products/companies/opinions all the time.

          Regardless, just look up the "50 cent army". Or here:

          have a read.

          • @Odin: Great thoughts. Yeah, similarly, there was a Chinese singer Xiao Zhan ( previously been supported to #1 on many overseas billboards by his fans as well…Quite a shame to see that happen as a Chinese. His operation team members even lure children to steal their parents' accounts to buy the songs a hundred times. Ridiculous.

            I am quite familiar with the "50 cents" saying, it was true, but mostly active in mainland China's internet environment. Nowadays, it's more of self-deprecation of those who comment to support China/Chinese. At least, the fact is "50 cents" (~$0.1) is far from enough to hire anyone who can write appropriate English in China…so the originality is likely to be a myth.

            But yeah, I believe every government has such a force. In China, something similar to 50 cents; In U.S., Edward Snowden and the PRISM; Even Australia has posted a law (I forget the name…) a couple of years ago to force employees to report their employer for certain activities.

            Personally, I don't think any government is clean, never trust anything on the Internet, and don't listen to any media, as none of them is objective in my perspective…The recent U.S. election made me even more disappointed, haha.

    • -2

      you are right. Its a Chinese game. You don't have to join in. don't play leave it man

      Its freaking anime crap on top of Zelda BOTW and multiplayer BS with gacha and crap rates.

      you will hit a paywall too, else you just grind

      I rather play my switch or PS4.

      Its from the same developer who tried hard with Honkai impact 3

      • There are just so many good games I can play on Switch…and just need to pay probably $5 after selling it on FB market.

    • +1

      complains about privacy

      still uses google facebook or twitter


  • +2

    With a character that has only barely started the game/tutorial, I could redeem GENSHINGIFT but not GENSHIN1111

  • Need to do a 12gb update first.

    I only made it up to the part where I nearly entered the town. Think I can use this code?

    • +2

      You can redeem codes on the website so give it a try

      • Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a go!

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